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Marjorie Karmel


Marjorie Karmel is one of the founders of ASPO/Lamaze (now Lamaze International), a non-profit organization composed of parents, childbirth educators, health care providers and other health professionals, to spread the word about Lamaze and to set the standards for Lamaze childbirth educators. She was the first patent to recieve the lamaze method of childbirth in 1958.The lamaze method of childbirth was first introduced by Fernand Lamaze in 1951. He first eperimented this method on Marjorie Karmel. Marjorie Karmel Moved from France to the United States and formed this organization with Elizabeth Bing she was the women who assisted Karmel on her second birth. Marjorie Karmel became known by writing books about her experience.[1]

Focus of Lamaze Classes

  • Let labor begin on its own. Letting the body go into labor on its own is almost always the best way to know that the baby is ready to be born and the body is ready for labor.
  • Walk, move around and change positions throughout labor. Moving in labor (not confined to a bed) helps women cope with strong and painful contractions, while gently moving the baby into the pelvis and through the birth canal.
  • Bring a loved one, friend or doula for continuous support. In childbirth, a woman feels better when supported by people she trusts and those who use encouragement.
  • Avoid interventions that are not medically necessary. When interventions (e.g., induction, epidural, continuous monitoring) are used in a routine manner, women and babies are exposed to unnecessary risks.
  • Avoid giving birth on back and follow the body’s urges to push. Upright positions are safe during pushing and can make it easier to push the baby out. This could mean squatting, sitting or lying on the side
  • Keep mother and baby together – it’s best for mother, baby and breastfeeding. Mother and baby share a natural instinct to be close after birth, and experts recommend that a healthy newborn be placed and cared for skin-to-skin on the mother’s abdomen or chest.[2]

Cost of Classes


In class you'll learn and practice relaxation, visualization, breathing techniques, and comfort measures, as well as everything you always wanted to know about labor. A typical Lamaze class consists of at least 12 hours of instruction. Cost varies but on average about $110.

Material Covered in Class


A typical material that is usually covered in the lamaze claseses are;

  • Normal labor, birth and early postpartum
  • Communication skills between the pregnant woman and her partner, and with members of the healthcare team
  • Comfort measures, such as hydrotherapy, the use of heat, cold and pressure
  • Guidance for the pregnant woman to make informed decisions about anesthesia and medical procedures
  • Breastfeeding and the early postpartum period
  • Healthy lifestyles for pregnancy and postpartum period
  • Background about epidurals and other anesthesia choices to enable you to make the best choice for yourself[3]
A Typical Practice Session
  • Begin by a complete relaxation, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly 5 times
  • Do each movement of limbering the muscles from 5 to 10 min, resting between each exercise
  • Do slow and deep breathing 5 to 20 min
  • Do accelerated breathing (panting) 10 times
  • Repeat the same breathing lying on the right or left side
  • Rehearse the sequence 5 times
  • Sit in tailor position several times a day [4]



There are soo many methods of childbirth this is only one of many,people have their prefrences as too what to pick, or not. This is not the only option for womem.

Books by Karmel


Thank You Dr.Lamaze
ISBN 0953096483
Babies Without Tears
ISBN 9780436231001
A Practical Training Course for Lamaze Technique

Lamaze International Organization


The mission of Lamaze International is to promote, support and protect natural, safe and healthy birth through education and advocacy through the dedicated efforts of professional childbirth educators, providers and parents.



Lamaze Administrative Office
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036-3309


  1. ^ Lamaze.org
  2. ^ http://www.pregnancy-info.net/topic_pregnancy_related_q.html
  3. ^ http://www.pregnancy-info.net/topic_pregnancy_related_q.html
  4. ^ Karmel,Marjorie. Thank You,Dr. Lamaze. Philadelphia,New York. (1959)
