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User:Andrewaskew/Books/Articles every Wikipedia should have/Biography/Volume 1: Actors, dancers and models to Film directors and screenwriters

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Articles every Wikipedia should have


Biography volume 1: Actors, dancers and models to Film directors and screenwriters

Actors, dancers and models
Bernhardt, Sarah
Chaplin, Charlie
Dietrich, Marlene
Monroe, Marilyn
Artists and architects
Le Corbusier
Dalí, Salvador
Dürer, Albrecht
Gogh, Vincent van
Goya, Francisco
Hokusai, Katsushika
Kahlo, Frida
Leonardo da Vinci
Matisse, Henri
Picasso, Pablo
Rubens, Peter Paul
Sinan, Mimar
Velázquez, Diego
Warhol, Andy
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Authors, playwrights and poets
Abu Nuwas
Andersen, Hans Christian
Borges, Jorge Luis
Byron, George
Cervantes, Miguel de
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chekhov, Anton
Dante Alighieri
Dickens, Charles
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
García Márquez, Gabriel
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Hugo, Victor
Joyce, James
Kafka, Franz
Li Bai
Mahfouz, Naguib
Proust, Marcel
Pushkin, Alexander
Shakespeare, William
Tagore, Rabindranath
Tolstoy, Leo
Twain, Mark
Composers and musicians
Armstrong, Louis
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Beatles, The
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Berlioz, Hector
Brahms, Johannes
Chopin, Frédéric
Dvořák, Antonín
Handel, Georg Frideric
Mahler, Gustav
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Piaf, Édith
Presley, Elvis
Puccini, Giacomo
Schubert, Franz
Stravinsky, Igor
Tchaikovsky, Petr
Verdi, Giuseppe
Vivaldi, Antonio
Vysotsky, Vladimir
Wagner, Richard
Explorers and travelers
Amundsen, Roald
Armstrong, Neil
Cartier, Jacques
Columbus, Christopher
Cook, James
Cortés, Hernán
Gagarin, Yuri
da Gama, Vasco
Ibn Battuta
Magellan, Ferdinand
Polo, Marco
Zheng He
Film directors and screenwriters
Bergman, Ingmar
Disney, Walt
Eisenstein, Sergei
Fellini, Federico
Hitchcock, Alfred
Kubrick, Stanley
Kurosawa, Akira
Ray, Satyajit
Spielberg, Steven