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Advent Conspiracy


An international movement centered around bringing a deeper meaning to Christmas. The movement is characterized by its four founding principle: Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, Love All. The movements purpose is to avoid getting caught up in the consumerism surrounding the holiday in order to celebrate Christmas more fully.



In 2006 a handful of pastors created Advent Conspiracy in order revitalize the true meaning of Christmas. Pastors Greg Holder,Chris Seay, Rick McKinley found a handful of other pastors and together they conspired to bring christmas back to its true meaning, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. They did so by encouraging their congregations to rebel against the Hyperconsumerism they found many christians fall victim to. They proposed to spend less on gifts and give to the poor. Advent Conspiracy partnered with Living Water International in order to build clean water wells impoverished areas. In their first year Advent Conspiracy's raised halve a million dollars to build a high capacity well in Nicaragua and 13 wells in Liberia.



Today Advent Conspiracy consist of approximately 1500 churches and organizations around the globe. In 2008 the organization raised over 3 million dollars for Living Water International.



Advent Conspiracy Can Christmas Still Change the World <"Prison Fellowship Ministries"> [http://www.christianpost.com/article/20091202/advent-conspiracy/index.html> </"adventconspiracy.org> [http://www.adventconspiracy.org/> </Living Water International> [http://www.water.cc/>