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Wish. Pray. Love.
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Quote of The Day

Quotes by Me

  1. 一個美好的明天...會來嗎? (Will there be...a better tommorrow?) -Me
  2. 只可默默在遠處祝福對方... (Can only bless them from afar...) -Me
  3. 一千零一個謊話,可惜一個已是太多 (One thousand and one lies, yet one is already too much.) -Me
  4. 人生在世,只可盼望尋找之中找到真愛 (In life, we can only hope in finding our true love.) -Me
  5. If the world hates you, smile at it. Think of it as a kind of revenge. -Me
  6. Believe in hope, believe in believing in hope. -Me
  7. Instead for living for a better tommorrow, live instead for today, whether it is good or bad. -Me
  8. Before a gap touches, it has to close. -Me
  9. 三年的來臨...只忘了一字 (The arrival of three years....only forgetting one letter) -Me
  10. If there was life after death...means that we die only to live again -Me @ Travian
  11. Maybe as Diana says, I should care less, and join in the fun more. That, or say at least I know what I'm doing. -Me
  12. Forgive but don't forget, or you'll just hurt yourself a second time. -Me
  13. Love, the only piece of the puzzle I can't complete myself. -Me

Quotes by Others

  1. 要努力活在這時代,一心要跨到我未來 (One must work hard to live in this era, one must live for the future.) -Edmond Leung
  2. Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore (I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting.) -Cicero
  3. 自分のために笑つて佳いよ (It's ok to smile... for yourself.) -Bleach
  4. 誰未繼續,誰就會輸.就算再輸再不斷試,然後勝利會是我的...無下次 (Those who don't try will lose, even if you lose you need to try again. Soon, victory will be yours.....forever.) -Fiona Sit
  5. 情,越放開卻似烙印,越去擺脫總不忍 (Love, the more you let it go the more it scars you. The more you escape the more it comes back.) -Edmond Leung
  6. 其實我很煩惱,只是你看不到 (I actually have problems too, just that you can't see it.) -Dicky Cheung
  7. 愛上一個人,一定要讓他相信,這世界多麼美好 (If you love a person, you must show them just how beautiful this world is.) -Dicky Cheung
  8. 要是難行,繼續前行,讓我努力有在多轉個彎 (The road is hard, therefore you must go on. Allow us to turn the corner together.) -Bowie Lam
  9. 睛天,陰天,雨天,你在何地,代表我的天氣 (Sunny, cloudy, rainy, no matter where you are, you are my heart's weather.) -Ronald Cheng
  10. 人人都知,無條件的愛未必可博得,稱讚 (As we all know, unconditional love will not always get their praise.) -Ella Koon
  11. 愛就像天空, 可看不可碰 (Love is like the sky, can admire but cannot be touched.) -Joey Yung, Roger Kwok and Me
  12. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. -Dr. Seuss
  13. 若要人似我, 除非兩個我 (If I want someone to be like me, then there must be two of me.) -Tavia Yeung @ Cupid Stupid
  14. 原來人傷心到盡頭,可以哭不出一滴眼淚 (When one reaches the end of despair, they cannot cry.) -Charmaine Sheh @ Point of no Return
  15. I'm hurt, I'm heartbroken. - Chloe Moretz @ The Ellen DeGeneres Show
  16. We're all socially awkward in our own way. Some people just hide it better than others. -PAL
  17. The voice of the night calls to my weary soul~ My mind slips slowly into loaded dreamscapes~ -PAL (Fancy way to say "I'm off to bed")
  18. 一朝驚醒已在目前,怎麼走了這麼遠,屈指一算突然發現很多好戲已上演 (You wake up one day, and realise how far you have walked. Have a count, and you realise how many good movies have been shown) -Kay Tse
  19. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. -Bob Marley
  20. Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it's better than drinkin' alone. -Billy Joel @ Piano man
  21. But we are what we choose to be. -S.Zhang
  22. To find the one, you have to be the one. -T.Chan
  23. Smile until it's genuine. -C.Kuo