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User:Kund/Bioresource Research Center, Pakistan

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Bioresource Research Center, Pakistan is a multidisciplinary research organization based at Islamabad (the capital of Pakistan). BRC is the only noncommercial non-governmental Research institution in Pakistan. The center is working since 1998, and has a diverse group of researchers acclimatized with conditions of this part of the world, specializing in different aspects of biology and management sciences. The center has till date generated the following facilities to support its activities.

1. Field studies: the center enjoys a full field support of the forest, wildlife, livestock, and allied field departments. It has its own field vehicles, multiple sets of carrying accessories, field still and movie cameras, camera traps, GPS, with dedicated field staff, acclimatized with local conditions and norms.

2. Sanctuary: center maintains twelve hectare sanctuary, where the confiscated bears are maintained. The sanctuary has been used for collecting information on bear management. The sanctuary has a seminar room, Operation Theater, a biogas plant. The center also owns a 30 hectare area, having wild vegetation and agricultural land and expect to start another bear sanctuary.

3. GIS lab: a laboratory having 17 computers fully equipped for providing GIS support for the studies. It can also be used for short term trainings for GIS associated fields. Currently busy in mapping natural resources of the country

4. Molecular Ecology Lab: a small yet full furnished laboratory has been developed for studies on human and animal genomes. The laboratory has PCR, spectrophotometer, distillation unit to incubator, centrifuge machine, gel electrophoresis systems (vertical as well as horizontal), transilluminator, thermal cycler and gel documentation system being fully functional. Where genetic diversity based population studies of threatened species is being conducted such as the musk deer and bears species of the country.

5. Ecophysics Lab: a specialized faculty available for recording and analysis of variation on patterns of animal/ birds voices. The laboratory is developing bank of voices of different species and races for future reference. 6. The center has provision of studies on aquatic reptiles and amphibians and pond has been developed for controlled studies.

7. Animal Taxanomy BRC has special expertise of identifying local bird under field conditions. A library of field photographs is also available.

8. Mass Awarness The center has a fully developed cell of mass awareness, having field workers. The team has successfully conducted mass awareness campaign in different parts of the country focusing on schools, village fairs, mosques, religious leaders, and landlords/ public leaders.

9. conservation of bear speciesBioresource Research Center (BRC) is working for the conservation of bear species in Pakistan since last 15 years. During these efforts, our focus remained on the illegal captivity of these protected species, and of course the cruelties involved during these captivities i.e. dances of bears, their fights with the dogs and some other abuses, which were of course resulting in the removal of the species in their habitat and accordingly it, faced a fast decline in the wild. For rehabilitation of these bears BRC needed to develop a bear sanctuary at Kund in District Swabi in collaboration with NWFP Wild life Department, which now homes several bears of about 4 bears species confiscated from some of the bear baiting events, some from poachers who steal them from the market for traders, and also some from the smugglers. The sanctuary established is now about to reach at its maximum capacity and BRC is now thinking to establish another bear sanctuary, in Blkasar district Chakwal of Punjab province.

10. bearbaitingThis centre is involved in monitoring and control of the menace of bearbaiting in Pakistan. BRC is trying to tackle this problem by adopting a multi-prong strategy. The strategy involves arranging alternate attraction in the village fairs to attract the spectators and hence trying to passively reduce the number of spectators of the associated bearbaiting events, thence trying to snatch away the pride of the organizers. Such an activity also helps in awareness of the masses and hence awakening them against this menace. The second line of action concerns approaching the masses through the mosques, falling in the affected areas. The khateebs of these mosques are requested to include the message of Quran and Hadiths against the cruel game of bear baiting in the Friday sermons. Directly contacting the organizers and trying to convince them to give up these practices has been another approach. The fourth line of action has been arranging alternating livelihood for the bear owners in place of bear dancing or bearbaiting. The bears are confiscated or rescued from the gypsies/ bearbaiting events or in return arranging alternate livelihood.

11. Rescued Bears The bears confiscated or rescued through such activities are usually weak and seriously injured and requires rehabilitation till the time they can be release back in nature. These bears are liability of BRC-P. A number of such bears are presently being maintained at world class sanctuary being managed by BRC-P at Kund in district Swabi (NWFP).



Pakistan halts bear-baiting event (18 May 2005), http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4558165.stm

Religious based awareness, BRC website, http://www.pbrc.edu.pk/religious.htm

Kund Bear Sanctuary, BRC website, http://www.pbrc.edu.pk/sanctuaryy.htm

Pakistan's baited bears wait for rescue (4 January 2001), http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1100555.stm
