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Talk:Operation of computed tomography

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Doesn't fit here

3D reconstruction of the brain and eyes from CT scanned DICOM images. In this image, areas with the density of bone or air were made transparent, and the slices stacked up in an approximate free-space alignment. The outer ring of material around the brain are the soft tissues of skin and muscle on the outside of the skull. A black box encloses the slices to provide the black background. Since these are simply 2D images stacked up, when viewed on edge the slices disappear since they have effectively zero thickness. Each DICOM scan represents about 5mm of material averaged into a thin slice.

This image doesn't really help in explaining the operation of operation of computed tomography. Also, it is a very atypical CT presentation. Mikael Häggström (talk) 15:20, 8 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]