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The Lovecraft eZine
Genrehorror fiction, noir fiction, hardboiled, dark fantasy, poetry

The Lovecraft eZine is a monthly online magazine (also known as an ezine) devoted to Lovecraftian horror. In addition to the monthly magazine, Mike Davis, the editor of the Lovecraft eZine blogs about all things Lovecraft several times a week. You can subscribe to the website via email or RSS (right side of this page), additionally to following the eZine on Twitter, and joining them on Facebook.

Starting with issues 11 the Lovecraft eZine also features an art section, featuring different artists each issue.

A video chat is being held (and hosted by the Lovecraft eZine) on Google Hangout every Sunday at 6:00pm EST (3pm PST, 5pm CST, 11pm London). [1] Some chats have special guests such as Lovecraftian authors, editors, and publishers, and some chats are open to everyone who would like to chime in.

The main goal of The Lovecraft eZine "is and always will be to publish free quality Lovecraftian fiction — fiction that is every bit as good as print Lovecraftian anthologies. Quite a few well-known writers have been published here, but [they] also accept submissions from first-time writers. It’s all about the quality of the writing and the submission guidelines." [2] [3]


  • Editor and founder of The Lovecraft eZine: Mike Davis
  • Co-Editors (starting with No. 11): A.J. French, Bruce L. Priddy, David Binks
  • Design artist (t-shirts, flyers, & much more): Leslie Herzfeld
  • Story artists: Steve Santiago, Galen Dara, Ronnie Tucker, Nick Gucker, Mike Dominic, Stjepan Lukac, Dana Wright, Robert Elrod, Ronnie Tucker, Dana Wright, Warren Layberry, Domimic Black, Sascha Renninger, Peter Szmer, Miko
  • Story readers: Bruce L. Priddy, David Binks, Juliana Quartaroli, Morgan Scorpion, Vincent LaRosa, Chris Dead, Mars Homeworld, Xan Nyfors, Lou Columbus, Chaz Engan
  • Kindle/Nook design: Kenneth W. Cain

Blurbs, recommendations and feedback


"If you’re a fan of Lovecraftian horror, the Lovecraft eZine is worth checking out. The blog’s main page is packed full of interesting Lovecraft-related links, photos, and articles. However, the site’s main appeal is the free, monthly eZine itself which contains a nice selection of Lovecraft-inspired horror stories written by both established and aspiring authors." [4]

"Along with being a new, prolific, and well-run website, Lovecraft Zine is also a place that publishes I enjoy reading and, moreover, might be a place for myslef, or anyone else who loves the dark and macabre, to publish in the future." [5]

"Horror fans and Lovecraft afficionados have been darkly singing the praises of LOVECRAFT eZINE. Editor/founder Mike Davis and Crew offer monthly chills and thrills that “share the tone and themes of Lovecraft.” That is, cosmic fear, or simply “weird fiction” if you prefer. Within that spectrum there is a vast array of possibilities for horror, dark fantasy, and beyond. Some of the zine’s current best include tales by horrormeister W.H. Pugmire, an Old School Gent when it comes to all things Lovecraftian, as well as stories by Joseph S. Pulver and David J. West." [6]

"There are many other perhaps lesser known authors who take things a step further, writing new stories that actually take place within the “Lovecraftian universe. A prime example of this is the Lovecraft eZine, a monthly online publication that features short stories that share themes of cosmic horror, the discovered knowledge of unnameable, terrible things – and maybe even a Shoggoth or two." [7]

Publishing History


February 2011

  • Sledding and Starlings by Bruce L. Priddy, audio version read by Chris Dead
  • Rickman’s Plasma by William Meikle
  • The Brown Tower by John Prescott
  • The Crane Horror by Bruce Durham

March 2011


April 2011


May 2011

  • All The Gold by Joseph S. Pulver
  • Dreams of Fire and Glass, part 1 by Neal Jansons
  • O, Lad of Memory and Shadow by W.H. Pugmire
  • Dragon Star Lucky Food by John Medaille
  • Curse the Child by David J. West

June 2011

  • The Case of the Galloway Eidolon by Bruce Durham
  • The Call of the Danc by William Meikle
  • Unearthly Awakening by W.H. Pugmire
  • Darius Roy’s Manic Grin by Brian Barnett
  • Dreams of Fire and Glass, conclusion by Neal Jansons

September 2011

  • Ushered On the Wind by Jeffrey J. Taylor & W.H. Pugmire
  • The Wagon’s Trail by Joseph S. Pulver
  • The Audient Void by Mark Lowell
  • In Phantom Isolation by W.H. Pugmire
  • The Weird Studies of Harley Warren by Berin Kinsman

October 2011

  • Sky Full of Fire by Corinna Sara Bechko
  • The Lord of Endings by John R. Fultz
  • Loaners by Aaron Polson
  • The Prophecy of Zarah by Jenne Kaivo
  • The Stranger From Out of Town by John Prescott

November 2011

  • Desert Mystery! Gas & Go! by Ann K. Schwader, audio version read by Morgan Scorpion
  • The Tunnel Inside the Mountain by A.J. French
  • #Dreaming by William Meikle
  • What Dances In Shadow by Derek Ferreira
  • The Time Eater by Adam Bolivar

December 2011


January 2012


February 2012


March 2012


April 2012


Special Issue: Women in Horror / May 2012


June 2012


Special Issue: Water / July 2012


Special Issue: Science Fiction / September 2012


Special Issue: Roger Zelazny / October 2012


November 2012


December 2012

  • Of Faith and Fallow by William R.D. Wood
  • The Dead of Winter by Jay Caselberg
  • Herbert West in Love by Molly Tanzer
  • Wind Walker by Neil John Buchanan
  • Yule Log by Richard Holland

January 2013


