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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc dolor dolor, iaculis non ornare at, pellentesque interdum eros. Suspendisse ut rutrum dolor. Donec fringilla, sem id dignissim pharetra, augue lectus lobortis enim, vel sodales massa orci a felis. In blandit egestas elit, non venenatis velit. Vestibulum est nisi, dignissim in risus eget, tincidunt semper ex. Integer non consequat sem. Nunc urna felis, lacinia nec varius nec, auctor non orci. Duis sapien dolor, consequat eu sodales non, vestibulum vitae risus.

Create Section Headers 1[edit]

Morbi nec neque sit amet eros vestibulum mattis. Ut convallis tempor augue ut laoreet. Donec in justo at massa sollicitudin lobortis a eu urna. Phasellus in viverra ligula, scelerisque aliquam orci. Aliquam lobortis sagittis aliquet. Vivamus eget maximus elit. Aenean vitae interdum ex, sed tristique risus. Quisque vel cursus nulla. Suspendisse scelerisque tellus vel orci accumsan euismod. Duis eu felis nec sapien auctor convallis. Vestibulum sollicitudin fermentum convallis.

Create section headers 2[edit]

Example 1[edit]

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three

Curabitur dapibus gravida lorem ac congue. Donec scelerisque purus id lobortis faucibus. Phasellus gravida euismod semper. Quisque sagittis, dui sit amet aliquet condimentum, nisi leo consectetur lectus, sed tristique orci felis id erat. Phasellus eu sollicitudin mi. Nam laoreet aliquet tempor. Vivamus purus mauris, egestas eget porttitor ut, placerat lobortis libero.

Muhlenberg College Quisque vel ullamcorper mi, vitae molestie nisi. Maecenas est risus, molestie sit amet sem at, luctus volutpat odio. Nam commodo cursus libero vel pretium. Aliquam cursus dignissim dapibus. Quisque quis lorem efficitur, gravida est interdum, aliquet lacus.

Example 2[edit]

Etiam sollicitudin ligula ac malesuada lobortis. Curabitur accumsan facilisis luctus. Praesent quis maximus nisi, et sodales lectus. Morbi sagittis mi dolor. Etiam et enim eros. Curabitur dapibus diam mauris, ultrices lobortis metus efficitur in. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.[1]


Muhlenberg College Website [bold]

Napoleon Bonaparte[edit]

Integer vitae lectus vitae est maximus rhoncus. Aenean facilisis tempus nunc. Donec ut neque id mi laoreet mollis. Morbi vel felis efficitur, rutrum purus vel, accumsan ante. Praesent ornare, ipsum a interdum fermentum, augue nibh porttitor dolor, nec convallis sapien ipsum vitae neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus ac sodales lorem.

Personal Lives[edit]

Wendy Tilby[edit]

Wendy Tilby was born in 1960 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tilby studied visual arts and literature at the University of Victoria before studying film and animation at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, where she met Forbis. Tilby used to teach animation at Harvard and Concordia University. Tilby was also external examiner for animation at the Royal College of Art in London from 2007-2009.

Amanda Forbis[edit]

Amanda Forbis attended the University of Lethbridge as well as the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design. Like Tilby, she went on from the Emily Carr Institute to complete animation work for the National Film Board of Canada on the 1995 short The Reluctant Deckhand. Forbis has also worked as an instructor at the Arts Umbrella Children’s Art Centre in Vancouver, as well as leading many animation workshops for children.


Wendy Tilby[edit]


  • The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2012: Animation (2012)
  • Wild Life, Short film (2011)
  • United Airlines: The Meeting, Short video (2006)
  • When the Day Breaks, Short film (1999)
  • Inside Out (1995)
  • The National Film Board of Canada's Animation Festival, Television movie (1991)
  • Strings, Short film (1991)
  • Tables of Contents, Short film (1986)

Animation Department[edit]

  • When the Day Breaks, Short film (1999)
  • A Case Study: Cambodia and East Timor, Short documentary (1994)
  • A Propaganda Model of the Media Plus Exploring Alternative Media, Short (1994)
  • Concision: No Time for New Ideas, Short (1994)
  • ""Holocaust Denial vs. Freedom of Speech, Short documentary (1994)
  • Toward a Vision of a Future Society, Short documentary (1994)
  • Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chumsky and the Media, Documentary (1992)
  • Strings Short film (1986)


  • Wild Life, Short film (2011)
  • When the Day Breaks, Short film (1999)
  • Strings Short film (1986)

Amanda Forbis[edit]


  • Wild Life, Short film (2011)
  • United Airlines: The Meeting, Short video (2006)
  • When the Day Breaks, Short film (1999)


  • Joe, Short (2003)
  • When the Day Breaks, Short film (1999)
  • The Reluctant Deckhand, Short film (1995)
  • Seven Crows a Secret, Short Documentary (1994)


  • Wild Life, Short film (2011)

Animation styles[edit]


This film was not a collaboration between Tilby and Forbis, it was only worked on by Tilby. The animation style used is reminiscent of Caroline Leaf's method of painting on frosted glass, used in her 1976 short film, The Street. However, Tilby used bottom-lighting in her film, instead of top lighting like Caroline Leaf. She used an animation camera apparatus and worked directly under the camera, she applied, moved, and removed the colored paints on the glass until the frame was finished. When the frame was complete she took two frames worth of footage from the overhead camera. Then she would modify the image to make the next frame, and repeat the process. To make details on the characters' faces and in their body language Tilby used a stylus and scratched details into the paint. She also used her fingers, q-tips, and tissues to move the paint around the glass and change the scene. Tilby enjoys using this method because the artist erases the previous work as they go, and it forces her not to dwell on what she has already shot and keep going with the filming.[2]

When the Day Breaks[edit]

This film was co-directed by Tilby and Forbis and was made using a new animation technique that they designed. The duo used a Hi-8 video camera and shot real life scenes of people and objects, the film focuses in on many mundane inanimate objects, and other things that they thought they might include. They then printed stills from these scenes on a video printer attached to a VCR as three by four inch images that they enlarged slightly. They then would take these stills and draw on them. This technique was designed to save time, however, the film took about four years to complete.

Wild Life[edit]

In the making of Wild Life Tilby and Forbis experimented with many different techniques for animation. They wanted to find a technique that would save them some time, the last film they had made took them four years. However, they also wanted to make sure their technique allowed them to get the look and style that they wanted for their film. They tried many computer drawing and hybrid techniques in an effort to save time, however, they eventually found that the computer drawing wouldn't work, as the effect was too clean and it didn't seem right for this film. They decided to print their images onto paper and use gouache painting. They then scanned these images onto the computer and would sometimes do some composting on some of the images. This process ended up taking about seven years, however, they achieved the texture and style that they wanted to with the film.[3]


  1. ^ Stiff Mary Roach 2009
  2. ^ Jones, G. W. (1991). CANADIAN PRESERVE FOR AN ENDANGERED SPECIES: THE FREE ANIMATOR. Post Script, 10(3), 13-29
  3. ^ http://www.awn.com/animationworld/oscar-2012-wendy-tilby-and-amanda-forbis-talk-wild-life