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User:MWinter4/Edge graph of a polytope

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The edge graphs of the square, cube and tesseract.

In polytope theory, the edge graph (also vertex-edge graph, 1-skeleton, skeleton or just graph) of a polytope is a graph whose vertices and edges correspond to the vertices and edges of the polytope. The edge graph is a combinatorial object, not retaining any geometric information from the polytope, such as the position of vertices or lengths of edges. Some authors use the term skeleton or 1-skeleton to refer to the geometric embedding of the edge graph, which retains this geometric information.

Not all graphs appear as edge graphs of polytopes. Those graphs which do are said to be polytopal. Edge graphs of 3-dimensional polytopes are also called polyhedral graphs. Deciding whether a graph is polytopal is known as the Steinitz problem and is NP hard for general dimensions.

Information about the polytope's faces of dimension two or higher is not immediately accessible from the edge graph, and in fact, can often not be reconstruction from the edge graph at all. The full combinatorial structure of a polytope is captured by its face lattice. Under which conditions the face lattice can be reconstructed from the edge graph is mostly open.

This article focuses on edge graphs of convex polytopes.

General properties


The edge graph of a convex polytope is a finite simple graph. It is always connected and a path between any two vertices can be constructed using the simplex algorithm. For low-dimensional polytopes the structure of the edge graph is essentially determined by the dimension:

  • the only 0-dimensional polytope is the point; its edge graph is .
  • the only 1-dimensional polytope is the line segment; its edge graph is .
  • the 2-dimensional polytopes are polygons. The edge graph of an -sided polygon is , the cycle with vertices.
  • the edge graphs of 3-dimensional polytopes are rich in structure but are still well-understood: by Steinitz's theorem edge graphs of 3-polytopes are exactly the 3-vertex-connected planar graphs (also known as polyhedral graphs).

For -polytopes with no characterization of edge graphs is known or expected. Some general statements can be made:

It is in general non-trivial to determine whether a given graph is the edge graph of a polytope, that is, whether it is a polytopal graph. For some graph classes, such as graphs of minimum degree , the above properties can help to decide this question. For example, the Petersen graph is 3-regular. Hence, if it were polytopal, it would be the edge graph of a 3-polytope. It is however not planar and thus cannot be the edge graph of a 3-polytope. For graphs of minimum degree this is usually harder to argue.



Named families


Other named examples




Some operations on polytopes translate to their edge graphs in a simple way.

  • The edge graph of the Cartesian product is obtained as the Cartesian product of the edge graphs of and . For example, the product of a cycle graph and is the edge graph of a prism.
  • The edge graph of the join is obtained as the graph join of the edge graphs of and , that is, by taking the union of the edge graphs and adding all edges between them. The same holds for the direct sum , given that both and have dimension at least two.
  • The edge graph of the connected sum is obtained by gluing their edge graphs at the subgraph that corresponds to the facet at which and are glued.
  • For 3-dimensional polytopes the edge graph of the polar dual polytope is the dual graph of its edge graph.

Reconstruction from the edge graph


Given the edge graph of a polytope of dimension up to three it is possible to reconstruct the polytope's combinatorial type, that is, the complete list of faces and incidences between them. For example, the faces of a 3-polytope correspond exactly to the non-separating induced cycles in the edge graph. In particular, in low dimension it is possible to tell the dimension of the polytope from the graph.

In dimension this is no longer the case. There exist combinatorially distinct polytopes with isomorphic edge graphs, and even polytopes of different dimensions with isomorphic edge graphs.

Examples of non-reconstruction


Simplices have a complete edge graph; but in dimension there are other polytopes whose edge graph is complete. These are known as 1-neighborly polytopes. For example, both the -dimension simplex and the 4-dimensional cyclic polytope have edge graph .

Hypercubes of sufficiently large dimension share their edge graphs with neighborly cubical polytopes. For example, the edge graph of the 10-dimensional hypercube is also the edge graph of a 4-dimensional polytope.[3]

One way to construct combinatorially distinct polytopes with the same edge graph is using that the direct sum and the free join of two polytopes of dimension at least two result in polytopes with the same edge graph (see the section on operations). For example, the free join of two triangles is a 5-dimensional simplex, whereas the direct sum is the 4-dimensional cyclic polytope on six vertices which too has a complete edge graph.

Reconstruction in special cases


Reconstruction of the combinatorial type is possible in special cases or when given access to additional data:

  • The combinatorics of a simple polytope can be reconstructed from the edge graph using unique sink orientations.[4][5]
  • The combinatorics of a zonotope can be reconstructed from the edge graph.[6]
  • Edge-transitive polytopes can be recostructed up to scale and orientation from the edge graph.[7]
  • For simplicial polytopes, given the edge graph and the space of self-stresses allows reconstruction up to affine equivalence.[8]
  • Centrally symmetric inscribed polytopes are uniquely determined by the edge graph and edge lengths up to isometry.[9]

Geometric skeleton


While the term edge graph is almost unanimously understood to be a purely combinatorial object, the term skeleton (or 1-skeleton) is used by some authors to refer to a geometric realization of the edge graph. ...

The term skeleton or 1-skeleton, while often used interchangeably with edge graph, is used by some authors to refer to the specific embedding of the edge graph given by the polytope, that is, the edge graph plus the placement of the vertices in the ambient space.

The skeleton of a polytope has a number of special properties compared to a general embedding of the edge graph.

Other relations

  • The simplex algorithm traverses the edge graph of a polytope to find the solution to a linear program.
  • The Hirsch conjecture asserts that the edge graph of a -polytope has diameter at most . While this exact formulation is now known to be wrong due to a counterexample found by Santos[11], not even a polynomial bound on the diameter in has been found.

Deciding polytopality of graphs


The decision problem of whether a given graph G is polytopal is decidable and known to be NP hard. If G has maximum degree we can enumerate all compatible lattices up to rank ; their realizability is decidable by the existencial theory of the reals. Alternatively one can enumerate compatible oriented matroids and test their embeddability via the biquadratic final polynomial method. The hardness follows from Richert-Gebert's universality theorem.


  1. ^ Grünbaum
  2. ^ https://mathworld.wolfram.com/CocktailPartyGraph.html
  3. ^ Joswig/Ziegler
  4. ^ Blind Mani
  5. ^ Kalai
  6. ^ ??
  7. ^ Winter
  8. ^ Novik
  9. ^ Winter
  10. ^ Izmestiev
  11. ^ Santos