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Chinas 12-point peace Proposed plan for the Ukraine-Russia war


Respecting the sovereignty of all countries

Abandoning the Cold War mentality

Ceasing hostilities

Resuming peace talks

Resolving the humanitarian crisis

Protecting civilians and prisoners of war (POWs)

Keeping nuclear power plants safe

Reducing strategic risks

Facilitating grain exports

Stopping unilateral sanctions

Keeping industrial and supply chains stable

Promoting post-conflict reconstruction

Summary of peace points


Respecting the sovereignty of all countries


Basically, not attempting to invade and overthrow other nations governments to increase political, geopolitical, military, or economic/geoeconomic power. 

Abandoning the Cold war mentality


The Cold war mentality is most commonly referred to as two blocs, alliances or superpowers facing off against each other in an attempt to seek world hegemony. This usually occurs when these competitors have different world values, social values, political ideals or otherwise.[2] China put this point especially as it is against the "Cold War mentality" and calls for NATO to grow out of its mentality towards China and Russia and attempt to help ending the Russia-Ukraine conflict. 

Ceasing hostilities


In this part of the treaty, Russia and Ukraine will stop fighting and will resume peace talks.

Resuming peace talks


Both Russia and Ukraine and the involved UN countries meet to attempt to broker a peace between the two nations.

An old woman flees fierce fighting raging in nearby Irpin.

Resolving the humanitarian crisis


War tends to displace people and the Russia-Ukraine war did a heck of job with the official number of displaced or refugees at 8 million civilians and 5.3 million more estimated to be displaced inside the country. This part of the treaty includes helping civilians return back home and give other aid to these refugees.

Protecting civilians and Prisoners of War (POW)


This means getting civilians away from battlegrounds and other hot zones and relocating them to new locations. This also means not executing POW's and treating them according to the UN's accord on treatment of POW's. Throughout this conflict multiple war crimes have been committed by Russia, although the amount is not known yet, but is currently began being investigated by the UN and a group of associated nations participating.

Keeping Nuclear power plants safe


This one is associated with keeping nuclear power plants from attack and destruction. This will keep Ukraine or Russia from suffering a nuclear meltdown within their borders that would not only affect their nations landscape and environment but could also affect nearby nations environments. This would also keep any other damage being done to both nations which have already been ravaged by this war.

Reducing strategic risks


This would probably mean that the Russian military would have to stay a certain distance away from the Ukranian border and decrease armed naval activity in the area around Ukraine's coastline. It would probably also include the reestablishing of pre-conflict borders with Ukraine receiving back its separatist provinces and Crimea. This could also include the small-scale downsizing of the Russian armed forces.

Facilitating grain exports


This would mean allowing Ukraine and Russia both the opportunity to use the Black Sea to export grain reserves to other nations because in the present Russia is attacking all and any Ukrainian vessels making it even harder to support the Ukranian economy as they cannot export grain and other important exports that support Ukraine's economy.

Stopping unilateral sanctions


This would mean putting any economic sanctions against Russia and Ukraine to cease and desist immediately.

Keeping industrial and supply chains stable


This means stopping any attacks against both sides economic supply chains and any industry on both sides. It would also mean allowing both Russia and Ukraine's economies stabilize back to pre-war levels. 

Promoting post-conflict reconstruction


This would mean reconstruction of both Russia and Ukraine's infrastructure and economies. This would be the most important part of the treaty as it means restoring both nations back to their pre-war levels.


"China presents its 12-point "peace plan" regarding Russia's war in Ukraine". news.yahoo.com. Retrieved 2023-02-27.
Capie, David; Evans, Paul (2002-01-02), "Cold War Mentality", Cold War Mentality, ISEAS Publishing, pp. 45–47, doi:10.1355/9789812307071-009/html#:~:text=such%20a%20security%20perception%20ledto%20four%20decades%20of,mentality.since%20the%201970s%20international%20relations%20have%20undergoneprofound%20changes., ISBN 978-981-230-707-1, retrieved 2023-02-27  {{citation}}: Empty citation (help): Check |doi= value (help)