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Mr. Hoffmire is the Director of the Saïd Global Entrepreneurship Network at the Saïd Business School of Oxford University. In this capacity Mr. Hoffmire directs the organization's fundraising, chapter development, recruiting, media relations and research components.

Mr. Hoffmire is also the Director of the Center on Business and Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison within the Wisconsin School of Business and Faculty Associate at the Puelicher Center for Banking Education.

John’s previous background involved a twenty-year career in equity investing, venture capital, consulting and investment banking. His work has had a particular focus on Employee Stock Ownership Plans. As founder and CEO of his own investment banking firm, he helped employees buy and manage approximately $2.2 billion worth of ESOP stock. He sold his firm to American Capital, which then went public. John left American Capital as Senior Investment Officer when the company reached $1 billion in assets. After leaving American Capital, John was Vice President at Ampersand Ventures, formerly Paine Webber's private equity group. Earlier in his career, after he finished his Ph.D. at Stanford University, he was a consultant at Bain & Company. John created the first known Employee Stock Ownership Plan for a microfinance institution when he helped the employees of K-REP buy part of their bank in 2001.

Presently, John is Chair of a ten office non-profit, Progress Through Business, that focuses on building entrepreneurship opportunities for those in inner cities and that runs innovative financial literacy, tax form preparation and benefit enrollment projects.


Free and For-Pay Tax Preparation Programs at Two Credit Unions: SECU and UW Credit Union, Filene Research Institute, 2010 <https://filene.org/publications/download/taxprep>

The Economics of Serving Low-Income Employees at Tax Time: Implications for Credit Unions, Filene Research Institute, 2009 <http://filene.org/free/taxtime>

“Promising Practices in the Development and Distribution of Asset-Building Products and Programs”, Families in Society, 2007, Volume 88, Number 3 <www.FamiliesInSociety.org>

“ESOPs and Mezzanine Financing,” with David Ehrenfest Steinglass, ESOP Association, 1998

“Competitive Strategy for ESOP Companies,” ESOP Association, 1996

How to Market Your ESOP Company, ESOP Association, John Hoffmire. (ed.), 1993

“Practice Note: Questions and Answers Regarding ESOPs for Family Businesses,” with J. Willis and R. Gilbert, Family Business Review, Volume 5, Number 2, Summer, 1992

“ESOP Implementation in the USSR and Yugoslavia,” with David Ellerman, in Employee Stock Ownership Plans, R. Smiley and R. Gilbert, Prentice Hall, 1990

“Practitioner Conduct: The Need for Open Debate,” Journal of Employee Ownership Law and Finance, Volume 2, Number 2, 1990

“A Quantitative Approach to ESOPs for Unions and Managers”, ESOP Association, 1989

“Using Earnouts to Implement ESOPs in Emerging Market Economies,” ESOP Association, 1989

“ESOP Options for Distressed Companies,” ESOP Association, 1989

Media Interviews and Coverage

2010 annual report article written by the University of Wisconsin Credit Union about the Center on Business and Poverty.

Working Mother had an article which mentioned the tax preparation work of the Center on Business and Poverty and Progress Through Business. It discussed our establishing a free tax program at UW Hospital and Clinics. This program was mentioned as one of Working Mother’s favorite programs at the institution, which won a company of the year award.

Update, the internal magazine of the Wisconsin School of Business, covered the receipt by the Center on Business and Poverty of the Governor’s Financial Literacy Award in their Spring/Summer 2010 edition.

Community Dividend, a periodical of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, covered the work of the Center on Business and Poverty in their first issue of 2008. The article was entitled “Expanding the Success of the Earned Income Tax Credit”.

50 Plus Lifestyles, a magazine for senior citizens in Wisconsin, covered the Center on Business and Poverty in their April, 2007 issue.

The JS Online, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the electronic version of the major Milwaukee paper covered the free tax preparation program the Center on Business and Poverty offered through employers in Miwaukee on April 13, 2006. News wires picked up a press release from Staples, the large business supply retailer, about how Staples had a relationship with the Center on Business and Poverty. This release hit the wires on March 30, 2005. The relationship with Staples has been ongoing.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel had an article on the Center on Business and Poverty on the front page of their business section on March 17, 2005. The Journal Sentinel is the major paper in Milwaukee.

Wisconsin Week, the publication of UW-Madison, covered the creation of the Center on Business and Poverty in their January 12, 2005 edition.

Badger Herald, one of the UW-Madison student newspapers, had a story about the Center on Business and Poverty in their January 20, 2005 paper.

Treasury and Risk Management, Hoffmire quoted about a portfolio company, October, 1999.

Washington Post quoted Hoffmire in regard to buyout financing on September 18, 2000.

Employee Benefit Plan Review, Hoffmire quoted in article about ESOPs, July, 1999.

Wall Street Journal, Hoffmire quoted in article about the paper industry, June 8, 1999.

Buyouts, The Newsletter for Management Buyouts, Leveraged Acquistions and Special Situations, May 3, 1999 interview of Hoffmire about employee buyouts and labor unions.

Bridge News, Hoffmire quoted in May, 1999.

Pittsburgh Gazette, Hoffmire interviewed about a portfolio company, April 26, 1999.

Arthur Anderson Knowledge Space, Hoffmire interviewed about employee ownership, April 9, 1999.

Buyouts, The Newsletter for Management Buyouts, Leveraged Acquistions and Special Situations, May 3, 1999 interview of Hoffmire about buyout financing, September 2, 1998.

Newswires picked up a press release let by Union Carbide Corporationthat discussed the ESOP transactions that Hoffmire worked on. September 27, 1990.

Rich Blake Money Management Letter, Hoffmire interviewed about labor investment strategies, September 2, 1998.

Wall Street Journal, interview with Kurt Sandholz, February 10, 1988.

Wall Street Journal, Managing Your Career, quoted, July 17, 1987.

On Wisconsin, the periodical of the UW-Madison Alumni Association, had a story about the Center on Business and Poverty in their Fall, 2005 publication.

The Capitol Region Business Journal, printed in Dane County, WI, ran an article on the Center on Business and Poverty in their May, 2005 issue.



www.progressthroughbusiness.org www.centeronbusinessandpoverty.org