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Udoli(u-do-lee) meaning doll or toy in the Zulu language is a modern tribal doll like style inspired by African and Caribbean culture.

Types of Udolies

There are five types of Udolies; Lulamtoti, Koko, Nobu, Kazi/Kunzi, Mandla

Lulamtoti (Loo-luh-mo-tee): Lulamtoti is a combination of the Zulu words Mtoti (meaning: sweet) and Lula (meaning: Simple). The Lulamtoti style can range from a simple sweet to super cute look. Lulamtoti Udolies wear warm light colours and incorporate bows, flowers, headbands, various cute designs on the face such as hearts, butterflies and swirl designs to create a look so sweet it’s sure to cause cavities.

Koko: Koko meaning “wild” in Swahili is a fierce wild style that incorporates a lot of vibrant colours and eye-popping make-up. The Koko Udolies are not afraid to mix it all up, using every colour of the rainbow to create a style so fierce they are bound to turn head.

Nobu: Nobu literally meaning Royal in Zulu is an Udoli style so glamorous you would think they were royally. These Udolies dress like Queens, King, princess and princes. Nobu Udolies “bling” themselves out with hair ornaments, bracelets, ankle bracelets, rings, necklaces, and head jewellery resembling the traditional Ethiopian headdress. Combined with clean reserved makeup these Udolies exude a confidence and beauty you can’t help but admire.

Kazi/Kunzi: (ka-zee/Kun-zee) Taken from the words “Insikazi” meaning female animal and “Inkunzi:” meaning male animal. A Kazi Udoli referring to females and Kunzi Udoli referring to males is a style that encompasses the native animals of Africa. They paint dots around the eyes and make up to resemble the indigenous animals of Africa. But don’t worry the style of these Udolies are more fierce than the animals they represent.

Mandla: Mandla meaning powerful in the Zulu language is a style of Udoli that incorporates a lot of dark colors, such as maroon, onyx blue, dark purple and black. The make-up is a clean dark sultry look, where as the hair is not adorned with a lot of hair accessories like the other Udolies, Instead the Mandla Udoli wears one huge hair ornament vibrant in colour to contrast the dark style; for example a fire engine red, neon green or electric blue flower


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