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Lightium Theory

Lightium theory is the a new disputed theory that is causing scientist all around the globe to argue. The theory pushes the boundaries of current Physics and enters into a new era of progression. Lightium theory explains that light is neither a wave nor a photon but an advanced particle that uses rainbow matter, it is comprised of two fundamental particles called lightium and anti-lightium which collide in a process called awesomelation causing the two particles to combine into lightium++ a particle that has 0 mass, 0 charge and (16*0) strangeness. This particle is what allows for us to see. The current theory states that light is an energy which this theory disputes, saying that rather lightium is a sentient particle that goes into a hibernation when the sun sets rather than the sun producing literal light (how ridiculous). This theory shows us rather than shadows being produced from an object preventing the passage of light, the lightium actually goes into a state of hibernation and darkness is observed. The current scientific theory cannot decide whether light is a wave or a particle randomly changing between them to fit in with different theory's this shows the scientific community would rather be indecisive and have their theory's, the lightium theory can be implemented into all of these theory's.

The two fundamental particles include lightium and anti-lightium. Lightium has a charge of +1 a mass of +1 and a strangeness of 0 and it's anti-particle has a charge of -1, a mass of -1 and a strangeness of 0. When these two particle collide they go through a process called awesomelation which is where the the particle and anti-particle collide forming they essential lightium++. The lightium and anti-lightium particles have no effect on the world but the lightium++ allows for light to be seen. When the sun sets people can be mislead to believe that the light is connected to the sun but rather the sentient lightium++ particles follow a similar sleeping habit to humans and that is why the sky goes dark due to sleeping lightium++. But we can still see using some of the natural lightium++ that got stranded on the moon after the big bang, but we also have artificial light that is produced by a special strand of lighitum++ that has a strangeness of (32*0) rather than (16*0) strangeness. These work through the night providing artificial light.