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User:Daanschr/ Historical maps/ Valerianus (part I)

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Valerian was governor of Raetia and Noricum and went to Rome in 253 to support Trebonianus Gallus against Aemilianus. When Trebonianus Gallus was killed by his own troops, Valerian was chosen as the new emperor by the Rhine armies and invaded Italy. Aemilianus was killed by his own troops, because they were outnumbered by Valerian's force.

The Blemmyes invaded Egypt in 253, but were quickly defeated.

Valerian wanted to settle affairs with the Persians, leaving his son Gallienus in charge with the defense of the northern borders, which suffered from frequent raids along the Rhine and the Danube. Valerian was defeated by king Shapur I of Persia at the Battle of Barbalissos in 253. While the Romans had to deal with this defeat, the Quadi invaded Pannonia in 254.

256 was a difficult year. Shapur conquered Syria, sacking Antioch. There was a major invasion of Goths, Sarmatians and Carpi in Thrace, which eventually reached Asia Minor. And, the Franks invaded Germania Inferior.

Preceded by Head of state in Leiden as emperor of the Roman Empire
Succeeded by