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Algebraic Structures

Group (mathematics)
Group theory
Glossary of group theory
Finite group
Normal subgroup
Quotient group
Semidirect product
Direct product of groups
Group homomorphism
Image (mathematics)
Direct sum of groups
Wreath product
Simple group
Infinite group
Topological group
Multiplicative group
Group scheme
Cyclic group
Abelian group
Dihedral group
Nilpotent group
Solvable group
Discrete group
Classification of finite simple groups
Symmetric group
Alternating group
Mathieu group
Mathieu group M11
Mathieu group M12
Mathieu group M22
Mathieu group M23
Mathieu group M24
Conway group
Conway group Co1
Conway group Co2
Conway group Co3
Janko group J1
Hall–Janko group
Janko group J3
Janko group J4
Fischer group
Fischer group Fi22
Fischer group Fi23
Fischer group Fi24
Baby Monster group
Monster group
Lattice (discrete subgroup)
Lattice (group)
Modular group
Solenoid (mathematics)
Circle group
General linear group
Special linear group
Orthogonal group
Euclidean group
Unitary group
Special unitary group
Symplectic group
G2 (mathematics)
F4 (mathematics)
E6 (mathematics)
E7 (mathematics)
E8 (mathematics)
Lorentz group
Poincaré group
Conformal group
Loop group
Lie group
List of simple Lie groups
Classical group
Simple Lie group
Table of Lie groups
Lie algebra
Exponential map
Adjoint representation
Adjoint representation of a Lie algebra
Killing form
Index of a Lie algebra
Lie point symmetry
Semisimple Lie algebra
Dynkin diagram
Cartan subalgebra
Root system
Weyl group
Real form (Lie theory)
Complexification (Lie group)
Split Lie algebra
Compact Lie algebra
Homogeneous space
Borel–de Siebenthal theory
Borel subgroup
Symmetric space
Hermitian symmetric space
Restricted root system
Representation theory
Representation of a Lie group
Lie algebra representation
Particle physics and representation theory
Representation theory of the Lorentz group
Representation theory of the Poincaré group
Representation theory of the Galilean group
Sophus Lie
Henri Poincaré
Wilhelm Killing
Élie Cartan
Hermann Weyl
Claude Chevalley
Armand Borel
Algebraic group
Elliptic curve
Linear algebraic group
Abelian variety
Racks and quandles
Magma (algebra)
Ring (mathematics)
Commutative ring
Ring theory
Ideal (ring theory)
Ring homomorphism
Frobenius endomorphism
Algebraic number theory
Algebraic geometry
Affine variety
Algebraic number field
Ring of integers
Polynomial ring
Quotient ring
Fractional ideal
Total quotient ring
Noncommutative ring
Operator algebra
Hopkins–Levitzki theorem
Noetherian ring
Artinian ring
Domain (ring theory)
Integral domain
Field (mathematics)
Lattice (order)
Map of lattices
Module (mathematics)
Group with operators
Vector space
Algebra over a field
Associative algebra
Non-associative algebra
Graded ring