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Elder Jacob O. Meyer taught over 5,000 sermons in his lifetime, preaching on the following subjects extensively. Below are the main teachings espoused by the Assemblies of Yahweh through Elder Jacob O. Meyer.



Commandment-keeping The main theme or subject of all sermons preached by Elder Meyer were that of commandment keeping. The ethos of the Assemblies of Yahweh being one of law, this would fall in line with this as well as the ministry’s Statement of Doctrine, written by Elder Meyer. Meyer would focus some sermons specifically on the subject of a law (especially from the ten commandments), such as in the sermon Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery, where he would cover all the points related to the law such as the New Testament and Old Testament references and the implications of the law in our lives, magnifying the law to encompass every aspect of our lives. However these deeper analyses of specific laws usually were written out as articles in the Sacred Name Broadcaster.

Some examples of subjects covered by commandment-keeping are the holy days, the dietary laws, tithing, correct speech etc. Meyer preached against every form of evil and sin through the law.

Some examples of sermon titles on this subject are included below:

  • Zealous repentence
  • Sin Brings Yahweh’s Judgment
  • The Stigma of Sin
  • The Priceless Core Commandments



Elder Jacob O. Meyer was considered to be a great spiritual leader by the Assemblies of Yahweh. He taught sermons on the subject of spirituality which many times focused on prayer, quiet study and introspection. In other words, taking the time to focus on Yahweh and things which would bring us closer to Yahweh. An examination of the fruits of the Spirit were many times focuses upon and contrasted against the works of the flesh. In the series, A New Young Israel Emerges, Meyer compares the Israelites who took the Promised Land to the Assemblies of Yahweh, whereas the Israelites who died in the wilderness were unspiritual people. Spirituality also can relate to sermons regarding zeal, good works and holy spirit characteristics. Some examples of sermon titles on this subject are included below:

  • The Spirit of Fruitfulness
  • Orientated Toward the Spiritual Goal
  • Characteristics of a Spiritual Obedient Nation



Elder Meyer would always preach the first message of the Feast of Tabernacles on love. The Assemblies of Yahweh believe they have got the definition of love correct because of John 14:15 and 1John 5:3, where it tells us that love is the keeping of the commandments. Usually when preaching about love Meyer would concentrate on the terms ‘agapē’ and ‘philadelphia’ (Φιλαδελφία)[1] focusing more on the latter. Meyer did not believe in Christianity's concept of love. The Assemblies of Yahweh teaches that only by keeping the commandments of Yahweh can we comprehend what love truly is as Yahweh’s loving character is contained in the law. Also tied in to this subject is that of unity and how love engenders unity. Meyer taught how we are to show love to Yahweh through sermons like Loving Yahweh from the heart (2008) and how to show love to our fellow men. The characteristics of the Philadelphia assembly is attained to by the Assemblies of Yahweh, the Philadelphia assembly being one which 'did not deny the name' (Yahweh) and that has 'good works' according to Revelation 3:8

Some examples of sermon titles on this subject are included below:

  • Love – the perfect bond
  • A Glorious Assembly
  • Philadelphia – Living the Kingdom Way of Life (2006)



Faith Most of the sermons preached by Meyer at least touched on the subject of faith, even in sermons preached such as Remembrance Brings Rejoicing’ Meyer would recall his own faith and his unshakable belief in the authority and authenticity of the Bible, as well as the ability of Yahweh to do all things and the ministries ability to complete the Great Commission. Sometimes Meyer would devote whole subjects to the subject of faith such as in the sermon Fear of Faith (1993). Meyer would retell the miracles he had personally seen within the ministry in sermons preached regarding the history of the Assemblies of Yahweh.



Prophesy Meyer would often preach a weekly Sabbath sermon regarding end-time prophesy, comparing trends of the day with what is predicted in the Bible, proving from the Bible we are in the end times such as in the series Age Ending Events Surveyed (2006). This would be done by identifying the violations of the law in society and all around the world, especially those stories which had made news headlines, preaching strongly against the evil conduct of the age and calling for repentance. Some claim Meyer is was a prophet, though he did not set any dates for Bible prophesies to take place based on Matthew 25:13. Meyer believed in preparing the Assemblies of Yahweh for what is known as the tribulation. Many sermons on prophesy relating to the coming Beast System mentioned in Revelation, as well but to a lesser extent, the coming Kingdom. Meyer would many times end his message with the encouraging proclamation ‘On to the Kingdom’.

Some of Meyer’s sermons on end time prophesy are below:

  • A Great Commission to Fulfil
  • The Last Days in Bible Prophesy
  • The Spectre of the Coming Beast System
  • Yahweh’s Message of Doom and Hope



Meyer stressed sanctification, holiness, dedication and the importance of avoiding pagan worldly customs, practices (such as Easter, Halloween and Xmas. Additionally, Meyer spoke out against things like worldly dress styles, calling for modesty and high standards in the worship of Yahweh such as formal dress on the holy days. The Assemblies of Yahweh continue to uphold these teachings. In the series Meyer preached called Become An Iconoclast for example, Meyer expresses the need to resist worldliness and worldly customs as did the Maccabees. Preceding the Pilgrim feasts, Meyer would instruct the leadership to focus their attention on sermons that would help purify the Assemblies of Yahweh in anticipation of the approaching holy day such as with the sermon Let Us Wash Our Hearts.

Some of Meyer’s sermons on the subject of piety and purity are below:

  • A True Israelite
  • Yahshua's Untarnished Character
  • What Is hidden In Your Heart
  • All Things Must Be Pure



Meyer taught the Assemblies of Yahweh to learn and then recite the Shema three times a day, as well as have a daily Bible reading program which allows adherents to read through the Bible in one year and set scriptures to open and close the Sabbath with, as was Meyers instruction. The congregation would stand for Meyer when he left or entered a building out of respect as per the instruction in Leviticus 19:32 and this was encouraged by the Work of the Ministry. The format for services have more-or-less stayed the same for over 50 years with their being a mini-sermon of about 30 minutes in length, followed by a main sermon of about 1 hour 30 minutes. The main sermon is usually a chosen pre-recorded sermon by Elder Jacob O. Meyer. Songs and spiritual offerings are encouraged, but music has to be approved by the music director. As outlined in his will, his faithful children continue to leaf the Assemblies of Yahweh in his stead and the leadership will alternate each week to preach the mini sermon on the Sabbath. Meyer’s sermons and writings are re-played and re-published within the organisation up to the present day.

  1. ^ Commentary on the book of Revelation, Volume 1. The Seven Lamps of Yahweh. Chapter: Philadelphia – Assembly of Sincere Brotherly Love, p. 151 Copyright 2006