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Talk:Keith Vaz/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Surrey West

There was no Parliamentary seat called Surrey West in 1984 for Keith Vaz to have run for it. There was a seat called Surrey South West which did have a by-election in 1984, but Barbara Roche ran for Labour in that one. Further according to this, Keith Vaz ran in no by-elections during that Parliament. --New Progressive 19:13, 8 December 2005 (UTC)


Is it necessary to say, hence the Portuguese surname? He may be the offspring of a Goan, but there is no need to portray Mr Vaz as a relic of the Portuguese Empire. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:34, 13 January 2008 (UTC)


A couple of sentences I have decided to take out.

1. I find no evidence to support this line: "expressing his concerns over Bully during Prime Minister's Question Time to Geoff Hoon who was taking Tony Blair's place at the time." so have removed.

2. "He has reportedly not seen the actual game at any point, and has formed his views on it from the publisher's publicity material." What reports? Please cite some.

Added Category

Added Indian Christians category.-- 08:03, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Added British Asians category-- 04:36, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Keith Vaz on Geert Wilders

Criticizing a film and admitting he didn't see it. --RCS (talk) 22:15, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Video game violence

This section is seriously inaccurate and can't remain. See WP:BLP. It was the parents who blamed Manhunt for the murder, something the police rejected. Vaz merely stated what their beliefs were.
The section is disproportionately long and the words "has outspoken views on their content" need a reference, see WP:NPOV.
I'm intending to shorten it to address these point. JRPG (talk) 15:15, 6 June 2010 (UTC)


I intend to amend this to put it in context using TheyWorkForYou in addition to the existing source. Also to state what the new rules are. JRPG (talk) 07:32, 15 June 2010 (UTC)

Boris Johnson

Shouldn't something be put in about this twat(Vaz, not Johnson) secretly tape recording a conversation with the mayor? I think it was about Vaz's hatred of fundamental human rights, and how Boris Johnson swore at him! Vaz then proceeded to smugly take this tape to the press, but IMHO, the whole affair backfired when people were more appalled by Vaz's duplicity than Boris Johnson's honest swearing and Labour lost some prestige. (talk) 17:25, 11 November 2010 (UTC)

Firstly what I think or you think is irrelevant. We are required to maintain a neutral point of view though I'm not convinced this article as a whole does that. There are several sources including this and this which describe what happened but it doesn't seem to be a major event. Virtually every business phone call I make gets recorded and more than one politician has been known to swear however futile that may be. Boris seems to have been disrespectful and very badly prepared but he may have had a good reason which must be given. However the incident tells us very little about Keith and so is irrelevant here.JRPG (talk) 18:48, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Chair of Home Affairs Committee Into NOTW Hacking

Any comments about why he allowed Mr.Hayman to be questioned by members of the committee on newspaper articles, using quotations that were attributed to him, but were unsourced and undated? Seems a spectacularly low standard of Chairing such a key investigation - unsourced quotations from unnamed newspapers is hardly'evidence'.

Vaz appears to be entirely unfamiliar with the UK rules on disclosure of evidence before such committees, and frankly, needs to be 'straightened out' on this (and other) matters of UK culture and customs. (talk) 16:31, 12 July 2011 (UTC)HindujaShouldHaveBeenTheLastWeHeardOfHim79.75.212.133 (talk) 16:31, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

There seems to be no mention in the article of Vaz's heading the HAC session on Tuesday 19 July 2011 re the hacking. Span (talk) 21:55, 17 July 2011 (UTC)

More Clouseau than Columbo Comment to Andrew Hayman==

Preferable to being 'more Berlusconi than Ramsey McDonald' - beyond belief a man who was forced to retire from public life because of the amount of sleazy, oily dealings he was caught up in, and was only exposed by virtue of journalists like those at the NOTW,is now chairing an 'impartial' committee looking at the NOTW hacking business.Surely they could have mustered ONE person who had never been accused of such behaviour? Martin Bell - understands journalism as well as politics - would be ideal . (talk) 23:15, 12 July 2011 (UTC)mummywassoproudofhim79.75.212.133 (talk) 23:15, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

Pot? Kettle? Perverting The Course Of Justice

After Vaz falsely alleged Elizabeth Filkin had made harassing telephone calls to his mother on her mobile after the Hinduja corruption charges surfaced, Filkin was able to prove that this was not the case, using electronic audit trails similar to those involved in the NOTW hacking inquiry -Vaz' knowledge of mobile telephony and own corruption in office makes his appointment as Chair of this Committee risible- who put pressure on Leicester Constabulary NOT to refer this,and the waste of police time to the CPS?

Sue Akers

Why was Sue Akers, who is heading the Metropolitan Police Force's ongoing investigation into the NOTW hacking and corruption allegations, repeatedly asked questions about the ongoing investigation at the Home Affairs Committee inquiry on 12/07/2011? Keith Vaz is allegedly a qualified solicitor - as Chairman, why did he allow this level of procedural breach? (talk) 13:20, 12 July 2011 (UTC)twl212.139.99.5 (talk) 13:20, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

Perhaps a link to the Nixon's 'Watergate' scandal should be included? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:27, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

Facebook Campaign to have him sacked?

Is the Facebook campaign to give Keith Vaz his p45 still running? The site is still online at <http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=76314412650> : any background details as to who started it, and which of his activities prompted it? 21:10, 12 July 2011 (UTC)twl79.75.212.133 (talk) 21:10, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

Vaz's Recent Relationship With Bent Lawyer

In the Daily Mail in June 2010 (<http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1262589/Keith-Vaz-The-truth-crooked-lawyer-Labour-MP-tries-charge-crucial-committee.html>), Vaz's wife was said to have accepted a free holiday in Rome from Shahrokh Mireskandari. Vaz has tried to head off a possible investigation into Iranian-born Mireskandari by the legal watchdog, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and intervened in a court case, but an investigation by the parliamentary sleaze watchdog cleared Mr Vaz of any wrongdoing, as no cash was involved. In May 2008 Mireskandari turned up at a Vaz-led Home Affairs Select Committee trip to Moscow. When asked about Mireskandari's presence at a formal dinner and meeting at the Russian parliament, Vaz pretended to fellow MPs that he didn't know him very well. But the following month, in his capacity as chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Mr Vaz wrote to the High Court asking that a case involving Mireskandari be delayed pending the outcome of an investigation into complaints he had made against two previous judges involved in the case. He did not seek the permission of fellow committee members, and did not disclose his friendship with Mireskandari to the court. He claimed not to be close friends, but ...

August 22, 2007 Mr Vaz gave the first of two eulogies to Mireskandari's late mother. The next day, Mireskandari's firm Dean and Dean made an £11,000 donation to the Labour Party. August 29, 2007 Mireskandari wrote a formal letter to his friend Mr Vaz complaining about his treatment at the hands of the Solicitors Regulation Authority, which had grave concerns about the running of his law firm. The letter cited more than 60 grievances. On September 4, the SRA's chief executive, Anthony Townsend, duly received an official letter from Mr Vaz. It referred to 'a Dr S Mireskandari' and failed to mention the dinners, concerts and gala evenings he and the complainant had enjoyed together. September 27, 2007 Mr Vaz gave another eulogy at a second memorial service for Mireskandari's late mother. He said he was 'absolutely delighted to be here this evening', although he admitted he never knew the dead woman. 'But I do know her son and count him as a very, very dear friend,' added Mr Vaz in a recording of his speech obtained by the Mail.

December 15, 2007 Mr Vaz was 'guest of honour' at the Dean and Dean Christmas Party at the Hilton, Park Lane, for the bent lawyer's most valued friends and clients. Before handing one of the firm's lawyers an award, the MP told the audience: 'Can I just very briefly join in the tributes of so many other distinguished lawyers and academics. 'A tribute to the amazing achievements of Dean and Dean and, in particular, the vision behind Dean and Dean, Shahrokh Mireskandari. The presence of so many of their clients and friends - and I regard myself as one of their friends - is a tribute to the extraordinary talent of the people who work there.'

February 2008 Mr Vaz's wife and ten-year-old daughter accompanied Mireskandari on the luxury weekend trip to Rome. A few days later, at the House of Commons, Mr Vaz was master of ceremonies as the bent lawyer was presented with the 'Asian Lawyer of the Year' award.

Are there any precedents for chairmen of previous select committees being engulfed by allegations of bias and corruption choosing to remain in that office, rather than protecting Parliamentary integrity by resigning? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:07, 15 July 2011 (UTC)

Expensive and Hypocritical Second Home Expenses

You say new expenses rules which came into force after the 2010 general election limit the second home allowance to £1,450 a month, i.e. the Westminster cost of renting a one bedroomed flat.[27] Why is this amount so much higher than the corresponding market rents for similar properties in the same ares, that is used for housing benefit purposes? ie why are MPs expenses so much higher than those of everyone else renting accomodation in the same area?????