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Egyptian Manuscripts

Meroitic alphabet
Egyptian language
Old Egyptian language
Middle Egyptian language
Late Egyptian language
Demotic (Egyptian)
Coptic language
Coptic alphabet
List of ancient Egyptian papyri
Saite Oracle Papyrus
Elephantine papyri
Book of the Dead
Books of Breathing
Book of Caverns
Book of the Earth
Book of Gates
Coffin Texts
Litany of the Eye of Horus
Litany of Re
Pyramid Texts
Ahmose, son of Ebana
Autobiography of Ahmose Pen-Nekhebet
Autobiography of Weni
Autobiography of Harkhuf
Abydos King List
Den seal impressions
Giza writing board
Karnak king list
Medinet Habu king list
Palermo Stone
Ramesseum king list
Saqqara Tablet
South Saqqara Stone
Turin King List
Egyptian medical papyri
Brooklyn Papyrus
Brugsch Papyrus
Carlsberg papyrus
Chester Beatty Medical Papyrus
Ebers Papyrus
Erman Papyrus
Hearst papyrus
Kahun Gynaecological Papyrus
Leiden Papyrus
London Medical Papyrus
Ramesseum medical papyri
Edwin Smith Papyrus
Book of the Faiyum
Complaints of Khakheperraseneb
Great Hymn to the Aten
List of Book of the Dead spells
Merneptah Stele
Sebek-khu Stele
Stela of Queen Tetisheri