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Talk:United Kingdom National Renewable Energy Action Plan

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Dear Sieleron, I've notice that you've largely copied text from the UKNREAP. I've removed most of it, but I'm positive there is still plagiarism on this article. I'm think we should delete this page. But perhaps you would like to update the page so we don't have to do that? Kind regards, Timelezz (talk) 23:07, 2 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Material removed in 2024


Hello, when adding sourcing I could not figure out what to do with this material, but in any case it was written in the conditional and I don't think it belongs. (talk) 20:56, 22 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

MATERIAL REMOVED BEGINS HERE The share of RES heat in 2005 was 0.48 ktoe and is projected to increase up to 6.2 Mtoe, growing from 0,7% to 12%. By 2020, Bioenergy will still have the biggest share of RES heat, reaching 3.6 Mtoe with a seven-fold increase. In 2005, the consumption of RES electricity was 1.5 TWh, constituting 4.7%. The target for RES electricity for 2020 is 116 TWh, marking a substantial increase. The biggest share will come from wind power (78 TWh and capacity 2800 MW). The bioelectricity would be 20.6 TWh and from biogas 5.6 TWh. The increase for biomass would be five-fold and for biogas 120%. The RES in the traffic sector in 2005 was 0,188 Mtoe and the increase would be really massive, up to 4,5 Mtoe, in 2020. The share would increase from 0,2% to 10,17%. The consumption of ethanol use would be 1,7 Mtoe and biodiesel use would be 2,5 Mtoe. MATERIAL REMOVED ENDS HERE