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User:Brambleclawx/List of ShadowClan cats

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Warriors is a novel series written by Erin Hunter. The following is a list of "ShadowClan" cats, identified in the allegiances section (character list) of the books.

ShadowClan territory is mainly in a giant collection of swamps and bogs covered in thick pine trees, giving the area a dark and gloomy feel. ShadowClan cats are skilled at hunting and navigating in near-complete darkness, because the night is when their main sources of prey are active. Along with lizards, frogs, and small forest animals such as voles, ShadowClan also occasionally catch rats who reside in the nearby Carrionplace (garbage dump); however, they must be careful when eating these rats as they occasionally carry harmful diseases. ShadowClan are often depicted as the primary antagonists of the series, and as such many of their individual members are rude and hostile. However, many ShadowClan cats are completely and blindly devoted to their leader; since a number of ShadowClan's leaders have been truly villainous, the actions of their followers have expectedly followed suit.

ShadowClan, along with the other Clans, undergoes a dramatic shift in territory during the course of The New Prophecy series. During the time that Tawnypelt and the others are on their journey, much of ShadowClan's territory is destroyed as the Twolegs proceed with their deforestation of the area. Eventually ShadowClan and the other Clans are able to relocate to the lake territory, the ShadowClan camp of which is located in a dense pine forest. Though not quite the same as the marshes they used to inhabit, the thickness of the forest often shrouds the territory in shadow and darkness, perfectly suited for ShadowClan's stealth prowess. The area is not very suitable for prey, however, resulting in ShadowClan inhabiting the least desirable territory once again. Despite their bad luck, they manage to feed themselves decently enough (a testament to the tenacity of ShadowClan warriors). The forest's primary hazard is a Twoleg house on the northern fringes of ShadowClan's territory, home to two rather violent kittypets who often attack Clan cats who stray too close and call their Twolegs to fend off patrols. ThunderClan assists in telling these two cats to leave the Clan cats alone in Twilight.[1]

Warriors (Original Series)


The original series covers events in the story from Into the Wild to The Darkest Hour. Many characters mentioned here were introduced in the original series, but may play minor or significant roles in The New Prophecy and Power of Three series as well.



Boulder, a skinny silver tabby tom with a ragged ear and bright watchful eyes, is a former member of BloodClan and a member of ShadowClan. In the book Cats of the Clans, he was actually invited to join ShadowClan, inspired by the hunting patrols and battles, he decided to leave BloodClan and join ShadowClan.[2] He was one of the few cats who were chased out of ThunderClan territory by Firepaw and Yellowfang. When Tigerclaw became leader, Boulder and Blackfoot came back to ShadowClan. In The Darkest Hour, Boulder brought Tigerstar to BloodClan to meet its leader Scourge.[3] Boulder revealed to Firestar that after Tigerstar was killed, BloodClan attacked their Clan and some ShadowClan warriors had joined them. In the end, Boulder fought alongside LionClan to defeat BloodClan. After the battle, Boulder lived in ShadowClan as an elder throughout the second series and died of greencough sometime between Sunset and The Sight.[4]



Blackstar, a large white tom with jet-black paws and ears and amber eyes, was ShadowClan's deputy, Blackfoot, when Brokenstar was leader and is now the current ShadowClan leader. He was first introduced in Into the Wild.[5] He was one of Brokenstar's followers and killed one of ThunderClan's elders, Rosetail, in an attempt to steal their kits, but was fought off by Yellowfang. Blackfoot, along with Brokenstar, Clawface and Boulder, were chased out of their territory. Blackfoot lived as a rogue with Brokenstar and attacked the ThunderClan camp under his command. When Tigerstar became leader of ShadowClan, Blackfoot was appointed deputy again. In TigerClan, Blackfoot helped Darkstripe kill Stonefur because he was a half-Clan cat, causing Firestar to view him as untrustworthy, even when he agreed to fight on their side with LionClan. After the battle with BloodClan, he announced that he would prepare for his journey to Highstones to receive his nine lives and his new name, as he was now leader of ShadowClan due to Tigerstar's death. He is introduced as a leader in Firestar's Quest.[6] In Outcast, Blackstar seems to lose some hostility towards ThunderClan, as he reminisces with Firestar about the old forest after two ThunderClan warriors were found in ShadowClan territory.[7]

Blackstar begins to lose faith in StarClan in Eclipse, however, after a strange cat named Sol comes to live with ShadowClan and questions StarClan's existence and power, leading Blackstar to lose faith in them, to the point of changing his name back to Blackfoot.[8] This changes in Long Shadows, however, when Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and three ShadowClan apprentices fake a sign from StarClan to restore Blackstar's faith in his warrior ancestors.[9] Real StarClan warriors (Raggedstar and Runningnose) appear to complete the sign, and Blackstar and ShadowClan begin to believe in StarClan again, later driving Sol out of the Clan. Blackstar has mentored Tallpoppy. During the battle in The Last Hope, Blackstar kills Redwillow for training in the Dark Forest and later loses a life due to an attack on the ShadowClan camp, but quickly recovers and thanks Firestar for his help in back-up warriors.



Brokenstar is a huge long-furred, dark brown tabby tom with bright amber eyes, torn ears, a broad, flat face, a battle-scarred muzzle, and a tail that is bent in the middle like a broken branch. He was the former leader of ShadowClan before Nightstar and is depicted somewhat as the primary antagonist of Into the Wild.[5] He was a cruel cat who turned kits into apprentices three moons too soon, which in turn led to their deaths. He was the son of Raggedstar and Yellowfang, but didn't know that the latter was his mother, who bore him and two she-kits (who died) in secret. He was given to an ambitious queen named Lizardstripe to be fostered instead. Lizardstripe would not accept Brokentail in her den when he was a kit, purely because he had a crooked tail.[2] Brokentail grew into a great warrior and eventually became deputy, but he murdered his own father, Raggedstar, so that he could become leader and exiled Yellowfang from ShadowClan, falsely accusing her of murdering two apprentices that he himself killed by forcing them into warrior training too soon. This banishment led to Yellowfang's acceptance into ThunderClan. In Into The Wild, when Brokenstar is first introduced, Yellowfang and Firepaw drove Brokenstar and his supporters out of ShadowClan in a revolt.[5] Brokentail lived as a rogue in Fire and Ice, and attacked the ThunderClan camp in an attempt to kill Fireheart but was blinded by Yellowfang.[10] He was then taken prisoner and stripped of his leadership status, renamed to his old warrior name of Brokentail. He plotted with Tigerclaw in Forest of Secrets to attack ThunderClan along with his rogue allies, though the attack failed.[11] When the rogues were chased out and Tigerclaw was exiled, Yellowfang decided to end Brokentail's life by feeding him deathberries, also revealing to him that she was really his mother. Later, in Sunset, he is implied to be in the Dark Forest/Place of No Stars with Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, and Darkstripe after the latter scents him.[12]

Brokenstar mentored Mosspaw and Volepaw (who both died before becoming warriors) despite their being only three moons old.

Brokentail may have made an appearance in The Rise of Scourge, when Scourge scents a forest cat, believing that he's Tigerstar.[13] Instead, a tom with a bent tail and two rogue friends are found, with the latter calling him "boss". After one is killed, the tom with the bent tail states, "I've had my fill of this place. It's time to return to the forest... where we belong."

He has also made an appearance in The Fourth Apprentice where he attacks Jayfeather along with Breezepelt as a "ghost cat".[14] They were both driven off by Honeyfern before they could kill him or Poppyfrost. He, along with Tigerstar and Hawkfrost, watch over Poppyfrost's kits greedily at the end of the book. He also makes Ivypool attempt to kill Flametail, before Tigerheart stops her and Tigerstar agrees with Tigerheart.

He appears again in The Last Hope where he and the other Dark Forest cats invade the ThunderClan camp. During the battle he kills Ferncloud who was guarding the nursery before being killed by Yellowfang a second time causing him to die and fade away forever.



Nightstar, a lean, but frail, black tom with amber eyes and a long tail, was the leader of ShadowClan before Tigerstar. After Brokenstar was driven out of ShadowClan in Into the Wild, Nightpelt, one of the Clan's senior warriors, offered to take leadership of ShadowClan and appointed Cinderfur as his deputy.[5] However, in Rising Storm, he became violently ill due to the sickness from Carrionplace raging through the ShadowClan camp at the time and died, though he apparently had nine lives to spare.[15] Runningnose, ShadowClan's medicine cat at the time, later told Fireheart that Nightstar had never actually received his nine lives when he first journeyed to the Moonstone, perhaps due to the fact that Brokentail, ex-leader of ShadowClan, was still alive and remained ShadowClan's leader in the eyes of StarClan. Following Brokentail's death, Nightstar was too weak to travel back to the Moonstone and died sometime in Rising Storm, shortly after his deputy Cinderfur died, thus allowing Tigerclaw to take control of ShadowClan. Nightpelt has mentored Dawncloud.[15]



Shadow was a rogue that became ShadowClan's founding leader. She was an independent thick-furred black she-cat with green eyes that, and it is said in Secrets of the Clans that she was untrusting of her Clanmates and spent her life complaining about her decision to lead ShadowClan.[16] She was the first of the founding leaders to die, in a battle she had started with other Clans.

The New Prophecy Series


The New Prophecy series covers events in the story from Midnight to Sunset. Many characters here were first mentioned in the original series, but had minor or insignificant roles. In addition, as with the original series, most characters listed here play minor or significant roles in the following series, Power of Three, as well.



A slender, mottled, dark tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes and well-muscled shoulders (though as a kit she was listed as a golden tabby), Tawnypelt is the daughter of Goldenflower and Tigerstar, as well as the littermate of Brambleclaw and half-sister of Hawkfrost, Mothwing, Tadpole and Swiftpaw. When she lived in ThunderClan as an apprentice, Tawnypaw, most of her Clanmates did not trust her because her father was Tigerstar, so instead of putting up with their suspicions, she left ThunderClan to join ShadowClan, then part of an alliance under Tigerstar's rule called TigerClan, in The Darkest Hour.[3] She became a loyal ShadowClan warrior, though some of her Clanmates still doubt her allegiances because she was born in ThunderClan. Her full warrior name is revealed in Firestar's Quest.[6] In Midnight, she is chosen as the ShadowClan representative on the quest to find a new home for the Clans.[17] Coincidentally, her brother, Brambleclaw, is also chosen, as the ThunderClan representative.

Tigerstar offered her the same plan of power he offered to her brothers, Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw, to make her leader of ShadowClan, but she rejected him, saying that if she were ever to become leader, it would be through honesty and loyalty. In the Power of Three series, she mates with Rowanclaw to have three kits: Dawnkit, Tigerkit and Flamekit.

She goes with her brother, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Stormfur, Brook, Crowfeather and his son Breezepaw, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw in Outcast to help the Tribe of Rushing Water deal with a group of rogues that have invaded their territory.[7] In Long Shadows, Tawnypelt and her kits leave ShadowClan temporarily and go to ThunderClan after Blackstar loses faith and denounces StarClan.[9] Tawnypelt is tough and stands for nothing from no one, but has an affectionate side that comes through when her friends need her.[17][18][19][20][1][21]

She was mentored by Brackenfur in ThunderClan and Oakfur in ShadowClan. Tawnypelt's also niece to Lionheart (Goldenflower's brother), Mistkit and Nightkit (Tigerstar's sisters). She's granddaughter to Speckletail (Goldenflower's mother), Pinestar and Leopardfoot (Tigerstar's parents). She's also great-granddaughter to Sweetbriar (Pinestar's mother) and Swiftbreeze and Adderfang (Leopardfoot's parents), grandniece to Patchpelt, Redtail, Spottedleaf and Willowpelt (Leopardfoot's siblings) and kin to Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorreltail (Willowpelt's kits), Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Molepaw, Lilykit, Seedkit and Honeyfern (Sorreltail's kits). As her two great-grandmothers, Sweetbriar and Swiftbreeze, are direct descendants to SkyClan, Tawnypelt is part-SkyClan and part-ThunderClan.

Power of Three


The Power of Three series covers events in the story from The Sight to Sunrise.



The son of Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw and the brother of Dawnpelt and Flametail, Tigerheart is a handsome, sleek dark brown Tabby Tom with blue eyes, and straight, thick whiskers. He is the grandson of Tigerstar, whom he is named after. While resembling the latter, he is very cheerful, and kind. He is first introduced as a Kit, Tigerkit, in Dark River and later as an apprentice in Long Shadows. He has a relationship with a ThunderClan apprentice. He is the best hunter out of his siblings. In Long Shadows, Tigerheart, along with his siblings and Tawnypelt, leave ShadowClan temporarily for ThunderClan after ShadowClan loses its faith in StarClan. He also helps Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather to convince Blackstar to believe that StarClan still watch over them by creating a fake StarClan sign. Tigerheart had the same mentors that his mother Tawnypelt did, both when she was in ThunderClan and ShadowClan. He was temporarily mentored by Brackenfur, while staying in ThunderClan and was mentored by Oakfur when he returned to ShadowClan. In The Fourth Apprentice, there are hints about him having a crush on Dovepaw, Lionblaze's apprentice. This is confirmed in Night Whispers, when the two of them admitted their feelings for each other. It is also hinted that Tigerheart is possibly being trained by the Dark Forest cats in Fading Echoes. This is also confirmed in Night Whispers. In Sign of the Moon and The Forgotten Warrior, Tigerheart's affection for Dovewing fades away and he starts to avoid her. Tigerheart is also the nephew to Brambleclaw (Tawnypelt's brother), half-nephew to Hawkfrost and Mothwing (TawnyPelt's half-siblings). He is the grandson to Goldenflower and Tigerstar (Tawnypelt's parents). He is also the grand-nephew to Lionheart and Snowkit (GoldenFlower's brothers), Mistkit and Nightkit (TigerStar's sisters). Tigerheart is the great-grandson to Pinestar and Leopardfoot (Tigerstar's parents) and Speckletail (GoldenFlower's mother); he is great-great-grandson to Sweetbriar (Pinestar's mother), and Swiftbreeze and Adderfang (Leopardfoot's parents), great-grand-nephew to Patchpelt, Redtail, Spottedleaf and Willowpelt (Leopardfoot's siblings) and kin to Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorreltail (Willowpelt's kits), Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart and Molepaw (SorrelTail's Kits). As his two great-great-grandmothers, Sweetbriar and Swiftbreeze, are direct descendants to SkyClan, Tigerheart is part-SkyClan, part-ShadowClan and part-ThunderClan. He is not dead



The second son of Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw, and the brother of Dawnpelt and Tigerheart, Flametail has a bright ginger pelt like his father and faded light green eyes, thick fur, a bushy tail, and short, pudgy legs. He dreams of becoming a medicine cat under Littlecloud instead of a warrior, probably based on his bond with Jayfeather and curiosity. He was first introduced as a kit, Flamekit, in Outcast,[7] and as an apprentice in Long Shadows.[9] In Long Shadows he leaves ShadowClan for ThunderClan with his siblings and Tawnypelt after ShadowClan loses faith in StarClan, and also helps create the fake StarClan sign.[9] He was temporarily mentored by Cloudtail while staying in ThunderClan, and is being trained to be a medicine cat in Sunrise by Littlecloud. Flamepaw's medicine cat name will be Flametail. Flametail died when he drowned in the frozen lake in Night Whispers.[22] His sister Dawnpelt thinks that Jayfeather is the one who drowns him, but it is because of Rock, an ancient cat, that Jayfeather is not able to save Flametail.

Flametail's also nephew to Brambleclaw (Tawnypelt's brother), half-nephew to Hawkfrost, Mothwing and Tadpole (Tawnypelt's half-siblings), grandson to Goldenflower and Tigerstar (Tawnypelt's parents), grandnephew to Lionheart and Snowkit (Goldenflower's brothers), Mistkit and Nightkit (Tigerstar's sisters), great-grandson to Pinestar and Leopardfoot (Tigerstar's parents) and Speckletail and Smallear (Goldenflower's parents), great-great-grandson to Sweetbriar (Pinestar's mother), and Swiftbreeze and Adderfang (Leopardfoot's parents), great-grandnephew to Patchpelt, Redtail, Spottedleaf and Willowpelt (Leopardfoot's siblings) and kin to Graystipe and Longtail (Patchpelt's kits) Sandstorm (Redtail's daughter), Rainwhisker, Sootfur and Sorreltail (Willowpelt's kits), Feathertail, Stormfur, Briarlight, Bumblestripe, and Blossomfall (Graystripe's kits) Leafpool and Squirrelflight (Sandstorm's kits), Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze (Leafpool's kits), Lark That Sings At Dawn (Lark) and Pine That Clings To Rock (Pine) (Stormfur's kits), Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart, Lilykit, Seedkit and Molepaw (Sorreltail's kits), Molepaw and Cherrypaw (Poppyfrost's kits). As his two great-great-grandmothers are direct descendants to SkyClan, Flametail is part-SkyClan, part-ShadowClan and part-ThunderClan.



The only daughter of Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw and the sister of Flametail and Tigerheart, Dawnpelt has a creamy pelt and a fiery personality much like her mother, and seems to be closer to Hollyleaf than her other apparent cousins, Lionblaze and Jayfeather, and is the best fighter out of her siblings. She was first introduced as a kit, Dawnkit, in Outcast,[7] and as an apprentice in Long Shadows.[9] She left ShadowClan for ThunderClan with her mother and littermates after it lost faith in StarClan, and helped to create the fake StarClan sign. She was temporarily mentored by Spiderleg when she stayed in ThunderClan. It is said that she is most likely going to be the best fighter among her siblings. Her mentor was revealed in Sunrise as Ivytail. In The Forgotten Warrior, she blames Jayfeather for killing Flametail.[23]

Dawnpelt's also niece to Brambleclaw (Tawnypelt's brother), half-niece to Hawkfrost, Mothwing and Tadpole (Tawnypelt's half-siblings), grand-daughter to Goldenflower and Tigerstar (Tawnypelt's parents), grandniece to Lionheart and Snowkit (Goldenflower's brothers), Mistkit and Nightkit (Tigerstar's sisters), great-grand-daughter to Pinestar and Leopardfoot (Tigerstar's parents) and Speckletail (Goldenflower's mother), great-great-grand-daughter to Sweetbriar (Pinestar's mother), and Swiftbreeze and Adderfang (Leopardfoot's parents), great-grandniece to Patchpelt, Redtail, Spottedleaf and Willowpelt (Leopardfoot's siblings) and kin to Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorreltail (Willowpelt's kits), Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Cinderheart, Lilykit, Seedkit and Molepaw (Sorreltail's kits). As her two great-great-grandmothers, Sweetbriar and Swiftbreeze, are direct descendants to SkyClan, Dawnpelt is part-SkyClan, part-ShadowClan and part-ThunderClan.

Minor ShadowClan Characters


The following are ShadowClan characters introduced or appearing in the Warriors novel series, having small, less significant, and/or single instances in the story.

Minor Characters in ShadowClan
Name Pelt Color Description
Applefur Mottled Brown Kit mentioned in The New Prophecy. Became friends with Birchkit during the Great Journey. She is the littermate of Toadfoot and Marshkit and the daughter of Tallpoppy. She disappeared along with Marshkit after the Great Journey, although in The Fourth Apprentice there is a warrior named Applefur.[14] She is seen training in the Dark Forest in Sign of the Moon.[24]
Archeye ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior of ShadowClan. He is hunting with Brackenfoot and Hollyflower when they see a fox try to attack a ThunderClan kit. The patrol fights off the fox and is thanked by the kit, Tigerkit.
Ashfur Gray Warrior/elder introduced in Into the Wild as an ally of Yellowfang.[5] Assists in driving out Brokenstar along with other ShadowClan cats and ThunderClan's patrol. Presumably dies sometime in between Fire and Ice and Forest of Secrets, since he is never mentioned again after Fire and Ice.
Badgerpaw ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. He was only three moons old when he began his apprenticeship because of Brokenstar. Flintfang was his mentor. Right before WindClan left their territory for exile, Badgerpaw was killed by a WindClan warrior. Flintfang watched him die, but before he could Flintfang told him how proud he was of Badgerpaw. Badgerpaw told him that he wanted his warrior name to be Badgerfang, in honor of Flintfang, when he joined StarClan.
Blizzardstar White Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Agreed with the ShadowClan and WindClan queens before a fight could break out. Leader of ShadowClan when the fifth code was established.
Brackenfoot ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior of ShadowClan. He is hunting with Archeye and Hollyflower when they see a fox try to attack a ThunderClan kit. The patrol fights off the fox and is thanked by the kit, Tigerkit.
Brightwhisker Brown and white Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Deputy in StarClan when the ninth code is added. She is going to become leader after the death of Snowstar but she catches a case of greencough and dies before she receives her nine lives. Snowstar sends a dream to Redscar about the new leader and it is Flowerstem.
Brownpaw Brown Tom Apprentice mentioned in Into the Wild.[5] Presumably dies in the rat infection in Rising Storm, since he is never seen, heard of or mentioned again after Rising Storm.
Brightflower Black/White Queen mentioned in Into the Wild.[5] Her kits were appointed apprentices by Brokenstar three moons too early, and were killed by him. Presumably dies sometime in between Into the Wild and Fire and Ice.
Brindlestar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. She, Whitestar, Emberstar, Birchstar, and Stonestar agree that no cat is allowed to trespass on another Clan's territory. The five leaders agree on the second code.
Cedarheart Dark/Gray Tom that fights against the kittypets that live in ShadowClan, and wins thanks to the help from ThunderClan. Becomes elder in between Sunset and The Sight.[4] Mentored by Russetfur. Became an apprentice around the same time as Rowanclaw.
Cinderfur Gray Tom Warrior mentioned in Into the Wild.[5] Assisted in driving out Brokenstar. Became Nightstar's deputy after Nightpelt takes over the Clan. Is one of the first cats to die of the disease caused by infected rats in Rising Storm.[15]
Clawface Brown Warrior introduced in Into the Wild.[5] Kills Spottedleaf and steals Frostfur's kits during a raid on ThunderClan. He is later killed by Graystripe during a battle in Fire and Ice.[10] Mentored Littlecloud who later became a medicine cat. Was mentored by Raggedstar.
Crowfrost Black and White Warrior mentioned in Eclipse.[8] Mentored Olivenose.
Darkflower Black Queen mentioned in Fire and Ice.[10] Returns to her life as a warrior around the same time that Cedarheart and Rowanclaw are apprentices. Dies in between A Dangerous Path and The Darkest Hour.[3]
Dawncloud Tabby Warrior/queen mentioned in Into the Wild.[5] Three of her kits died when Brokenstar ordered an attack on WindClan in order to drive them out. Assists in driving Brokenstar out of the camp. Presumably dies in the rat infection in Rising Storm.
Driftkit ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Son of Splashnose and brother to Fallowkit. Fallowkit and he take the last piece of fresh-kill and play with it. Sunnytail, Splashnose and Lilystar find them with it. StarClan sends an owl to take it and Lilystar says that there should be a code about respect for food. This becomes the fourth code.
Fallowkit Light brown Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Daughter of Splashnose and sister to Driftkit. Driftkit and she take the last piece of fresh-kill and play with it. Sunnytail, Splashnose and Lilystar find them with it. StarClan sends a sign. A rule about respecting prey becomes the fourth code.
Ferretclaw Cream and Gray Apprentice first mentioned in The Fourth Apprentice.[14] Mentored by Oakfur. Warrior name given away in The Last Hope.
Flintfang ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Was a mentor to Badgerpaw when Brokenstar led ShadowClan. When WindClan was driven out, Badgerpaw was killed because he was too young. Flintfang vowed to never mentor a kit who was too young.
Flowerstem Ginger and white Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior of ShadowClan when the ninth code is added. Her sister is Mossfire. After Snowstar and Flowerstem die, her sister Mossfire and another warrior, Jumpfoot, fight over leadership and die. Redscar receives a dream from StarClan that she should be leader.
Hollyflower ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior of ShadowClan. She is hunting with Archeye and Brackenfoot when they see a fox try to attack a ThunderClan kit. The patrol fights off the fox and is thanked by the kit, Tigerkit.
Hollystar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader of ShadowClan when the first code is established.
Ivytail Black, white, and tortoiseshell First mentioned as an apprentice in The Sight.[4] Mentored by Rowanclaw. Mentored Dawnpelt.
Jaggedtooth Ginger Tabby Rogue/warrior introduced in Forest of Secrets.[11] Was one of the rogues Brokentail recruited to attack ThunderClan in cooperation with Tigerclaw. Joined ShadowClan after Tigerclaw became leader and became one of his most trusted and savage followers. Joined BloodClan upon Tigerstar's death. Nearly killed Bramblepaw during the battle but was chased away by apprentices. He wasn't heard of after then. Mentored Rowanclaw.
Jumpfoot Black Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior in StarClan when the ninth code is established. After Snowstar and Brightwhisker die, Redscar asks for volunteers to take their places. Jumpfoot volunteers but Mossfire does as well. They decide to fight for the leadership. They end up killing each other instead. Flowerstem becomes leader.
Kinkfur Brown Tabby She-cat with fur that sticks out at all angles as listed in the allegiances. Warrior mentioned in Eclipse.[8] In Night Whispers, she becomes mother of Dewkit, Sparrowkit, and Mistkit.[22]
Lakestorm ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Deputy of ShadowClan. Did not agree with the second code until StarClan sends a sign.
Littlecloud Small Brown Tabby Current medicine cat. Formerly a warrior introduced in Rising Storm.[15] Came to ThunderClan with Whitethroat to seek help because of illnesses in ShadowClan. Chose the path of a medicine cat after Runningnose retired. Was mentored by Clawface as a warrior. Mentored Flametail.
Lilystar Pale gray Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader of ShadowClan and decides to add the fourth code to the warrior code.
Marshkit ? Kit mentioned in The New Prophecy. Became friends with Birchkit during the Great Journey. He is the littermate of Applefur and Toadfoot and the son of Tallpoppy. After The New Prophecy he is never mentioned again. He may have died sometime after The New Prophecy.
Marshscar Gray Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Deputy of ShadowClan when the tenth code is added. Watches Ripplestar fall off the Great Rock and wants to avenge his death by killing Finchstar. It turns out that StarClan killed him. Finchstar declares the tenth code.
Mossfire Tortoiseshell Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior in StarClan when the ninth code is added. Her sister is Flowerstem. After Snowstar and Brightwhisker die, Redscar asks for volunteers to take their places. Jumpfoot volunteers but Mossfire does as well. They decide to fight for the leadership. They end up killing each other instead. Flowerstem becomes leader.
Nightwing Black She-cat mentioned in Dawn during the Great Journey.[19] She gets angry that they came to the mountains when her son, Smokepaw, falls off a cliff. Blackstar reassures her that he will not be forgotten. Never mentioned after it happened.
Oakfur Brown Mentored Tawnypelt, Smokepaw, Ferretpaw and Tigerheart. Mentored by Wetfoot.
Oakleaf ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Agreed with Daisytail and Hawkfoot that a kit should be six moons before he or she becomes an apprentice before the fight between ShadowClan and WindClan could break out. This is when the fifth code was established.
Olivenose Tortoiseshell First mentioned in Eclipse.[8] Mentored by Crowfrost. Also seen in "Battles of the Clans" as an apprentice having a training session with Tigerheart and the other apprentices.[25]
Owlclaw Light Brown First mentioned as an apprentice in The Sight.[4] Mentored by Smokefoot.
Pinenose Black Apprentice mentioned in The Fourth Apprentice.[14] Mentored by Ratscar.
Raggedstar Dark Brown Tabby Leader first mentioned in Into the Wild.[5] Was the former leader of ShadowClan before his own son Brokenstar killed him. Was the mate of Yellowfang, and thus Brokenstar's father. Mentored Clawface and Brokenstar.
Ratscar Brown Warrior mentioned in Eclipse.[8] Mentored Shrewfoot. Has a long scar across his back giving him his name. Mentored Pinepaw. He is seen training in the Dark Forest in Sign of the Moon. Said to be litter mates with Snowbird in The Last Hope.[24]
Redscar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Medicine cat of ShadowClan when the ninth code is added. After the former leader Snowstar dies, Brightwhisker is going to take his place. Before Brightwhisker travels to the Moonstone, she comes down with greencough. Redscar thinks it is whitecough but she dies before she can appoint a deputy. He receives a dream from StarClan telling him that Flowerstem should become leader since she watches her sister, Mossfire, die in front of her.
Redwillow Mottled Ginger First mentioned as an apprentice in Eclipse.[8] Mentored by Whitewater. He is seen training in the Dark Forest in Sign of the Moon and is later killed in The Last Hope by Blackstar for his treachery.[24]
Ripplestar Black and orange Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader in StarClan when the tenth code is added. Launches an attack at the Gathering. Fights with Finchstar on the Great Rock but is killed by StarClan for attacking the Clans by falling of the Great Rock. Finchstar declares the tenth code.
Rowanclaw Ginger Introduced as an apprentice in the original series. Became an apprentice around the same time that Darkflower returned to her life as a warrior and that Cedarheart was an apprentice. In the first three books of the "New Prophecy" series, she is a she-cat but then, due to an error, he is a tom in the rest of the books. Became the mate of Tawnypelt and fathered three kits, Tigerheart, Flametail and Dawnpelt. Had a close confrontation with Brambleclaw over territory in Starlight.[1] Apprenticed by Jaggedtooth and mentored Talonpaw, who later died after being attacked by the hostile kittypets at the nearby Twoleg nest, and Ivytail. It is shown in Battles of the Clans that he is the new deputy after the death of Russetfur.[25]
Runningnose Grey and white ShadowClan medicine cat during the original series. Ironically always has a cold and running nose, hence his name. Dies of unknown causes between Starlight and Twilight.[1] He also appeared alongside Raggedstar when Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Tigerheart faked the StarClan sign. Was mentored by Yellowfang and mentored Littlecloud.
Russetfur Dark Ginger Rogue/warrior introduced in Forest of Secrets.[11] Used to be ShadowClan's deputy. Was one of the rogues who joined ShadowClan after Tigerstar became leader. Assisted in the final battle against BloodClan and became deputy after Blackstar became leader. Accidentally killed by Lionblaze during a battle with ThunderClan in Fading Echoes.[26] She is said to be one of the rogues that Tigerstar recruited after he had the rogues chased out of ShadowClan. However, in "Battles of the Clans" she is in a battle with ThunderClan alongside Blackfoot and Stumpytail. Since Stumpytail died before Tigerstar and the rogues returned to ShadowClan, this hints that she is Clanborn, was chased out of ShadowClan in into the wild by the ThunderClan warriors, and was the fourth warrior alongside Brokenstar when he attacked the ThunderClan camp in Fire and Ice.
Scorchfur Dark Gray Apprentice mentioned in Eclipse.[8] Mentored by Snaketail.
Shrewfoot Gray with Black paws Apprentice mentioned in Eclipse.[8] Mentored by Ratscar.
Smokefoot Black Warrior first mentioned in The Sight.[4] It was believed that Smokepaw, the apprentice who fell off of a cliff in Dawn, and Smokefoot were the same cat, but in the 7th Erin Hunter Chat, Vicky confirmed that Smokepaw and Smokefoot are not the same cat.[27] His apprentice was Owlclaw.
Smokepaw ? Apprentice mentioned in Dawn. Son of Nightwing. Dies when he falls off a cliff.[19]
Snaketail Dark Brown with tabby striped tail. Warrior mentioned in Eclipse.[8] Mentored Scorchfur.
Snowbird White Warrior mentioned in The Sight. Said to be litter mates with Ratscar in The Last Hope.[4]
Snowstar Gray Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader in StarClan when the ninth code is added. Dies and Brightwhisker succeeds him until she dies of a case of greencough. Sends Redscar a dream that Flowerstem should be leader.
Splashnose Dusty brown with white streak on her muzzle Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Mother of Driftkit and Fallowkit. Tries to defend her kits when Sunnytail scolds them. This accident leads to the establishment of the forth code.
Starlingwing Ginger Apprentice mentioned in The Fourth Apprentice.[14] Mentored by Tawnypelt.
Stumpytail Brown tabby Warrior mentioned in Into the Wild.[5] Mentored Brownpaw. Presumably dies in the rat infection in Rising Storm.
Sunnytail Ginger and white with bright orange tail Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Deputy of ShadowClan. Find Driftkit and Fallowkit playing with the last piece of fresh-kill and scolds them. Agrees on the fourth code.
Tallpoppy Light Brown Queen/Elder and mother of Applefur, Marshkit, and Toadfoot. She joined the elders in between Sunset and The Sight.[4] Became friends with Ferncloud during the Great Journey.
Talonpaw ? Apprentice in New Prophecy series. Mentored by Rowanclaw. Was killed by two hostile kittypets.
Toadfoot Dark Brown Warrior mentioned in The New Prophecy. Brother to Marshkit and Applefur and son of Tallpoppy. He befriended Birchkit during the Great Journey. Returns as a warrior in Outcast.[7] He was one of the warriors who went on the journey to break the dam in Omen of the Stars.
Wetfoot Gray Tabby First mentioned as the apprentice of Boulder in Into The Wild.[5] He and Littlecloud become warriors after Brokenstar, Blackfoot, Clawface and Boulder are driven out of ShadowClan. Mentored Oakfur. Presumably dies of the disease caused by the infected rats in Rising Storm.
Whitewater White Warrior/Elder mentioned in Eclipse.[8] Mentored Redwillow.
Whitethroat Black with White chest First mentioned in Rising Storm when he and Littlecloud came to ThunderClan because their Clan was very sick and so were they.[15] Cinderpelt secretly cured them in a tree near the edge of ThunderClan territory. Later in the story Fireheart was chasing him out of ThunderClan territory when he was hit by a Twoleg monster and died.
Wildfur ? Mentioned in Fading Echoes by Littlecloud.[26] When Littlecloud was the medicine cat apprentice, Wildfur's legs were crushed by a collapsing burrow. They were only bruised, but his spine was broken. He eventually died of a cough in his chest due to staying in the medicine cat den and not getting enough exercise.
Yellowstar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader of ShadowClan when the thirteenth code is established.


  1. ^ a b c d Hunter, Erin (22 August 2006). Twilight. Warriors. Vol. 5. HarperCollins. p. 352. ISBN 978-0-06-082762-5. OCLC 86112121. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  2. ^ a b Hunter, Erin (24 June 2008). "Cats of the Clans". Avon. p. 91. {{cite web}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  3. ^ a b c Hunter, Erin. The Darkest Hour. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-052585-9.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Hunter, Erin. (2007) The Sight.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Hunter, Erin (2003). Into the Wild. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-000002-8.
  6. ^ a b Hunter, Erin. Firestar's Quest. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-113164-6.
  7. ^ a b c d e Hunter, Erin. (2008) Outcast.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Hunter, Erin. (2008) Eclipse.
  9. ^ a b c d e Hunter, Erin. Long Shadows. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-089214-2.
  10. ^ a b c Hunter, Erin. Fire and Ice. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-052559-0.
  11. ^ a b c Hunter, Erin (2003). Forest of Secrets. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-052561-3.
  12. ^ Hunter, Erin. Sunset. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-082771-7.
  13. ^ Hunter, Erin. The Rise of Scourge. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-147867-3.
  14. ^ a b c d e Hunter, Erin. The Fourth Apprentice. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-155509-1.
  15. ^ a b c d e Hunter, Erin. Rising Storm. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-052563-7.
  16. ^ Hunter, Erin. Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-123903-8.
  17. ^ a b Hunter, Erin (10 May 2005). Midnight. Warriors. Vol. 1. HarperCollins. p. 336. ISBN 978-0-06-074451-9. OCLC 66296992. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  18. ^ Hunter, Erin (1 August 2005). Moonrise. Warriors. Vol. 2. HarperCollins. p. 320. ISBN 978-0-06-074454-0. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  19. ^ a b c Hunter, Erin (27 December 2005). Dawn. Warriors. Vol. 3. HarperCollins. p. 368. ISBN 978-0-06-074457-1. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  20. ^ Hunter, Erin (4 April 2006). Starlight. Warriors. Vol. 4. HarperCollins. p. 352. ISBN 978-0-06-082762-5. OCLC 86112121. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  21. ^ Hunter, Erin (26 December 2006). Sunset. Warriors. Vol. 6. HarperCollins. p. 320. ISBN 978-0-06-082769-4. OCLC 70673118. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  22. ^ a b Hunter, Erin. Night Whispers. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-155515-2.
  23. ^ Hunter, Erin. Sunrise. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-089218-0.
  24. ^ a b c Hunter, Erin. Sign of the Moon. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-155518-3.
  25. ^ a b Hunter, Erin (2010). Battles of the Clans. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-170230-3.
  26. ^ a b Hunter, Erin. Fading Echoes. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-155512-1.
  27. ^ "Wands and Worlds Author Chat: Erin Hunter Chat Transcript 8/14/2010 - part 1". Wands and Worlds. Retrieved August 2, 2011.

Category:Warriors (novel series) Category:Characters in children's literature Cats, ShadowClan