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User:D'Arcy14/Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute (CMHI)

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The Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute (CMHI) is an industry association which represents manufacturers, developers, retailers, suppliers, landlease community managers and others involved in the factory-based construction of buildings. [1] Starting in 1953, this organization has been the voice of a continuously evolving industry, one which produced approximately 11.0% of single-family housing starts in Canada in the first half of 2009, this number having increased from 8.0% in 2006. [2]

CMHI members work together on a range of activities:

• industry networking and communication [3] [4]

• industry education and training [5]

• codes and standards development [6]

• consumer information initiatives [7] [8]

• research and innovation projects [9] [10]

• public-private partnerships

• regulatory reform [6]

• representations to government

• export research and promotion [11]

The Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute has formed a wide range of partnerships within both the public and private sectors to ensure that the specific interests of the manufactured housing industry are addressed at a national level. For example, CMHI works closely with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation [12] [10] [13], the Canadian Standards Association [11], the National Research Council [6], and the Canadian Home Builders' Association. [14] Through their affiliation with regional manufactured housing associations, they also provide support on issues of a provincial, territorial or local nature. [15] [16] CMHI publishes a magazine entitled Building Excellence®, which features articles related to the manufactured housing industry in Canada [17], as well as a monthly e-bulletin entitled Manufactured Housing Now [18]

Kathleen Maynard, CMHI’s Executive Director, was quoted in the National Post, a nationally-circulated newspaper published in Toronto, Ontario. [19] She was also featured as a manufactured housing expert in the online magazine of the popular media personality Mike Holmes. [20] For 2010-2011, Peter Aitchison is the president of CMHI, John Froese is the vice-president and David Poupore is the treasurer.


  1. ^ “Canadian Company Capabilities: Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute—Complete Profile”, Industry Canada Website, Last Updated: 2010-04-13, http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/ccc/srch/nvgt.do?sbPrtl=&prtl=1&estblmntNo=123456084715&profile=cmpltPrfl&profileId=21&app=sold&lang=eng
  2. ^ “Economic Research Committee Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario—Minutes”, Canadian Home Builders’ Association Website, October 24, 2009, pp. 1, 18 & 19, http://www.chba.ca/uploads/erc/ercminutes-oct09.pdf
  3. ^ "Events Page", CMHI Website, © Copyright 2000-2009, http://www.cmhi.ca/www/index.php?q=events
  4. ^ “Manufactured Housing Associations”, Manufactured Housing Global Network, © Copyright 2008, Express Network Solutions, http://mfdhousing.com/associations.shtml
  5. ^ “Industry Education”, Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute online, © Copyright 2000-2009, http://www.cmhi.ca/www/index.php?q=industry-education
  6. ^ a b c “Building Officials Newsletter—Building Standards”, Saskatchewan Municipal Affairs, Culture and Housing, October, 1998, Page 4, http://www.cpsp.gov.sk.ca/bonoct98.pdf.
  7. ^ Search String: “Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute”, Canadian Housing Information Centre, CMHC-SCHL, © Copyright 2004, http://chic.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=12719X91175X8.56272&profile=chic&uri=link=3100007@!2030@!3100001@!3100002&aspect=basic&menu=search&ri=1&source=!horizons_temp&term=Canadian+Manufactured+Housing+Institute.&index=%20%20%28CMHC%29
  8. ^ Jim Adair “The Future Is In Factory-Built Housing, But It's A Tough Sell In Canada” www.ourhomes.citizensincome.ca, July 17, 2013, http://www.ourhomes.citizensincome.ca/8.html
  9. ^ “International Conference on Factory Built Housing: Innovation in Home Manufacturing”, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, November, 2005, http://www.huduser.org/Publications/pdf/InnvhmManf.pdf
  10. ^ a b “Research Highlight: Profile and Prospects of the Factory-built Housing Industry in Canada”, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation website, July, 2006, p. 1, http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/odpub/pdf/65220.pdf?lang=en
  11. ^ a b Ruth Williamson and Brian Pfeiffer, “Canada: Exporting Factory-Built Homes”, U.S. Commercial Service—United States of America Department of Commerce, August, 2008, p. 2, http://www.buyusa.gov/canada/en/exportingfactorybuilthomes.pdf
  12. ^ “National Housing Research Committee Repositories”, National Housing Research Committee, © Copyright 2008, http://nhrc-cnrl.ca/en/repository/canadian-manufactured-housing-institute-cmhi
  13. ^ “Using Prefabrication in Housing”, Business / Government / Housing Organizations, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, © Copyright 1996 – 2010, http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/inpr/afhoce/tore/afhoid/cote/usprho/usprho_004.cfm
  14. ^ “Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute Report to the CHBA Economic Research Committee”, Canadian Home Builders’ Association Website, May 30, 2009, http://www.chba.ca/uploads/erc/erc-cmhi-may09.pdf
  15. ^ “About MHAAC”, Manufactured Housing Association of Atlantic Canada, © Copyright 2008, http://www.mhaac.ca/en/about.php
  16. ^ “Related Links”, Manufactured Homes of Alberta and British Columbia, © Copyright 2004, http://www.manufacturedhomesofalberta.ca/
  17. ^ “Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute—Building Excellence Magazine”, Naylor (Canada) Inc., © Copyright 2007, http://www.naylornetwork.com/cmh-nxt/
  18. ^ “Manufactured Housing Now E-Bulletin Archives”, constantcontact.com, July, 2009 – June, 2010, http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs095/1102302027188/archive/1102520637705.html
  19. ^ “Factory-built, Without the Guilt”, National Post online, accessed July 12, 2010, http://www.nationalpost.com/story.html?id=5fefaf55-20da-4a9e-921e-8dea4711e824&p=2
  20. ^ “Ask the Pro”, Holmesmagazine.com, Dauphin Media Group, © Copyright 2010, http://www.holmesmagazine.com/askthepro_maynard.php