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Rozen Maiden EP.11


Continuing from the previous episode, this one begins with Enju greeting Shinku, Suiseiseki, and Canaria. The dolls immediately recognises him as 'Father' but Jun suspects this and tells the other that he thought 'Father' only wants to see Alice. Shinku, however, asks him to not say any word and tells Enju that she will indeed participate in Alice Game. Enju, Barasuishou, and Laplace then leave through the N-Field after telling the dolls to gather at the N-Field tomorrow. Jun makes a plea to the doll not to participate but it seems only Canaria agrees with this idea. Shinku and Suiseiseki then tell Canaria to stay behind so that she won't get in their way. Canaria is offended to hear this and proceeds to return to Micchan's house. Later on Jun becomes depressed because he can't seem to do anything for the dolls but Shinku tells him that she wants him to come with her to the battle tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Suiseiseki is seen visiting Souseiseki in her casket whilst telling her twin that HinaIchigo has entrusted her Rosa Mystica to Shinku. Because of this Souseiseki will stay with Shinku from now on and she thinks Souseiseki should always stay with Suiseiseki. The next morning, Jun, Shinku, and Suiseiseki are surprised to see Nori preparing flower-topped hamburger for breakfast. Nori then sadly tells them that she promises to cook better dinner for them so she asks them to come back quickly. It seems even Nori is feeling sad for them. Not long after this Canaria arrives at the house, angering Suiseiseki. Canaria argues that Alice Game can't start without her. Hey, what a good idea! That's even more reason why she should stay behind. Anyway, Suiseiseki tells Canaria that she should run away if things get too dangerous. The three dolls plus Jun then go through the N-Field and is promptly transported to a Rose Garden.

Jun arrives in time just as the dolls begin their fight. Shinku is in the middle of fielding attacks from both Barasuishou and Suigintou while telling 'Father' that she has no intention to fight. Jun seems to have the same idea so he goes to approach Rozen, leaving Shinku free to focus on her fight with Bara.

Shinku, however, is also attacked by Suigintou but before Suigintou can do anything else, she's halted by the presence of Suiseiseki, who wants Suigintou to return Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica. So two new battles begin: Shinku vs. Barasuishou and Suiseiseki vs. Suigintou. Canaria, who's feeling left out, tries to help Suiseiseki with her violin but she ends up getting attacked by an annoyed Suigintou.

Suigintou taunts Suiseiseki that it seems Suiseiseki is not useless after all. She then rubs salt on the wound by producing Souseiseki's scissor and tells Suiseiseki that it'll be ironic if she defeats Suiseiseki with it.

Meanwhile, Jun manages to approach Enju and tells the guy that Shinku only came with the intention of stopping Alice Game. At the same time, Shinku somehow manages to get away from Bara to help Suiseiki battling Suigintou. Unfortunately, Bara has now detected the presence of Canaria and makes an attack on the doll. Suiseiseki has no choice but to help Canaria and manages to capture Barasuishou with her vines. Her one mistake: she didn't rip Bara to pieces while doing this. Suiseiseki then uses her watering can to create a big tree so Canaria can run away from the place. She tells Canaria that she can no longer watch as other doll's Rosa Mystica are taken so she urges Canaria to run away. Unfortunately Barasuishou manages to escape from the vines that captured her and proceeds to attack Canaria again. Suiseiseki, who's trying to cover for Cana, ends up being attacked and falls to the ground. Canaria decides to return and help Suiseiseki.

Unfortunately, this only serves to anger Barasuishou further. She finally unleashes a major attack on Canaria, forcing Suiseiseki to cover for her.

As a result, Suiseiseki is now frozen in ice and her Roza Mystica is floating into the air. Before Bara can take it, however, Canaria makes a grab for it, promising to protect it from Bara's grubby hands. Meanwhile Jun is trying to knock some sense into Enju but is stopped by Laplace. Outside, Canaria makes her last stance against Bara. She uses her strongest violin attack and manages to rip Bara's right arm but unfortunately, the attack also costs canaria her violin. Bara's left arm then re-materialises her sword and proceeds to run it through Canaria's body.

She then takes Canaria and Suiseiseki's Roza Mystica. Shinku, who sees everything becomes angry and finally unleashes her strongest petal attacks on both Suigintou and Barasuishou.

mario kart 64 hints (do not edit)

  • The beta-version of Rainbow Road in Mario Kart 64 was later used as the Rainbow Road track in Mario Kart DS.
  • The Kalimari Desert track is named after a cross between the real-life Kalahari Desert and the food item calamari.
  • The racers are not 3D models, but 2D, pre-rendered images. Every frame of the racer was rendered as a separate frame from the high res-3D model, and what frame is shown depends on the angle of the camera.
  • Mario Kart 64 is the first non-Rare game to feature the Donkey Kong character design made by Rare for the Donkey Kong Country series, and is credited as being used with their permission. After repeating this practice for numerous subsequent Mario character games, Nintendo amicably obtained the rights to this design at the time Rare was bought by Microsoft to develop Xbox games. Nintendo now uses this design of Donkey Kong almost exclusively.
  • The game is notorious for the large number of shortcuts incorporated within it. While other Mario Kart games have shortcuts put in place quite obviously by Nintendo, many of the shortcuts in Mario Kart 64 are the result of unforseen glitches in the game, although the Nintendo player's guide includes them. Examples include Frappe Snowland in which the player is able to turn around at the start of a race, drive off the track then drive over the finish line only to be rewarded with an unrealistic lap time close to ten seconds and Kalamari Desert, in which a large part of the course can be circumvented by driving on the course's railroad track. On Wario Stadium it is possible to jump over two walls close to the finish line and have a lap time possibly under three seconds. On tracks such as Mario Raceway, Toad's Turnpike, Choco Mountain and Rainbow Road it is also possible to use the jump button to cut off major sections of the track, usually by jumping over a wall or using glitches to make Lakitu drop a player ahead in a lap. Eleven of the sixteen tracks have at least one unintended shortcut. Perhaps the use of the jump function to create shortcuts explains Nintendo's reluctance to put a jump function in later installments of the series.
  • Luigi, Wario,Princess Peach, and Toad (called Kinopio in Japan) have different voices in the Japanese version, which were also used in Mario Party 1 and 2.
  • This is the first game where Yoshi's neck and tail are smaller.