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* * * * * * * * THIS IS MY PERSONAL SANDBOX * * * * * * * *

2005-12-01 Moved "blog stuff" from my personal user page to here. // Reasons/etc. below...



2004-11-07 to 2005-11-23: I was CuriousOne because Curious1 was taken.





2005-11-23: Since I couldn't transform/rename myself from CuriousOne (with contributions) to Curious1 (notice the lack of edits!) here at en.Wikipedia.org (see WP:CHU), I've decided to become Curious1i [not found on Google!] here (& "everywhere"...).

2005-11-24: My (59) original CuriousOne contributions plus 1 Meta-Wiki contribution (as Curious1)

2005-11-25: Accounts I now have on the (currently) 8 other Sister projects (English-language versions):
// unused accounts are to prevent impersonations (on projects I expect to be active in)


  • I guess I'll use this temporarily as a blog of my "learning/growing pains" here at this "Wiki-World/Universe" -- seems there should be a concise term/nickname for "all the Wikimedia Foundation projects" --> *I* will just use Wiki (since Wikimedia doesn't quite capture it) as *my* personal abbreviation.
  • After a few days of intense study about Wiki (and feeling overwhelmed trying to learn lots of meta stuff), I've been reminded to (or chosen for myself) to KISS! (& prioritize) to help prevent my (mild?) OCD/OCPD perfectionism from causing me too much analysis paralysis. [I just hope I don't piss off too many people with my bold edits...]
  • Well, trying to add a simple Wikipedians definition/link in the Wikipedia article has taught me that there's no consensus RE:Wikipedia is not a dictionary. Then after asking about a strange box caused by indenting with spaces instead of colon, I searched Google to learn that I'm not alone in my frustrations/queries. Finding "article space" stuff is usually much better that a general Google search (even better than Yahoo's "editors"), but, finding "meta" stuff about Wiki seems kinda like looking for subjects that don't have a Wiki article -- thank God for Wiki+Google!! (maybe my Q's are too tough?? Likewise, I rarely ever ask for PC repair help since I've got Google+Wiki)




  • Although Wikipedia is not a blog, using it as a "diary" works particularly well for me since it's in keeping with my KISS! philosophy -- I needn't find/install/learn/etc. tools to do:
    • easy editing // plus I can practice lots *here* in my "personal sandbox"; AND, I don't need to "worry" (decide/choose/use/etc.) so much about *my* "MT system" (for now)...
      • I can learn/use the "Wiki-way" (meta stuff) instead!
    • versioning (revision control) // in case I want to see how my thoughts have evolved...
    • easy linking to Wiki // which I use (& edit) almost continuously as a "surrogate brain"/reference & for learning...
  • Naming this page "Test" is a good idea since:
    • it's more likely to go unnoticed...
    • "Watch this page" needed to be re-checked to add it to "My watchlist" // I was already watching User:Curious1i
      • I suppose I could move it (again) later if needed...
  • Although I have an (unused for now) account on Blogger.com (Curious1i.BlogSpot.com), I think that Wiki (as I'm using it here) is more of a "Blog++-":
    • + for version control
    • + for easy linking to Wiki // makes my "brain pukes" easier/better...
    • - for being kinda hidden // needn't unduly place extra loads on the Wiki servers
  • This REALLY is much better than my old way of using Notepad/Wordpad!! // and helpful/effective!
    • REMEMBER: I don't need to detail changes to sections below here in this dated section since Wiki keep versioning details for me!!


  • I don't mind if others can benefit from my musings here!  ;-)
  • While "wasting"(?) too much time on child abuse stuff, I re-learned about goals + prioritizing, and re-learned about other peripheral stuff of import (e.g., rape, juvenile prostitution, ineffective self-defense techniques (link?), etc.)
  • "Artificial complexity" (e.g., scholars/lawyers self-perpetuating industry): perhaps "brain puke" (like my/this blogs/notes/etc.) are just a "rough draft" kinda tool/exercise so can eventually "boil down"/funnel to KISS (e.g., the Theory of Everything as a "1-inch equation"[1] (?))








  • Dad drove car! --> good "test" of "my religion"/phil./brain


  • Reminded by TV that Relations + Foundations = key ideas! (AI, knowledge, humans, parents, etc.!)


  • Why am I more "touched"/emotional re: suicide?
  • Limits of logic?


  • AI needed ASAP fro H5N1/etc.!
  • While watching Dad overdo lotion, realized (equal?) compassion needed for Mom/etc.




  • Genuine niceness reflected/returned more readily!


  • Been too busy to update this.
  • I'm on Google now! I guess is these thoughts can help anyone (else)...

My "Religion"


More correctly, (thoughts on) "my philosophy about life/etc.":



Simple diagram


(how do monospaced font?)

My Goal(s)


Some Reminders


These are mainly self-help for *me* (especially for my OCpD):

  • Most important (since I put on my cellphone?):
  • "Just do it!" (Nike) combats analysis paralysis but reinforces OCpD. // I'm not sure how I feel about the GTD (do I still have/need bk?) "2-minute Rule"...



These are some (non-standard?) abbreviations that I personally like to use (especially on *this* page):

  • OCpD = OCD / OCPD
  • RE = regarding
  • Wiki = all the Sister-projects + ideas/ideals of this Wikipedia/Wikimedia "world"...