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Talk:Yalçın Küçük

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Translating titles is inherently difficult. Here are some alternative translations of the some of the titles:

  • Türkiye üzerine Tezler - 5 volumes (Theses' on Turkey)
  • Aydın Üzerine Tezler - 5 volumes (Theses' Turkish Intelligentsia)
  • 100 Soruda Planlama Kalkınma ve Türkiye (Planning and Development and Turkey in 100 questions)
  • Endüstrileşmenin Temel Sorunları: Sovyet Deneyimi (Fundamental Problems of Industrialization: the Soviet Experience)
  • Qua Vadimus - Nereye Gidiyoruz? (Where are we headed?)
  • Sovyetler Birliğinde Sosyalizmin Kuruluşu (Establishment of Socialism in Soviet Union)
  • Sovyetler Birliğinde Sosyalizmin Çözülüşü (Demolition of Socialism in Soviet Union)
  • Estetik Hesaplaşma (Cosmetic Faceoff)
  • 21 Yaşında Çocuk: Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Mehmet the Conqueror: A 21-year-old Boy)
  • Ermeni Rahiple Mektuplaşmalar (Correspondence with an Armenian Priest)
  • Emperyalist Türkiye (Imperialist Turkey)
  • Kürtler Üzerine Tezler (Theses' on Kurds)
  • Kürt Bahçesinde Sözleşi (Randezvous in Kurdish Garden)
  • İsimlerin İbranileştirilmesi / Tekelistan - 1 / Türk Yahudi isimleri Sözlüğü (Hebrew forms of Names / Monopolyland 1 / Turkish - Hebrew names dictionary)
  • Ders 1: Küçülme Savaş (Lesson 1: Fight Getting Smaller)

AverageTurkishJoe (talk) 01:36, 26 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]