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Talk:Nowe Ateny

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A translation of the title into English should be provided. Aminullah 12:15, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Also to be translated and wikilinked, some topics covered by the encyclopedia.


References in (10%) the first 4 chapters: Cantipratano, Josephus, Scaliger, Calvisius, Torniellus, Ascanius Martinongus, Genebrardus, Saltanus, Jozue, Teofila bishop cezarey, Beda.Kirchero, Brunus, vulgo Brunin, st Augustyn, Xiędza Pais Soc. Jezu, RP. 1618, Plinian, Kircher, Mahomet, Joannes Foxus, Pantaleon, Adrianus, Origenes, Epifaniusz, Klemens Alexandryiski, Euzebiusz, Hieronim, Beda, Anzelm, Drexeliusz , Teofilakt, Eutymiusz, Tomasz, Barradiasz , Gregorio Turonensi, Drexelius, Pruszcz, [p[Lateran Palace|Laterano]]?, Anselmus Solenius de Pileo, Procopio, Cedrenus, Petrus Calenticus, Jan Hybners, Theodoretus, St Cyril -- which one?, Ambroży, Sozomenus, Nicephorus -- I assume all three, Grzegorz Turoński, Tirina, Jan Toletus, Drexelius, St Justyn, Irenaeus, Gretser, Baroniusz, Izaak, [Faraj ben Salim|Ferrarius]], Wilhelm Gumpenberg, Tertulianus, Origenes, Basilius, Athanasius, Ambrosius, Joannes Kwiatkiewicz, Lucyusz III, Wokowany, Cyriak Postnik, Gennadius -- I assume, du Cange, X. Ludwik Maimbur, X. Łubieński -- maybe, -Geography, X. Lancicius Polish Ascetical theologian 17th c. ze Krakowu, Bielicki, Kornelius, Jan Damascen, AN -Euchologium, Bellarmmus, Franciscus Suarez, Raynaudus, Domimcus, Baronius, Plato, Martinus Polonus -- Martinus?, Luitprandus, Chrysostomus Henriąuez, Cajetanus, Engelgrave

KP Botany 04:04, 2 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

please someone with active account add:


The book remains famous even today in Polish popular culture, mainly for the sentence What is a horse, anyone can see (PL: koń, jaki jest, każdy widzi) - which denotes something so obvious, that doesn't need explanation. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:41, 18 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]



@Hector Stronsky: The last paragraph of the Legacy section seems to have been directly copied from the cited article—I'm assuming it's not in the public domain (at least, according to my brief research), so I think this violates Wikipedia's plagiarism policy (Wikipedia:Plagiarism). (My apologies for the bother if I'm mistaken.) BalinKingOfMoria (talk) 05:41, 1 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]