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Daren Scot Cuffel (born January 16, 1991) is a friendly, outgoing youth who enjoys playing video games (especially those that are fantasy-oriented), watching movies, long walks in the graveyard, and spending time with his soon-to-be fiancée, Kayla Weber.



He is a pioneer of equal rights for all, peace on Earth, and giving people the benefit of the doubt. He is open-minded and willing to accept constructive criticism in everything he does, because he believes that life is a journey about self-improvement. He is a literate, well-spoken young man, who speaks eloquently, and with much enunciation. He is very trusting, even if he knows it could end poorly for him, and he is convinced that everybody needs to play World of Warcraft at least once in their life.



World of Warcraft is his favorite hobby, and he is quite skilled and adept at all aspects of the game, even going so far as to call himself a champion of the game, or even sometimes, a pro, or a master. He has only been defeated in a duel three times in his lifetime (not counting duels he purposefully lost so the other person could get an achievement), and all three times were due to either lag, being far below the level of the other duelist, or being outgeared by the other duelist. He is willing to share his knowledge with all who wish it, though, and such an opportunity should not be wasted. He is actually quite humble, despite all appearances.

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This user prefers cold weather.
38° = >_< = ?This user fails to understand why people hate cold weather.
This user loves rainy days.
This user loves snow days.
This user loves to walk by the moon.
This user loves the Winter.
This user loves reptiles, especially snakes.
This user's favourite animal is a
Gray Wolf.
A polar bear.This user's favourite animal is the Polar Bear.
This user likes Spiders.
This user is opposed to regional lockout.
W This user is a self-confessed World of Warcraft addict, with no desire to get help.
WoWThis user's Death Knight uses the Lich King's magic against him in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Druid shapeshifts to victory in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Hunter loves to shoot things in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Mage casts deadly spells in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Paladin follows the teachings of the Light in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Priest balances light and shadow in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Rogue kills stealthily and quickly in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Shaman commands great elemental power in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Warlock uses shadow magicks in World of Warcraft.
WoWThis user's Warrior uses rage to great advantage in World of Warcraft.
This user plays pirated ROMs on an Emulator.
This user plays games from The Legend of Zelda series.

FE This user's favorite game series is
Fire Emblem.
This user can't log out of The World.
M Wild MissingNo. appeared!