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 Done Articles that need to be checked for "high-energy oxygen" statements[edit]

I think I'm done with this. Please let me know if I missed anything!

Okay, now I think I'm really done with this.


More articles[edit]

  1. Chemiosmosis fixed

False positives[edit]

Articles which reference questionable papers, but seem superficially okay[edit]

Articles specifically talking about the "energy" of oxygen[edit]

Articles with problems[edit]

  1. Bioenergetics#Overview "energy sources, mostly sunlight and O2" fixed
  2. Electron transport chain#Mitochondrial redox carriers "releases the energy of oxygen" fixed
  3. Great Oxidation Event#Consequences of oxygenation "oxygen is a high-energy molecule" fixed
  4. Light-dependent reactions: lede "oxygen as a high-energy waste product" fixed
  5. Microbial metabolism#Hydrogen oxidation "unlock the chemical energy of O2" fixed
  6. Microbial oxidation of sulfur#Ecology "energy-rich electron acceptors" fixed
  7. Nitrobacter#Metabolism and Growth "O2 as a source of energy" fixed
  8. Oxygen: lede "Dioxygen provides most of the chemical energy released in combustion" fixed

Fixed articles[edit]

  1. Wet sulfuric acid process#The process fixed June 9 "The energy released by the above-mentioned reactions is mostly derived from O2"
  2. Oxygen saturation#In medicine fixed June 9 "oxygen, their source of chemical energy"
  3. Animal#Ecology fixed June 9 "unlock the chemical energy of molecular oxygen"
  4. Dioxygen in biological reactions: lede fixed June 9 fixed further June 10 "the chemical energy of oxygen" "high-energy O2"
  5. Fuel#Chemical fixed June 9 "Most of the chemical energy released in combustion was not stored in the chemical bonds of the fuel, but in the weak double bond of molecular oxygen"
  6. Aerobic organism#Glucose fixed June 9 "the chemical energy stored in the relative weak double bond of oxygen"
  7. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide#Role in redox metabolism fixed June 9 "the energy stored in the relatively weak double bond of oxygen"
  8. Dead zone (ecology)#Effects fixed June 9 "switch their energy source from oxygen"
  9. Fatty acid metabolism: lede fixed June 9 "unlock the energy of more O2"
  10. Cellular respiration: lede "the most common oxidizing agent providing most of the chemical energy is molecular oxygen" fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
  11. Biology#Cellular respiration seems okay on second read, but assumes there's a double bond in O2. "weak high-energy bonds". fixed fixed
  12. Allotropes of oxygen#Dioxygen "the chemical energy stored in the weak sigma bond of atmospheric dioxygen"
  13. Anaerobic organism#Energy metabolism "taking advantage of the high energy of O2"
  14. Anaerobic respiration: lede "molecular oxygen is a high-energy oxidizing agent"
  15. Atmosphere of Earth#Evolution of Earth's atmosphere "oxygen is the high-energy molecule needed to power all complex life-forms"
  16. Bioluminescence#Chemical mechanism "molecular oxygen, which provides chemical energy"
  17. Cambrian explosion#Increase in oxygen levels "which need O2 for its chemical energy"
  18. Chemical energy: lede "Some examples of storage media of chemical energy include [...] oxygen gas, which is of relatively high energy"
  19. Chemical thermodynamics#Chemical energy "the energy (mostly of O2)"
  20. Chemosynthesis#Hydrogen sulfide chemosynthesis process "oxygen or nitrate as an energy source"
  21. Chemotroph#Chemoheterotroph "obtaining most of their energy from O2"
  22. Citric acid cycle#Major metabolic pathways converging on the citric acid cycle "with the energy of O2"
  23. Electron acceptor#Examples "to a high-energy electron acceptor"
  24. Energy content of biofuel#Energy and CO2 output of common biofuels "mostly the energy of the O2 consumed"
  25. Energy density#In energy storage and fuels "the oxygen that provides most of the energy released in combustion" fixed
  26. Energy development#Fossil fuels "solar energy stored in O2" fixed
  27. Energy flow (ecology)#Secondary production "Most energy is stored in plants and oxygen" fixed
  28. Exothermic reaction#Examples "most of the energy released was stored in O2" fixed
  29. Fermentation#Biochemical overview "It releases the chemical energy of O2" fixed
  30. Geological history of oxygen "O2, a high-energy molecule" fixed June 14
  31. Heterotroph#Ecology "the energy of O2" fixed
  32. History of life#Environmental and evolutionary impact of microbial mats "due to its [oxygen's] chemical energy" fixed
  33. Hydrogen oxidizing bacteria "oxygen as final electron acceptor and source of energy" fixed
  34. Hypoxia (environmental)#Aquatic hypoxia "rely on oxygen for its chemical energy" fixed
  35. Hypoxia in fish: lede "the chemical energy of O2" fixed
  36. Photosystem#Reaction centers "creating high-energy oxygen as a byproduct" fixed
  37. Redox#Rates, mechanisms, and energies "use oxygen as electron acceptor and the main source of energy" fixed
  38. Primary nutritional groups#Primary sources of reducing equivalents "Both use oxygen in respiration as electron acceptor and the main source of energy" fixed
  39. Ocean deoxygenation#Overview "oxygen for its chemical energy" fixed
  40. Oxidative phosphorylation: lede "more energy (provided by oxygen)" fixed
  41. Methanotroph: lede "unlock the energy of oxygen" fixed
  42. Microbial fuel cell: lede "high-energy oxidized compounds such as oxygen" fixed
  43. Adenosine triphosphate#Citric acid cycle "Oxygen provides the chemical energy driving the process" fixed
  44. Bioenergetic systems#Overview "the energy of oxygen" fixed
  45. Indirect calorimetry#History "the chemical energy of oxygen and nutrients" fixed
  46. Lithotroph#Overview of the metabolic process "unlock the chemical energy of O2" fixed
  47. Luciferin#Types "molecular oxygen, which provides the needed energy" fixed
  48. Muscle contraction#Eccentric contraction "chemical energy (originally of oxygen, unlocked by fat or glucose" fixed
  49. Metabolism#Energy from inorganic compounds "high-energy electron acceptors such as oxygen" fixed

Other articles[edit]

  1. Alkaline battery#Chemistry
  2. Autotroph: seems okay, self-reference fixed
  3. Carbohydrate catabolism: lede "relative (sic!) weak, high-energy double bond of O2" fixed
  4. Electric battery#Chemistry and principles "Zn or Li, which are high-energy metals" fixed
  5. Energy#Biology "the chemical energy of O2 and the carbohydrate or fat" fixed
  6. Enthalpy: weird, but not high-energy oxygen
  7. Exothermic process#Two types of chemical reactions "converting the relatively weak double bond of oxygen" fixed
  8. Food energy: lede; seems okay on second read, better ref needed fixed
  9. Fossil fuel#Origin seems okay on second read, better ref needed
  10. Fuel cell: lede "the chemical energy usually comes from metals and their ions and oxides"
  11. Fundamental thermodynamic relation: weird, but not high-energy oxygen
  12. Galvanic cell "high-energy anode metals"
  13. Glossary of civil engineering#B seems okay on second read, better ref needed
  14. Helmholtz free energy: weird, but not high-energy oxygen
  15. Lead–acid battery: lede "during charging, the battery acts as a water-splitting device"; "the chemical-energy content [...] increases with the proton concentration"
  16. Marine biogeochemical cycles#Fossil fuels seems okay on second read; needs better ref
  17. Methane#Fuel "hydrogen, which accounts for 55% of the heat of combustion"
  18. P680#Recovery of P680 "P680+ is a high-energy species"
  19. P700#Electron transport chain "high-energy cationic P700+"
  20. Photophosphorylation#Non-cyclic photophosphorylation "high-energy P680+"
  21. Photosynthesis#Water photolysis "high-energy chlorophyll" fixed
  22. Photosystem I#P700 reaction center "high-energy P700+"

Fixed articles[edit]

  1. Amount of substance#History (weird, but not high-energy oxygen) fixed June 9

Articles under discussion[edit]

  1. Thermodynamic equations#References fixed June 9 reverted June 9
  2. Second law of thermodynamics#Introduction fixed June 9 (typo in the edit summary, sorry) reverted June 10
  3. Combustion: lede fixed June 9 reverted June 12 fixed
  4. Heat of combustion: lede fixed June 9 reverted June 12
  5. Fire: lede change proposed June 10, ensuing discussion and major changes to the discussed section. Finally fixed