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The Assignment


Biology class, your assignment is to create 3 articles about different invertebrate species that currently have no articles about them. Each must be from a different group we have learned about in the last two units. At least one of these needs to be from each unit. The articles need not be very long, but they should be packed with information, and should cite at least 3 sources. If you cannot find 3 reliable sources for a species, you should choose a different species. Be sure to include a 'References' section.



Use this template, including at least three of the listed sections. Also include a taxobox in each article, using the following code, filling in all the information that you can:

| image = 
| image_caption =  
| regnum = [[Animal]]ia
| phylum = 
| classis = 
| ordo = 
| familia = 
| genus = 
| species = 
| binomial = 
| binomial_authority = 



Here are examples of articles that look similar to what I am expecting of you:

  1. Glomeris marginata
  2. Euprymna tasmanica
  3. Pandalus borealis
  4. Thymops birsteini

You don't need to include a photograph, but it would be a good idea, if you are able. Some pictures will be available on Wikimedia Commons, or you may find the elsewhere. Wikipedia only allows public domain photographs to be used, so you can't just steal any photo you like off the web!



A few hints for choosing a species--pick one that seems interesting, then do a quick Google search to see if one or two useful looking sources come up for them. If nothing looks useful, move on. If one or two seem useful, dig a little deeper. Google searches are great (try searching for the common name as well, if you find it), but here are some other resources:

  1. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/
  2. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/
  3. http://tolweb.org/tree/
  4. http://www.cephbase.utmb.edu/
  5. http://bugguide.net/node/view/15740
  6. http://www.ento.csiro.au/education/insects_allies.html
  7. http://www.thecephalopodpage.org/MarineInvertebrateZoology/index.html
  8. http://www.tamug.edu/cavebiology/fauna/bahamafaunalist.html
  9. http://www.tamug.edu/cavebiology/fauna/bermudafaunalist.html
  10. http://www.tamug.edu/cavebiology/fauna/yucatanfaunalist.html

Also see what resources Wikipedia links to in the pages they may have about the genus, family or other ranking of your species.

Article Possibilities


Final Wikipedia Article--Check out the following wikiprojects for requested articles. This time around, you may do an article on any of the topics listed as requested, in addition to any uncreated species. To find a topic, try searching for the general type of animal you're interested in ("lizard"), and then drilling down into the taxonomy to find species without pages.

Uncreated articles can be found at the following pages. Some are uncreated species, and some are pages that include lists. Look for the species names with red letters. If you would rather use the above resources to find a species, instead of choosing something from below, feel free. Once you have chosen a species, add your name at the bottom of this page, along with your species name.

Unit 14



  1. Aplysina cauliformis
  2. Ircinia strobilina
  3. Monanchora unguifera
  4. Scopalina ruetzleri
  5. Cliona aprica


  1. Porites astreoides
  2. Zoanthus sociatus
  3. Condylactis gigantea
  4. Bolocera tuediae
  5. Boloceropsis platei
  6. Calliactis tricolor
  7. Ceriantheopsis americanus
  8. Urticinopsis antarctica
  9. Montastrea cavernosa
  10. Caulastrea furcata
  11. Oculina diffusa
  12. Porites asteroides
  13. Cassiopea andromeda
  14. Catostylus mosaicus
  15. Madracis mirabilis


  1. Pseudoceros


  1. Ditylenchus myceliophagous
  2. Globodera
  3. Gnathostoma hispidum
  4. Mansonella streptocerca


  1. Eupolymnia crasscornis
  2. Odontosyllis enopla
  3. Various worms in the Indian Ocean
  4. Harmothoe

Unit 15



  1. Chamidae
  2. Panopea
  3. Pearl oyster
  4. Nodipecten subnodosus
  5. Euvola ziczac
  6. Pearl_oyster


  1. Gastropod articles


  1. Requested bobtail squid articles
  2. Requested cuttlefish articles
  3. Requested squid articles
  4. Requested octopus articles


  1. Many requested insects


  1. Pimoa
  2. Phrynus marginemaculatus
  3. Damon diadema
  4. Aptostichus simus
  5. Atypoides riversi
  6. Hypochilus thorelli


  1. A bajillion different species


  1. Various common centipedes


  1. Desmoxytes
  2. Polydesmus angustus
  3. Trigoniulus corallinus


  1. Diadematidae
  2. Aspidodiadematidae
  3. Astropecten
  4. Valvatida
  5. Ceramaster
  6. Linckia

Assorted invertebrates:

  1. Requested articles

Signing Up


Click 'edit' just above, and add your name, along with with links to the species you plan to do articles for.

Liam - Nodipecten subnodosus =D

Carlos - Atypoides riversi

Willa-Ann - Oculina diffusa

Matheus Marques - Odontosyllis enopla

Daniel Campos - Catostylus mosaicus

Wolfgang Waltemath - Phrynus marginemaculatus

Stephen Cook- Eupolymnia crasscornis ( DOONT STEAL) :)

Bianca Brandão - Condylactis gigantea ( Yeah ... Done !! )

Taylor - Porites astreoides, Aptostichus simus, Bridled mabuya

Sora Jung- Zoanthus sociatus; Polydesmus angustus

Willa-Ann - Sirex juvencus

Matheus Marques - Damon diadema

Juliana Carvalho - Cassiopea andromeda

Juliana Carvalho - Face mite

Bianca Brandão - Sirex noctilio

Stephen Cook - Pinctada albina

Daniel Campos - Euvola ziczac

Matheus Marques - Dahl's Toad-headed Turtle

Juliana Carvalho - Azara's Night Monkey

Willa-Ann - Diamond Firetail

Daniel Campos - Lophotis ruficrista

Bianca Brandão - Blue-eyed Spotted Cuscus

wolfgang - Bolocera tuediae

wolfgang - Aotus azarae azarae