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Talk:List of Miracleman story arcs

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  1. On Miracleman v Marvelman I personally think current identity, worldwide notability and the critical standing of the revival are unignorable factors. A bit like the Miller publishing model there's not been many (any?) precedents like it as far as I can see (though no-one calls Robot Archie by the Jungle Robot name). While the character's original name is naturally of great importance it's inescapable that the renamed version has a higher international profile in any quantifiable metric, and we're rapidly approaching a tipping point where it's been Miracleman longer than Marvelman to boot. Miracleman's done everything Marvelman's done, whereas Marvelman hasn't done everything Miracleman's done, if that makes sense. Thus for, say, character articles the current ongoing versions should be primary IMO, as long as we include the right clarifications.
  2. Related... in the comics the characters use their "superhero" and "civilian" names interchangeably for quite sensible reasons. However for histories and synopsises I feel it aids clarity to refer to the superhuman forms by the former and the unaltered forms by the latter. This could be due to my faults as a writer as I can't find a way to put across the state of affairs presented in fiction without bogging down and getting tangential, which I do enough of anyway (cite:everythingihavedoneonwikipedia).
  3. However any of this crap some places use about "pantheon" being a team name should be discouraged with extreme prejudice.
  4. The Yesterday Gambit stuff is so strange; Moore almost seems to go out of his way to reference it (to the extent where Huey and Silence almost seem to be created so the story makes sense) but by then the decision had surely been made to skip reprinting it...? It's odd that Eclipse never used it as a backup considering some of the mad crap they threw out in the title, and the only possible reason seems to be Moore vetoing it...Fornicate me though it's unsettling how so much of the story, including what little we know about the Dark Age, still more or less fits with the Warrior Universe chronology. Without wanting to fanboy, what an imagination.
  5. Also on the subject of things I've potentially misunderstood am I being dumb or does basically nothing happen between the building of the moon base thing in mid/late 83 and Bates returning in August 85? It's weird for a storyline that's so tightly plotted and - unusually for a superhero story - dated but in #14 there just seems to this year-plus jump during which MM, MW and the Warsmiths seem to just watch Earth and do literally nothing, and MM just sits in Silence undisturbed. There doesn't even seem to be any character movement as he's still briefly the sort-of human superpowered Mike Moran afterwards rather than emerging as the more distant figure narrating the flashbacks. It feels like I'm missing something.
  6. Similarly I'm correct in thinking Phon Mooda does the square root of eff-all in London, right? Alan could at least have let her do Marble Arch or something.
  7. I can't really find anything about the mechanics and/or canonicity of Total Eclipse. I mean presumably at the time Gaiman was required to at least okay it as he believed he part-owned the character but obviously it's a bit incongruous in the character's history and not mentioned at all in MM, or it seems many (any?) interviews with the creators.
  8. Is there a story-in-progress template we can tag to the end of the Silver Age summary? I've intentionally kept SA summary material to a bare minimum for the time being. It does feel like the story is heading in a direction that might question if we're seeing the "real" Young Miracleman so taking too much of what's been published at incomplete face value could lead to a lot of backtracking, especially as we seem to be talking only a couple of months before we get the answers.
  9. I'm unsure of what issues of SA1-2 to cite in fictional articles; my gut says #23-24 of Eclipse as it was the first publication but at the same time Marvel SA1-2 are substantially redrawn and seem to have overwritten the originals. BoomboxTestarossa (talk) 11:50, 9 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]