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This is my Wiki, It's really not for me, It's more for the free advertising value that i can get for my podcast. :)

File:WWT copy.jpg
What We Think's Logo

The Early Years


I was born in (CENSORED), NY on (CENSORED)



I attend a crappy public high school in New York State. It sucks, it's dirty, it smells, the kids are c**ks and they all make me want to punch someone.



I enjoy RC cars, but most of the time i enjoy gaming on my PC. I like games like Gears of War, Bioshock, Unreal Tournament III, and even Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. I also enjoy making my podcast we call What We Think (Website)

What Do I Think?


My podcast also know as What We Think or WWT for short is about tech related news that we find on Digg or any other news website that catches our eye. WWT is a decently popular podcast and has listeners in Sweden, France, Germany, US, UK, Australia the list goes on. One of our biggest influences has been the Diggnation podcast, which is almost the same as ours, but the only difference is that we don't drink beers and use the word "cock" like it's "the." WWT releases a new episode about once every month, we would like it to be once a week, but thing never work out like we want.

What We Think Description (In Greater Detail)


WWT talks about the latest tech news in a similar fashion to Diggnation. For example, we say the name of the story, and then we say how many Diggs the story got and then we discuss it and share our opinion. Then we talk about our sponsors that we have at the current time.

Our podcast is on iTunes, Feedburner and it's hosted, for free, by BlastPodcast

What We Think's Popularity


WWT's popularity has had some ups and downs. At one time we were getting over 100 downloads a month for a given episode. Now we get about 50 (we are unsure that our host tracks iTunes download). If you would like more information of WWT please go to the website

Where I Plan To Go


I plan on attending a technical college and doing something with computers, I'm really not sure what yet, more updates on that later. I also want to quit this crappy public school thing to be home schooled like Adam.

Through The Fire And The Flames...


Well on the 14thof April Me and my cousin, Adam Decided that we wanted to go up into our Grandparents property where there was a small shack that was made by the neighbors that had moved away a few months earlier. We looked around for a little wile near some other hunting shacks that were made by other people, and we found a rake and the bottom half of a charcoal grill. We decided that we wanted to have a small fire in it and do some "smithing" with an iron nail that I had found. We had the fire burning for about and hour, and we wanted to head back inside, so Adam and my brother went back to get a bucket of water to put the fire out with. And me, being the bright person that I am, threw some leaves into the fire and I looked away for a second and saw that there was a small patch of leaves that were on fire so I thought that it was no big deal and i began to stomp it out (probably my greatest mistake). The 1 foot patch grew to 3 and then to 5 then to 10, during this whole time I yelled for Adam to come up, but he was catching salamanders at the pond that he was getting water from, something that he regrets deeply. When he got up to where I was he yelled what happened? and i yelled back I don't know. By the time he came up the flames had already grew to 10 - 15 feet in diameter. Luckily we had packed a radio with us and radioed my grandparents to call the fire department.

Similar to what we experienced only we were in a much more heavily wooded area and higher flames

The fire department came quickly and we were able to stop the fire quickly and safely. The total area burned was about and acre or leaves and grass. I regret so many things that day and I'm so glad that we had that walkie-talkie, it saved our lives. To sum it all up, we're all okay but the memories of that day and what we should have done differently still haunt us.



For all of you nature freaks out there, the fire did not cause any permanent physical damage to any wildlife (that we know of). Grass and a few shrubs were the only things that were burned in the process. After visiting ground zero after the fire, I saw that the area has rebounded very nicely, with very little evidence that there was ever such a tragedy there. Other than the burn marks that are on the lean-too that we had been staying in, nothing else is a greater reminder of that tragic day.......