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Lupinus mutabilis ---------> this box already exists on the wikipedia page!
Pisac, Peru
Scientific classification
L. mutabilis
Binomial name
Lupinus mutabilis

Lupinus mutabilis is a species of lupin grown in the Andes, mainly for its edible bean. But there are other interesting aspects why Lupinus mutabilis could be an important international crop. Vernacular names include tarwi, tarhui, chocho, altramuz, Andean lupin, South American lupin, Peruvian field lupin, or pearl lupin.[1] The high content of alkaloids (bitter principle) in the seed is the main reason, why the crop is not very known outside the Andes. But this content could be decreased by different processes. [1]

Origin and Dissemination


The origin of Lupinus mutabilis has been identified in the Andean region of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. [2] There was found the greatest genetic variability of Lupinus mutabilis in the world. The plant has been domesticated more than 1500 years ago, especially for its high protein content.[1]



Lupinus mutabilis is an annual plant, with a genome containing 2n = 48 chromosomes. Depending on the genomic properties and environmental conditions height reaches from 0.5 to 2.80 meters. In general species from northern South America reach higher altitudes than species from the south. This is due to the higher vegetative growth.[3] Genomic variation is big and therefore morphology varies too. There exist several architectural types. The stem is hollow and highly branched. Branching in V-form is the most common. This type has the highest biomass production. A second type is the basal branching. This type has the positive feature that infructescence is at the same level. Therefore this species is preferable. Other reasons to boost this type are early ripening and stability and homogeneity of the quality of seeds.[3]


The fruit is a 5-12 cm long pod, depending on the amount of seed. One pod contains on average 2-3 seeds, but can have up to 9 seed per pod. The thousand-seed weight (TSW) is around 200g. Leaves are palmate and have a typical appearance. One leave is divided in five to twelve leaflets, which have an oval or lanceolate form. The form is typical for Faboideaes. The corolla reaches 1-2 cm and contains five petals. Variation in coloration is high and reaches from white to purple. The white coloration is recessive to purple. Lupinus mutabilis has a strong taproot reaching 3 m length. Like all Leguminosae secondary roots build nodules containing bacteria for nitrogen fixation.[3]


Growing cycle varies from 150 to 360 days, depending on the genotype, altitude and environmental conditions. Phenological phases are: emergence, first true leaf, formation of the raceme on the central stem, flowering, podding, pod ripening, and physiological maturity.[3]




It may have not been more widely used because it is bitter due to alkaloid content. It contains unusually high, for lupins, amounts of sparteine, which make up nearly half its alkaloid content. However, the alkaloids are water-soluble and can be removed by soaking the seeds for some days in water. Another possibility is the denaturation by heating.[2] Average protein content is 42% and average fat content is 18%.[3] The high fat content has allowed commercial oil pressing. The protein digestibility and nutritional value are reportedly similar to those in soybeans.

Contents in the seed (in percent): [4]

Ingredient Amount in percent Range
Protein 42.6 37.7 – 49.7
Oil 18.7 12.8 – 22.2
Fibre 6.27 4.29 – 7.51
Ash 3.69 3.10 – 4.24
Carbohydrates 27.3 23.7 – 29.9
Alkaloids 3.26 2.56 – 4.14

Human consumption

The bone-white seed has been used as a food by Andean people since ancient times, especially in soups, stews, salads and by itself mixed with boiled maize. Like other legumes, its protein is rich in the essential amino acid lysine. The distribution of essential fatty acids is about 28% linoleic acid (omega-6) and 2% linolenic acid (omega-3). It has a soft seed coat that makes for easy cooking.

Green Manure and soil improver

As a legume Lupinus mutabilis is able to fix Nitrogen from the air. Succeeding cultures can profit of 60 to 140 kg nitrogen per hectare. Incorporated in the flowering stage it also can raise the quantity of organic matter and improve the soil structure.[2]

Agricultural aspects


Soil and climate requirements

Lupinus mutabilis is a crop for cool climates and exists mainly in cool valleys at high altitude, such as the Andes at tropical latitudes. The crop can be grown at an altitude that ranges from 800 to 3000 m. The crop withstands exceptional levels of drought. Mature plants are resistant to frost, whereas seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures.

Cultivation technique


In traditional farming practices minimum tilling is done before sowing 100 to 120 kg unselected seed per hectare. In the case of improved cultivation a fertilization of up to 80 kg Phosphorus and 60 kg of Potassium fertilization is recommended. Sawing of 90 kg selected seed in a distance of 60 to 80 cm then is done. Plants germinate fast due to the high fat content in the seeds.[1]

Crop rotation aspects

Early varieties of Lupinus mutabilis, with a growing period of about 150 days, can be cultivated in a rotation with potato and cereals. Nematode disease of potato can be controlled by alkaloids when potato is cultivated after Lupinus mutabilis.[1]


In traditional farming practices harvest occurs when plants have reached full maturity. Harvest at a water content of 8-12%.[3] Yield is variable and depends on soil, nutrient availability and environmental conditions. From peasant plots average yield is about 500 to 1000 kg per hectare under suitable conditions yield reaches up to 3500 kg per hectare.[2]

Disease control

Alkaloids can act as a pesticide but breeding goals aim to a low alkaloid content. Therefore other disease control methods must be applied. Since Lupinus mutabilis is a low-input crop, disease control mainly is done by phytosanitary methods.[3] A reduction of soil born saprophytes can be reached by the removal of dry straw from field. Instead of the use as green manure, straw can be used as fuel. Seed borne diseases can be reduced by translocation of the seed production to a place where pathogen pressure is small. In case that seed production that is done by the cultivator, diseases can be controlled by reducing the number of seed that are infected and by a permanent control of diseases in the field and the removal of infected plants. Another possibility is to treat seed with a fungicide prior sawing.[3] Breeding of disease resistance and tolerance seems to be a promising tool for disease control in the future.

Breeding goals

Since species with low alkaloid content are already available a further step would be to make them more stable and low alkaloid content is inherited. Other breeding goals are tolerance to diseases and insects, improvement in yield, early maturing and synchronous ripening. Higher resistance could be reached by breeding a variety with high alkaloid content in leaves but not in seeds.[1]



  1. ^ a b c d e f Lost crops of the Incas: little-known plants of the Andes with promise for worldwide cultivation / report of an ad hoc panel of the Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation, Board on Science and Technology for International Development, National Research Council. - Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1989, page 180-189.
  2. ^ a b c d Neglected crops: 1492 from a different perspective / ed. by J. E. Hernández Bermejo and J. León; publ. in collab. with the Botanical Garden of Córdoba (Spain) as part of the Etnobotánica 92 Programme (Andalusia, 1992). - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1994.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h El cultivo y la utilización del tarwi: Lupinus mutabilis sweet / por Rainer Gross. - Roma: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, 1982.
  4. ^ http://de.scribd.com/doc/61824656/8/Composicion-quimica-y-valor-nutricional

mutabilis Category:Peruvian cuisine Category:Crops originating from Ecuador Category:Crops originating from Peru

Aguyer (talk) 07:20, 8 November 2012 (UTC)