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Currently, women's rights are one of the major social issues in Korea. The social role of Korean women was greatly influenced by Confucian culture. In Confucian culture, women were portrayed as caring for their families and raising their children. Now, through the improvement of laws and systems, Korean women's rights are improving.

Women's right in South Korea
Global Gender Gap Index
Value 0.657(2018)
Gender Inequality Index
Value 0.063(2018)
Ranking 10th out of 189 countries

World Ranking


Global Gender gap Index(GGI)


Global index based on gender gap: 0.657 (ranked 115th). In 2017, it ranked 118th. Gender Health Index: 0.973 (87th place), based on gender gap in birth rate, life expectancy. Political power index: 0.134 (92nd place). It is based on distribution gap such as president, minister. The gender gap is large in the economic and educational sector indices. Economic sector index: 0.549 (124th place). Economic Activity Gap, Wage Gap, Promotion Gap, etc. [1]

* Women in Korea, Japan and India unpaid work(housework, child care, etc) is twice as many time as men.[2]

Gender Inequality Index(GII)


The Gender Inequality Index released by the United Nations Development Programmed in September 2018. A survey of 189 countries worldwide. Calculated by taking into account the level and gap of women in reproductive health, women's rights and labor participation. A score of 0 means total equality, and a score of 1 means total inequality. The lower the score and higher the ranking means gender equality.[3]

Korea's GGI is 0.063. 10th out of 189 countries, No. 1 among G20 countries and No. 10 among OECD countries

Women's empowerment

  • Women's Parliamentarians' Ratio 16.3%→17.0%
  • The proportion of women above secondary education rose slightly to 88.8%→89.8%.
  • Improvements to 50.0%→52.2% of women's participation in economic activities[4]

Women's Wage Ratio


Women's wage ratio is the proportion of female workers' wages, given that male workers' wages are 100.[5]

In 2017, Women are paid 37.2% less than men.[6] The wage gap between men and women is the largest among the OECD's major members.



The family system of Goguryeo was focused on motherhood and the Matrilocal residence was common.[7] However, Goguryeo's female status differed from region to region. According to the mural analysis, the Pyongyang(平壤) area had a significantly lower status of women compared to the jib-an(集安) area. [8]

In Silla, There was only one queen in history. Silla women were deeply involved in state affairs.[9] Two women were chosen as the leaders of 'Hwarangdan': Nammo and Junjung.[9] This shows the status of a Silla woman at that time. Silla women paid taxes and were obligated to serve labor. Little is known about the status of women in Baekje.[10]

Goryeo Dynasty


The Goryeo Dynasty was considered to have a high status of women. The wedding took place at the wife's house, and the husband lived in the wife's house for a certain period of time after the wedding. Legacy was also divided equally between the son and the daughter.[11] Not only was remarriage free, there was no disadvantage to remarriage.[12] There was no law banning contact between men and women, allowing them to lead a free daily life without sexual oppression. The order of rankings recorded in the family registry was also recorded according to the order of birth, not by giving priority to the son, and women could also be Hoju.

Joseon Dynasty


With the arrival of Confucianism, women's social status has declined by the idea of male chauvinism. The fact that the male-dominated ideology has become a family culture is also a major reason. In Thousand Character Classic, asked men for dexterity, but women only demanded[9] Because women were almost banned from going out, women's education did not go well.[7] Women did not have a chance to be well educated. Women were banned from going out when they reached the age of 10. If a woman were to go out, she had to walk on the other side of the man.[9] Most women were almost illiterate. Women did not have a name on the family register, and daughter’s inheritance ranking was also lower than son’s.[9] The law that prohibits the offspring of remarried women from taking office also shows the low status of women.

Early modern


There was a change in the late Joseon Dynasty. Donghak's human respect, Catholicism's idea of human equality, was instrumental in the emergence of a new view of womanhood. Also, in the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty, female works expressing discontent and anguish over women's social situations began to appear. [13]

The number of women who received modern education increased, and the modern women’s movement became more popular.

The "Women's Rights Notice 女權通文" issued by the Bukchon ladies of Seoul in September 1898 was the start of the nation's modern women's movement in that the three major goals of the modern women's movement (suffrage, employment rights, education right) were clearly presented.[13] The movement focused on increasing women's social activities through the education of women. As a result, female schools have been established throughout Korea.



Liberal democracy has greatly contributed to the change in women's consciousness. Women's right to education and suffrage was legally ensured. Women's consciousness to break away from the Confucian male chauvinism relationship has developed. Women's full-fledged participation in economic activities is notable in the economic growth process since the 1960s.[13] The Kim Bu-nam case in 1991 and Kim Bo-eun&Kim Jin-kwan case in 1992 led to the enactment of the Special Act on Sexual Violence in 1994. [14]

However, favoritism to boys and Confucian values still exist. In the 1990s, during the days of faboritism to boys and Malthusianism, fetal gender discrimination and sex-selective abortion were prevalent.[15] As a result, in 1990, Sex ratio recorded 116.5, which surpassed the natural ratio.[16]

Misogynistic Crime


Cyber sexual violence




Cyber sexual violence is a sexual harassment in cyber space& media. This means taking pictures of someone else's body without consent and threatening to upload it.[17]

Characteristic of Korea


Cyber sexual violence in Korea is very serious. Features of this crime is a huge increase in ‘circulation of crime photographs'.[18] This is because of it technology and specific industrial structure. The cyber violence industry structure in Korea consists of sellers, consumers, platform operators, and deletion companies. The Korean government says it can not prevent the uploading of crime photographs. But filtering technology already exists. Korean online file storage service acquired filtering company. Even if filtering is legally mandated, they are not used intentionally. They demand money from the victim for deletion. The cyber sexual violence industry has grown through the intervention of capital in the production and distribution of violence, making the male general a producer / consumer.

relevant statistics

  • The number of illegal filming violations for camera use: 1,523 cases in 2011 → In 2016, 5,185 cases were reported, 3.4x increase[19]
  • The percentage of all sexual crimes committed by cameramen is: 3.9% (564 cases) in 2007 → 24.9% in 2015 (7730 cases) → 17.9% in 2016 (5,249 cases)[18]
  • Damage to the dissemination of illegally filmed images: number of reviews increased by sixfold, 1130 cases in 2012, 7,356 cases in 2016.[20]

Mudjima (=Do not ask) crime


It explains street violence by strangers, such as ‘random crime or hate crime’ in US, and the Torima incident in Japan. However, as in these cases, the cause of the crime was not analyzed. It was conceptualized as a violent crime by a mentally ill person. This focuses on the perpetrator, the environment surrounding the perpetrator. Therefore, this makes women, children victims impossible to materialized. However, 90% of the victims of mudjima crime in 2018-2019 are women.[21]

Dating violence


According to a report by the National Police Agency in 2016, the rate of dating violence victims is 92.0% for women, 4.1% for men and 3.9% for both.[22] Dating violence continues to increase. It will increase gradually from 6675 cases in 2014 to 7692 cases in 2015, 8369 cases in 2016, and 10303 cases in 2017. However, criminal punishment is rare. Among 4,564 people who were arrested for dating violence in the first half of 2017, only 3% were arrested[23] 79.7% of men had experience in using date violence at least once.[24] It suggests that men do not regard it as violence or take it seriously.

Child Grooming


Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. Sexual grooming of children also occurs on the Internet.

According to the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence in 2008, 96% of respondents reporting online damage reported offline damage within the same period. Online is an easier environment for criminals to exploit the children and adolescents. Some abusers will pose as children online and make arrangements to meet with them in person.

In Korea, the level of social awareness of the severity of grooming sexual crime is low, Protecting the victim, criminal punishment of the perpetrator is not realistic. In the courts, grooming sexual offenses are often viewed as consensual sexual acts. If the victim is 13 years or older, the perpetrator can not be punished. Because the victim receives gifts and pocket money.[25]

Women's movement

Main Events
Year Events
1985 The first 3.8 International Women's Day rally
1990 Founding of The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan. They advocate the rights of the surviving comfort women
1992 Start of Wednesday demonstration
1995 Founding of “The Campaign to Abolish Hoju scheme headquarters"
2005 The Constitutional Council of Korea has decided that 'Hoju scheme' is unconstitutional.

The women 's movement in Korea originated from women' s organizations that organized by Women who have received education in modernization era.[26] Korea 's enlightenment women' s movement demands equal access with men to education opportunities. And they also carried out patriotic movements such as the National Debt Repayment Movement.

In the 1980s, Sexual violence in the process of suppressing democratization movement&Labour movement became a social issue, and the movement against sexual violence developed. [26] The first 3.8 International Women's Day rally in 1985.

In 1990, founding of The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan. They advocate the rights of the surviving comfort women. In 1992, Start of Wednesday demonstration for demanding Japan to redress the Comfort Women problems. In 1995, “The Campaign to Abolish Hoju scheme headquarters” is founded. In 2005, the Constitutional Council of Korea has decided that 'Hoju scheme' is unconstitutional. It is one of the largest and historical achievements of the Korean Women's Movement since liberation.

In the early 2000s, the life of the women engaged in prostitution was revealed by the fire incident in Dae Myung-dong, Gunsan, and the campaign to enact The Prostitution Prevention Law was launched in earnest. In March 2004, the Prostitution Prevention Law was enacted.[26]

In 2015, feminism became an issue through the 'mirroring' strategy of Megalia.

In 2016, the “#sexual_violence_in_▒▒” hashtag movement has caused online accusations of sexual violence in various areas. Also in 2016, seocho-dong public toilet murder case  became a moment for women to wake up. Exit 10 of Gangnam Station, which is close to where the incident occurred, was posted with post-it notes containing messages in memory of the victim and messages pointing to misogynistic crimes. Women protested the ministry's labeling of a "seocho-dong public toilet murder case" as a "mudjima". And they held a memorial rally, claiming that case was a misogynistic crime.

"Me Too movement" was started by prosecutor Seo Ji-hyun. Since then, various sexual violence charges have been filed in various sectors, including political and entertainment circles.

On May 19, 2018, protest was held to denounce the biased investigation into the "Hongik University nude model case." About 110,000 participants gathered at the last demonstration on December 22. On March 2, 2019, ‘The club Burning Sun case’ has become an issue. ‘Condemnation Protest against men's drug cartels ' was held at Hyehwa Station, demanding for the eradication of drug abuse crimes.[27]


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