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James W. Bush


Zen - (born James W. Bush) is an American author. He is perhaps most recognized for his auto-biographical memoirs "Beware Of Rich Friends" and "It's How The Rich Stay Rich", depicting his life as a bodyguard for a wealthy heiress who remains unnamed for security reasons. The books contain horrific tales of life in a "white slavery" cult, and the yearnings of the author to create a more balanced human paradigm based on the values of the Rainbow Family Of Living Light who influenced him during his time on the Great Peace March.

Early life[edit]

Zen was born in Santa Monica, California moving to Orange County soon after a tornado hit his first grade classroom in 1966. He graduate from Cypress High School in 1978 with his focus primarily on theater arts. He began working as a baker in 1981, listening to Michael Benner's Open Conversation program on KLOS where the topics tended to lead back to how our lives could be improved by changing what was focused on. The Human Potential Movement was in full swing and his life took a drastic change in 1984 when some of these ideas began to take hold. A spontaneous trance channeling episode shook him up enough to seriously focus on anything to do with world religion or paranormal subjects, but he always tried to keep his sensibilities about him. It was also in 1984 that he was told his new name was "Zen". By 1986 he had quite a bit of study under his belt and was inspired by a magazine advertisement to participate in the Great Peace March across the United States of America. A protest of the nuclear arms buildup of the Cold War era. After the march came to an end in Washington, D. C., he started a small business that he eventually moved to Sedona, Arizona in 1988. That is the point where the book "Beware Of Rich Friends" picks up.


Eco-Ark Project[edit]

The Eco-Ark Project began on three acres on the Big Island of Hawaii in 2003.


External links[edit]

Category:1960 births Category:Alumni of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art Category:American male film actors Category:American male television actors Category:Living people Category:Authors from Los Angeles, California Category:People from Cypress, Los Angeles