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Talk:Gunnilbo socken

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It is a bit unclear how each of the following sections relate to the parish. For instance, were there both vicars and chaplains of the church?

List of Kyrkoherdar (Vicars)
Andreas Georgii Troninus, 2nd vicar of Gunnilbo
# Name Lifetime Vicarage Notes
1 Petrus Henrici Barchæus ca1580-1654 1638-1654 grandson of vicar Henricus Andreæ Norlandus in Söderbärke (W)
2 Andreas Georgii Troninus ca1616-1655 1654-1655 married Brita Persdotter Silnæa, widowed (see #3)
3 Henricus Petri Barchæus 1622-1695 1655-1695 son of #1, married widow of #2
4 Johannes Laurentii Barchelius 1648-1698 1695–1698 married Susanna Barchæus (daughter of #3)
5 Laurentius Elfwius 1667-1700 1698–1700 son of Laurentius Petri Elfvius, vicar in Orsa (W)
6 Johannes Kumblin 1661-1725 1700–1725 married Susanna Barchæus (widow of #4)
7 Isac Arosell 1686-1730 1725–1730 married Margareta Barchelius (daughter of #4)
8 Olof Hellenius 1685-1731 1730–1731 married Margareta Barchelius (widow of #7)
9 Eric Kumblin 1702-1760 1732–1760 son of #6
10 Abraham Schultzberg 1719-1802 1760–1786 married Maria Kumblin (daughter of #9), later vicar of Skinnskatteberg (U)
11 Jacob Rhamnelius 1733-1788 1786–1788
12 Johan Petter Arlberg 1749-1820 1789–1820
13 Anders Norberg 1770-1840 1821-1840
13 Daniel Löfwenius 1792-1843 1840-1843
List of Comministrar (Chaplains)
# Name Lifetime Chaplainage Notes
1 Petrus Gangius 1630-1692 1665-1677 became vicar of Haraker (U)
2 Johannes Laurentii Barchelius 1648-1698 1677-1695 vicar of this parish after
3 Johannes Kumblin 1661-1725 1695-1700 vicar of this parish after
4 Petrus Matthiae Weström 1677-1746 1700-1746 m. Anna Forselius, daughter of vicar of Haraker
5 Johan Arhusius 1711-1756 1747-1756 m. Anna Christ. Fellenius, daughter of vicar of Ljusnarsberg
6 Jonas Bergnell 1719-1770 1756-1790 m. Anna Christ. Fellenius, widow of #6
7 Jacob Rhamnelius 1733-1788 1771-1790 m. Maria Christ. Hellbom, daughter of vicar of Våla (U)
8 Olof Eckman 1750-1819 1785-1806 became vicar of Nås (U)
9 Lars Sundberg 1763-1808 1806-1808 m. Eva Brita Godenius, daughter of vicar of Gagnef (W)
10 Anders Norberg 1770-1840 1809-1812 vicar of this parish after
11 Anders Samuel Schultz 1778-1842 1812-1826 became vicar of Hed (U)
12 Johan Thorell 1785-1842 1827-1829 chaplain in Söderbärke (W) after
13 Pehr Olof Liedström 1800-???? 1843-?????

What is the list of villages? How does it relate to this specific article?

If it's meant to be a list of nearby villages, it should likely focus on the ones that are closest to the village.

There are no sources for this information - and there isn't corresponding information in the Swedish article about the parish or the church for any of this information.--CaroleHenson (talk) 12:22, 24 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The page author did supply the following two sources:

The first is a reproduction of a 19th-century book and the articles the same editor created on the various vicars all refer to it in plain text, so it is presumably where their biographies and dates of incumbency are taken from. The second may be the source of the list of villages (hamlets may be more accurate). Yngvadottir (talk) 15:08, 24 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Yngvadottir, Excellent, thanks! I've put back the vicars and chaplains.
Is the list of villages meant to be a list of nearby villages? Are some of these considered to be villages within Gunnilbo (like Farna)?
It seems like a long list to be within Gunnilbo - except Farna. What villages should be included and what is the context. Thanks so much for shedding light on this!!!!--18:15, 24 May 2014 (UTC)
I did some searching in sv.wikipedia, which I believe substantiates my hunch: sv:Kedjebo and sv:Killinghammar both say they are hammarområde, which I'm going to make a guess is an iron foundry location. Hyttor in the source title refers, I believe, to an extraction location. So these were mining/ore processing settlements, or perhaps in some instances permanent settlements, but very small - hamlets rather than villages. The names of the first two simply mean East and West Gunnilbo. A rural parish encompassing a number of very small settlements, some of which may no longer exist. However, I hope the editor himself will respond after seeing your note on his talk page, and I'm pinging Bishonen for a check of my tentative translations. Yngvadottir (talk) 19:52, 24 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Excellent detective work! I think that makes 1) Östra Gunnilbo (Österbo), 2) Väster Gunnilbo, 3) Lilla Färna, 4) Färna bruk and 5) Bockhammars bruk all mining sites based upon your insight and info from a source for the article. It's also much appreciated your reaching out for assistance with translation! It's very helpful!--CaroleHenson (talk) 20:00, 24 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Gunnilbo River


There is some interesting information in this pdf file about the Gunnilbo River, its having been dammed for mining enterprises and its current state. I assume that this is the tributary that slips in behind the Gunnilbo Church from the Farna area, but I couldn't find anything conclusive to verify its location.

Does anyone know the location of the Gunnilbo River?--CaroleHenson (talk) 21:18, 24 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Search for the Swedish name "Gunnilboån". How about this map at openstreetmap? One can also make it out on the Google Maps satellite images. Where one can't see the somewhat meandering dark line of the water, there is a line of trees that seem to stand along the river. --Hegvald (talk) 22:38, 24 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Excellent, thanks! That's where I thought it was, great to have the confirmation.--CaroleHenson (talk) 23:38, 24 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]