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User:Jiftlik/Salman Shina

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Salman Meir Shina, Jerusalem 1952

Salman Tsion Meir Shina(1898-1978), was Iraqi Jewish , lawyer , editor of Al Matsbah (menorah), A weekly literary magazine.

a member of the Iraqi Parliament 1947-1951

His life


Born in the Jewish quarter of Baghdad on 1899 son of Ben Tsion and Farah Shina (a branch of Hardoon familiy), he received a conventional religious Jewish education in midrash bet Zilkha and then continued his primary secondary studies at the secular Jewish school of the Alliance Francaise Isra‘lite in Baghdad, he made hi secondary studies at the Turkish gymnasium in Bagdhda and excelled there as well, phatically in languages. He was recruited to the Ottoman Army as a reserve officer during the First World War, as an adjutant and interpreter to the German General von Becker at the Turkish Headquarters of general Halil Kut. After the defeat of the Ottoman army in the second battle of kut HE was taken prisoner of war, and refused to join the British forces on the land that the Ottoman had always helped the Jews, since their exploration from Spain in 1942. In His book he describe a conversation with an officer of the British intelligence about the reasons for his refusal to join the British forces. This convinced the British to use him as an interpreter for the British commanders in the camps of the prisoner of war in Basra and India. The Belfour declaration convinced him to join the British army on July 1918..

He was re-patriated to Iraq in February 1919. During the early 20' he served as the main head of accountant of the Tsion abudi bank. On 1925 he received his Bachelor of laws from the Baghdad law college[1]. As a pivotal member in a committee he wrote the law of the "Jewish community No. 77 of the year 1931", this law has formulate the new construction of the community and its hierarchy. The second had a Jewish club and library and was the publisher of the Jewish magazine "Yeshurun". Salman Shina was the secretory of this tow societies and served as chief of their accountancy, and was in a permanent contact with the World Zionist Organization.

during the 30' Salman Shina has continued to fulfil a pivotal role in Iraqi Jewish community as a defender of the community from the rising sedition from the Nazi Germany and Arabs.

Salman Shina was elected to the Iraqi Parliament on 1947 and served in that duty until 1951.

After the majority of the Jewish community has left Iraq in Operation Ezra and Nehemiah, He resigned from the parliament and moved to Israel. He received his law certification from the state of Israel and opened a Lawyer office in Tel- Aviv.

On 1955 run for the Israeli parliament on the third Knesset elections. He was No. 2 in the "Sephardim and Oriental CommunitiHe continued to work as a lawyer and a man of the people until his death in Ramat gan 26 of Tamuz 5335 (According the Hebrew calendar) 31 of July 1978. He was berried at at Kiryat Shaul Cemetery in Tel Aviv .

His writings


1955- "From Babylon to Zion: thoughts and memories", an autobiography about his life in Iraq and in Israel.

Personal life


He was married to Simha Battat on 1927. They had 7 children, David, Kamal, Izik, Moses, Farah and Olga. Their elder son , David, has died when he was 12 years old. His mother Farha (from the Farhana family) was murdered during a robbery in her house on the early 20'.

[[Category:1978 deaths]] [[Category:Israeli autobiographers]] [[Category:Legislators]] [[Category:Jewish Iraqi politicians]]

  1. ^ Hamoudi, Haider Ala, ed. (2005). "Toward a Rule of Law Society in Iraq: Introducing Clinical Legal Education into Iraqi Law Schools". Berkeley Journal of International Law. doi:10.15779/Z38Q06R.