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User:Keepitrealkeepitgoth/Keep it Real Keep it goth

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Keep it Real Keep it goth[edit]

Keep it Real Keep it goth is a Music Revolution started by a Disheartened goth as a reaction to the state of the current goth scene. The revolution started as just some angry ideas but is growing into a fully fledge force to the goth scene in order to clean it up.

How the idea came about[edit]

The first ideas of Keep it Real[edit]

The Idea of Keep it Real started when a disheartened goth was sick of the way the goth scene had turned out. The way the goth clubs would no longer play goth music in favor of Rave Music, the goth festivals would feature everything but goth and slowly but surly the goth scene was being replaced with EBM, Industrial, Dance and everything else that was unrelated.

"A typical night for me would be spent at a goth club with 3 hours of hard rave in favor of what i loved the most goth music it seemed the guitar was a forgotten thing of the past"

"i would find a flyer for a festival promoting the word goth but finding it misleading due to the fact that it would feature bands from genres such as EBM, Rave, Industrial, Metal, Dance but i couldn't see a goth band in sight.

goth bands keeping the flame alive would slowly die out due to the Guitar becoming a thing of the past in favor of keyboard based bands.

There needed to be something done to bring back the Guitar into music and once again have the clubs play goth music.

The Start of Keep it Real[edit]

Keep it real started in 2011 as a idea but needed to be just more than some angry goth guy who hated the state of his scene ideas had been passed backwards and forwards and out of the ideas came a group which started on facebook and has grown to thousands of members all sharing the same views.

The group is a main place where a goth could meet fellow goths and share there love of the music through posting videos from youtube and ideas, flyers and anything interesting related to the goth scene.

as of today keep it real has started an official website http://keepitrealkeepitgoth.com