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User:Langhamplace/Applied Arts and Health

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Applied Arts and Health is an umbrella term which includes any artform used in an applied way to intentionally bring about change within a health context. For example Applied Drama or applied theatre practices in social reform or the use of fine art in Occupational therapy and Expressive therapy would both fit this definition. Usuage of the term follows other disciplines' adoption of 'pure' and 'applied' to denote their explicit intentionality such as Pure and Applied Chemistry or Pure mathematics and Applied mathematics. The term 'Applied Arts and Health' came into academic prominence in 2009 when theJournal of Applied Arts and Health [Italic text]ISSN: 20402457 (cover date 2010) was first published by [Intellect Ltd]. The term was first adopted at a research conference in the United Kingdom, [Inspiring Transformations: Applied Arts and Health] also in 2009. The term 'Applied Arts and Health' further refines the more generalised use of the term 'Arts and Health' as used in [A prospectus for arts and health] published by Arts Council England in 2007.



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