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User:Malmcp85/The Young and the Restless episodes, 1976

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January 1976

Greg Foster (played by James Houghton)

Leslie has an exciting time in Paris. Her concerts elicited raves and Lance Prentiss wined and dined her royally. They keep reminding each other of her marriage to Brad, but it becomes increasingly difficult to keep that in mind.

Brad encouraged Leslie to see Paris, but is unaware that Lance is with her. Brad also assured Lorie that Jen did not tell him of Mark, that he just put the pieces together.

Lorie learned from Stuart that Mark is working at a clinic in Cleveland. Borrowing money from Stuart for the trip she went to Mark. Mark is amazed to see her and to learn that she knows that they are brother and sister. She insisted that they could have married anyhow, as long as they had no children. He said that their situation would have been like a cancer that would have eventually turned their love into something obscene.

Meanwhile, Snapper and Greg tried desperately to get Mr. Foster on an early plane to Arizona as his condition was worsening. He agreed, but changed his mind when he finally learned of Jill's arrangement with Katherine. He hastened to the hospital where he confronted Katherine and Jill. Jill told him that it's too late. She's signed the papers and accepted the million dollar check. He begged her to get out of the deal. Whatever time he has left to live, he wants to spend with his grandson and nothing is more important to the baby than its mother's love.

Having failed with Jill, Liz confronts Katherine in the waiting room where she is expecting Jill to arrive with the baby momentarily. he tells her that she's contemptible for corrupting Jill with money and begs her to return the papers and call of the deal. He says they can give the baby something money can't buy. She tells him those are mere words, and demands to know what he has ever been able to do for his children. No she will not return the papers. The baby is her whole life now.

What Katherine doesn't know is that Jill has learned that the baby cannot leave the hospital. He has developed a low grade fever and the doctors will not release him until they are certain he is in good health. Snapper has urged Jill to leave but she is determined to stay until her baby is out of danger.

Joanne is excitedly looking forward to her date with her husband. Brock has given her the money for a new dress for the occasion. She had looked all over town for an attractive size 22 1/2 and has finally settled for a maternity dress. She is showing it to Brock when her husband calls to break the date.

Peggy has gone to ask Jack to help her prepare for an exam. Though he's told her of having previous plans, he agrees to cancel them and help her. Peggy isn't surprised. Jack is an honorable man. He even turned down Peggy's offer to go home with him. Chris then warns Peggy to be careful; that she is vulnerable.

Chris feels left out of Snapper's life and is rejected when she suggests starting their family, and considers whether going back to school would help her have a more fulfilled life.

Peggy has no idea that her friend Jack is married and even now after helping her with her studies and splitting pizza with her, is showering before joining his wife Joanne in bed. Joanne looks hungrily at Johnny (her name for Jack) as he comes from the shower. She complains about how long it has been since they made love. He tells her he is tired and has to get up early. She tears up an early picture of herself that she'd told Johnny would be a reminder to her to lose weight, and has gorged herself to ease her frustration. Awakening and finding what Joanne has done, John tells her she must lose weight for herself, not for him or anyone else.

In Paris, Leslie and Lance say their goodbyes. He is off to Athens. She thanks him for having made Paris unforgettable and hopes someday he will meet Brad and her sister, Lorie.

Stuart told Brad how kind he was to encourage his wife, Leslie, because not many men would.

Meanwhile Jill has learned that her baby is fine and can be released the next day. She goes home to take up where her mother left off in convincing her father to accept hte money and go to Arizona. Liz has even accused him of refusing only as a punishment to Jill and urges him to do something for his daughter for once in his life. Jill has told him never to mention the baby to her again. She calls Katherine and arranges to meet her at the hospital tomorrow. But the next day the nurse puts the baby into Jill's arms and she realizes then that she can never give him up!

Jill has brought the baby home and the family is delighted. Shortly after her arrival, Katherine comes to demand the baby. Jill tries to make her take her check back. She refuses it and threatens to take Jill to court. When she returns home Katherine leaves an urgent message for her attorney to call her. While waiting to hear from him, Snapper and Greg arrive. Greg tells her that no jury in the world would give her the baby; that she might even end up with criminal charges placed against her for trying to buy a baby if she pursues a court case.

The seniors have started moving into their new home, Katherine's estate. Katherine's attorney returns her call. He basically tells her the same thing that Greg told Jill, so she has no choice but to accept the return of Jill's check. She tells the seniors to leave, and indicating Greg and Snapper, blames them and their sister for causing the seniors to lose their new home.

Later as she turns to the bottle for solace, Brock tells her that all the Foster needs are still there. She could and should help them. She wonders why she should when her life is so empty? He tells her she won't fill the emptiness with a bottle.

Brock has also comforted Joanne when she is ridiculed by two male customers because of her weight. One has said "There's enough there for the both of us". Brock has told the customers that they have made him ashamed of being a man. When he tells Joanne that at least she's trying to lose weight, she confesses to having regained every pound that she had lost. She insists it's not Johnny's fault. He's her whole life. If she ever lost him she couldn't go on. Brock says he'll find a way to convince her she is beautiful. Johnny meanwhile has called Peggy and asked her to come to his office. When she arrives, she is crestfallen to learn she's gotten an A- on her test. Earlier a classmate told her that Jack was famous for his affairs with students and he always gave them A's. He tells her that he didnt' even grade her paper; that he's never cared for anyone as he does for her, but she shouldn't fall in love with him. She says it's too late, she already has!

Jill has hocked the jewels Phillip gave her for $1500 and has asked Greg to institute a suit on her child's behalf against Phillip's estate. Everyone in the Foster home is worried about money. They must hurry because Phillip's will is almost out of probate.

Chris discovers Gwen in the convent. She is now Sister Magdelaine. She chose the name because of Jesus' having forgiven Mary Magdelaine. Chris had gone to the convent to get the Reverend Mother to sign a petition for a school crossing. Now, she marvels at how wonderful Gwen looks. Gwen tells her that soon she will take her final vows and hopes that Sister Magdelaine will be a better person than Gwen was. Chris tells her that she was a very special person.

Liz has gone to ask for Katherine's help. She pleads with her to make a call to the factory to help get her job back. She tells Katherine how desperate she is, the utility company is threatening to turn off the heat, the bills are stacking up, and she must get work. Katherine refuses, but asks her to come back to work for her instead. Liz agrees, and before she leaves, accepts an advance from Katherine so she can take care of the more immediate bills.

Brock is later successful in encouraging his mother into helping the Fosters. He tells her to be a Godmother to the baby and to do everything for the family that she can, in spite of the fact that she didn't get the child.

Katherine is once again excitedly making plans. She will send Bill and Liz to Arizona, hire a nurse to help Jill with the baby, give Jill a monthly allowance and start a trust fund for the baby. When Brock asks her if she still feels lonely, Katherine admits to feeling wonderful.

Though Greg feels Jill should use another attorney, he draws up the papers for her and has them served to Katherine. When she receives them, Katherine tells herself what a fool she's been to even consider helping out Jill Foster. Brock races to Jill and tells her what his mother had planned to do for her family. If only she had waited a few days before bringing suit. Bill says "What in God's name have you done, daughter?" Jill wants to see Katherine as soon as possible.[1]

February 1976

Leslie Brooks and Lance Prentiss (played by Janice Lynde and John McCook)

Joanne thought that Johnny had forgotten her birthday and goes to the Allegro and offers to work. Brock refuses to let her spend her birthday that way and gives her a present. It is a gold pendant with an inscription reading "I am beautiful." he tells her to let it be a reminder to help her stay on her diet. Johnny had indeed forgotten her birthday but is reminded when he glances at the calendar in his office, as he's holding Peg. Johnny races home with a bouquet of carnations and a bracelet for Joanne. She is very happy, and doubly so when he agrees to take her to the movies. He had also agreed to have lunch with Peg and her father, but is a bit disturbed that the Allegro is the chosen restaurant. Peg and Stuart have already been seated when he arrives, and after a few words with Joanne at the bar, he joins them. Stuart thanks Jack so much for helping Peg. At home that night Joanne says she can understand why Johnny didn't introduce her to his friends at lunch. She's so fat. When he presses her about her eating problem, she confesses to having had an abortion rather than mess up his life with her child she knows he doesn't want. This happened late in their first year of marriage, and since then she's eaten to fill up the awful emptiness inside. Oh hearing this Johnny takes her in his arms and kisses her. It's the first affection he's shown her in ages. He's been showing more affection to Peg however and has not only met her father, but has offered to give Peg a key to his office.

Liz Foster is certain that her husband's health is improving in spite of Snapper's opinion to the contrary. She is also pleased that she still has a job with Katherine Chancellor even though Jill is going ahead with her suit. Jill's meeting with Katherine proved futile. Neither being able to trust the other. Katherine's parting shot was a statement that she doesn't believe her husband was the father of Jill's baby. She tells her attorney Mitchell that, and says soon everyone will know what a tramp Jill is!

At Leslie's insistence, Lance has tried to help Lorie, but Lorie, down on all men at the moment, has made their time together, most difficult. Lorie arrives home and finds a letter from Mark telling her how difficult it was for him to let her walk out of the clinic. He writes of his love for her and of how someday, somewhere in another world, they may have each other. He adds that he could not love her as he does, loved he not honor more. Her honor. The letter tears her apart, and when Leslie arrives, Lorie tells her the whole story. They're not really sisters; Mark is her brother; Jen, their mother created the whole situation; that she, Lorie never wants to see her mother again. She hates her! Jen has called Lorie and asked to see her. Lorie refuses, but Jen catches up with her at the Allegro where Lorie has gone to drown her sorrows. Jen tells Lorie that she's planning to move back home. Lorie snarls that she finds Jen disgusting. She claims that Jen would have let her spend her entire life wondering why Mark left her. Jen expresses her regret for the pain that Lorie is undergoing. Lorie reads Mark's letter to her. As Jen leaves, Lorie sarcastically tells her to give her regards to the man (Stuart) who thinks he's her father.

Stuart is thoroughly confused. He wants Jen home, but he is determined to find out what's going on between Lorie and Jen.

Brock and Snapper have tried to resolve the conflict between Jill and Katherine. Brock has spoken to Jill, and Snapper has seen Katherine. Katherine refuses to discuss any settlement until Jill drops the lawsuit and signs a paper stating that Jill will never reinstate the suit. Jill later tells Katherine that that's impossible. She insists she's only thinking of her baby, and that she can't trust her. Katherine again claims that Phillip was not the father of that baby; that Jill could never prove it in court now.

Brock has admitted that while he and Jill were married, nothing sexual happened between them, but he's not certain he's willing to testify about it in court.

Jack is still uppermost in Peg's mind, but he's spending a little more time with, and showing a little more affection for Joanne, thanks to Joanne's having told him of her aborting earl in their marriage. Joanne is lapping up the slightest signs of affection from her Johnny.

Jen finally returns home. Stuart is beside himself with joy, but would like to know what's going on between Lorie and Jen. When Lorie arrives, Jen is afraid Lorie will give Stuart an answer. Instead, Lorie nobly tells Stuart the problem concerns only her mother and herself; that Stuart should not let it interfere with his happiness at Jen's being home. This relaxes Jen for the moment, but she again becomes tense as she prepares to join Stuart in bed. It's the first occasion of their being sexually together since her mastectomy. Stuart is gentle with her and all goes well. The next morning Stuart says he's never spent a more beautiful night, and later tells Lorie that he feels Bruce Henderson is out of their lives forever.

Lorie has been thanked by her whole family for accepting her mother's return without making waves. AFter Stuart and Jen had gone upstairs, Lorie's patience ran out, and when Brad, Leslie, Peg and Chris are all having champagne to celebrate Jen's homecoming, Lorie throws hers on the floor.

Snapper has started his day well. Although Chris accuses Snapper of having a one track mind, she enjoys a round of lovemaking before breakfast as much as he.

Later as Snapper gives Brad a check-up, they discuss how sorry they feel for any guy Lorie gets mixed up with next. They feel she is gun shy about men and is out to get even. They next man very may well be Lance. When the girl of his choice can't join him on a business trip to London, he invites Lorie. Skip is certain the only reason for Lance doing this is because Lorie is the first girl to have ever rebuffed Lance.

When Lorie climbs aboard Lance's plane she asks where the other passengers are. He informs her that she is the only one other than himself. However he has business to work on, and she has nothing to fear from him either in flight or in London. They'll have separate suites on separate floors. He says he is not interested in taking her to bed; that he must feel something for a person first. Lorie tells him to go to hell. He reckons on how that might be, but right now they are off to London.

Joanne's happiness at her improved relationship with her husband are dampened when she meets Peg at the Allegro, and learns that Peg is not only grateful for Jack's helping her with her studies, but is also in love with him. Joanne drops a cup of coffee, flees to the rear, and sobs.

Chris has told Stuart that Jack is married. Stuart tries to tell Peg, but when he saw how happy she was in her love for Jack, he couldn't bear to break her heart. Instead, he arranged a meeting with Jack to ask Jack to break it off with Peggy. Jack promises to try, but like Stuart, fails in his efforts. Later when Jack tells Stuart of this failure, Stuart advises him to put his house in order.

When Joanne asks Stuart about Peggy and Jack, Stuart tells her in all fairness to Jack, that Jack has gotten himself caught up in something. Peggy, learning that Stuart has spoken with Jack, furiously tells Stuart to keep out of her relationship with Jack. If he doesn't, she'll never speak to him again.

In London, Lorie and Lance have a nightcap in her suite. She views the champagne as a prelude to Lance trying to make it with her. He assures her he has no such intentions as he's already late for a poker game. The next day, Lance offers to give money to Lorie to enable her to stay on on Europe, after he leaves.

Jill's hearing begins with the usual medical witnesses testifying as to blood type parent combinations. Greg can prove only that Phillip could have been the baby's father, but not specifically. On the way to the hearing, Jill has taken her baby to Phillip's grave to meet his dead father. Katherine, seeing Jill there, has ordered her from her property. After Jill leaves, Katherine says to the grave "That is not your son."

On the witness stand, Jill testifies by telling of her conversations with Phillip regarding the expected child. After lunch, the judge declares all such testimony inadmissible, based on his interpretation of the "Dead Man Statute". Thus Jill can only relate a history of her time with Phillip. Jill insists that Phillip is the only man she's ever had sex with, that there was nothing but friendship between Brock and herself when they lived together, and that Phillip married her in order to give his child all that was his due. Mitchell Sherman forces Jill to admit denying any issue (children) between Phillip and herself when she probated Phillip's will. Jill claims her denial was based on the fact that the baby was not yet born. Mitchell calls her a gold-digging harlot. Brock has told Liz that he has testimony that will help their case.[2]

March 1976


Lorie finds herself suddenly remarkably comfortable with Lance, on their flight home. She's accused him of having inherited all his wealth and is pleased to learn that he is a self-made man, driven by the need to succeed. Lorie tells of her about to be published book, and admits to having great success needs, herself. She even owns up to her jealous rivalry of Leslie. Lance insists that Leslie would be the happiest person in the world, over any success Lorie might have. After telling Lance of her early involvement with Brad, Lorie urges Lance to stop over for a few days. Lance says perhaps another time. Stuart has told Brad of Peggy's involvement with a married man, but defends Jack. Stuart believes that Jack unwittingly got caught up in the situation, and is having a great trouble extricating himself. Brad makes Stuart realize that if Jack doesn't tell Peggy he's married, then Stuart must. He has no choice. Peggy is all set to apologize to Stuart over her anger at his having gone to see Jack. Jen had convinced her earlier that Stuart was only being a typical father worried about losing his daughter, but when Stuart arrives, he tells Peggy that Jack is not the man for her. She presses him to tell her why, and in desperation, Stuart tells her that Jack is married. She refuses to believe him and goes tearing off to see Jack.

Chris had visited Jack earlier to confess that she was the one who had told Start of Jack's marriage to Joanne. She doesn't want either Peggy or Joanne hurt, but tells Jack her greater concern is for Joanne because Joanne is alone, and Peggy has a loving family to see her through difficult times.

When Peggy arrives, Jack tries to explain how he never planned to hurt her, but she refuses to listen. She screams that he never gave a damn for her, and sobbing achingly, leaves.

Jill was shattered to hear Brock testify that Katherine offered him money to marry Jill. She doesn't' realize that Brock was only trying to help her. Brock is deeply angry at Katherine and after the judge has recessed the case until he's ready to announce a decision, Brock goes to Katherine. Feeling lonely she is glad to have his company, but not his conversation. Brock tells her she will really be lonely if she wins the case. He will never see her again for what she has done to Jill. Greg's fears were justified. Jill lost her case, but blames her loss on being poor. She is certain Katherine won because of her wealth and coldly states her intention to get even with Katherine.

Brock, after telling Jill why he testified as he head, had gone to tell his mother that he will never see her again. He tells Katherine that he will support Jill and the baby with the money Katherine gave him. She informs him she has already closed the account. That was her reaction to his testifying against her. Jill arrives after Brock leaves. She has a paper bag over her arm aimed at Katherine! She demands that Katherine acknowledge that the baby is Phillip's. Katherine, terrified, finally does as Jill asks, but begs her not to hurt her. Jill sneers that Katherine will hurt herself, places the bag in a chair and leaves. Katherine opens the bag to find a bottle of booze, and says "Oh oh no!"

Joanne has told Peggy that Jack is her husband but begs Peggy never to tell him that Joanne knew about her and Jack. Peggy agrees and tells Joanne she'll never see Jack again. Later Lorie tells Peggy that if she is truly in love with Jack she should not give him up. True love is too hard to come by.

Lorie claims that the only reason nothing happened between Lance and herself, was Lance's being in love with Leslie. In answer, Brad tells Lorie that Lance loves Leslie, but as a fan loves a performer. Lance later calls Brad and Leslie to invite himself for a visit. Leslie immediately instigates plans to get Lorie and Lance together again.

Lorie has attacked Jen and told her she will never be allowed to forget what she's done. If Jen thinks that Lorie's new book will keep Lorie out of Jen's sight, she's sadly mistaken. Lorie will always be there to fill Jen with guilt.

Gwen's imminent vow taking is presenting her with severe problems that are heightened each time she sees Greg. Snapper, after examining Gwen, or Sister Magdelaine, tells Reverend Mother that Sister Magdelaine is headed for a breakdown.

Jill has started her plan to destroy Katherine. She has had more vodka delivered to Katherine and has gone to Katherine's to pretend that Phillip is not dead, and that no baby exists and that things are as they were when Jill worked at the Chancellor estate.

Liz learned of Jill sending liquor to Katherine and begs her to show some pity for Katherine. Pity is the last thing on Jill's mind though. Brock has little sympathy for his mother as well. He refuses to comfort her in her misery. Brock reminds Katherine of all the people she has hurt.

Brock hurts Lorie by refusing to have an affair with her. She reminds him that he inspired her novel "Naked at Dawn" and urges him to be a diversion for her. When he tells her that what he does with his life from now on will be a gift to God, she says "What a waste". Lance calls to invite her to fly to Rome with him. She agrees, saying that one diversion is as good as another.

Lance had originally invited Leslie and Brad to join him, but they couldn't make it. Leslie and Brad were having a dress up candlelight dinner at home when Lance called. Just before dinner, while Leslie was in the kitchen, Brad had severe head pains, but recovered by the time Leslie returned with the wine.

Bill's emphysema was improving and though he can't work, he would like to care for Jill's baby, while others in the family do. He also tells Snapper that he wants to leave his vital organs to anyone who might need them. By doing this, Bill will feel his life was not wasted. Snapper upbraids Bill for not listening to the family and giving up those damned cigarettes years ago.

Peggy has told Joanne that she will see Jack no more. Joanne has thanked Peggy and told Stuart how happy Peggy's decision has made her. Joanne laments that without her Johnny, she would not want to live. She just couldn't. She may have to, however, because despite their good intentions, Peggy and Jack cannot stay out of each other's arms.

Snapper has examined Brad and cannot find out what is wrong with him physically. He does tell Brad to discuss his problem with Leslie. Brad refuses. He doesn't want to upset Leslie on the eve of her tour.

Brad has also bought a beautiful gown for Lorie to wear in Rome. Lorie is thrilled and gives him a thank you kiss. When he comments on the kiss being much more ardent than kisses generally are between in laws, she says the dress is hardly in the in law realm, either.

Lance arrives in town and heads straight for Leslie's. While there, Leslie mentions that she and Brad are planning to dine with Lorie and him before they go tearing off to Rome. She cautions Lance not to tell Lorie he had gone to Leslie's. Lance inadvertently does let Lorie know he's already seen Leslie. This prompts Lorie to unpack the dress that Brad gave her to wear at the planned family dinner. She says "what's good for the goose..."

Lorie would have canceled her Rome trip if Brock had given her the least encouragement. She's done her best to seduce him to no avail, because Brock is letting the Lord lead him where he's needed rather than where Brock might want to go. Lorie has also said that the only way to handle Lance is to be indifferent to him. Oddly enough, Lance has told Leslie that the only way for him to treat Lorie is with indifference. Leslie, knowing that Lorie cannot stand to be ignored for long, is fascinated at what the Rome trip portends.

Greg has succeeded in adding to Gwen's confusion. The Reverend Mother had tried to keep them apart, but failed. Gwen, at Greg's insistence, has almost decided to put off taking her final vows, but fears she'll believe she's failed if she does. The Reverend Mother tells her not to go to God with only half a heart.

Jill has made great strides in her efforts to destroy Katherine. Unfortunately for Jill, Liz has discovered what Jill has been up to and accuses her of trying to drive Katherine insane. Jill tells Liz that if she doesn't do something to Katherine, Jill will go mad herself. Liz is appalled at her daughter's behavior. Jill is appalled that Liz is working for Katherine.

As Joanne continues on her diet, Jack continues to pursue Peggy.[3]

April 1976


Liz and Brock are both desperately trying to undo the evil Jill has done to Katherine. Katherine is locked into her obsession, and will accept the truth from neither of them. As a last resort, Brock takes Kay for a walk and leads her to Phillip's grave. Kay reads the words on the tombstone and collapses sobbing. Leslie and Brad entertained Lance and Lorie at dinner after telling each other of their afternoon adventures. Leslie has told Brad of Lance's visit and Brad has told Leslie of his having bought a dress for Lorie. After dinner, Lance and Lorie are off to Rome and Stuart has arrived at Brad's with Jennifer. All discuss Lorie and Lance and hope something will come of that relationship. Stuart also mentions that Peggy is off visiting a girlfriend in Madison Wisconsin.

Lance continues his rude game with Lorie en route to Rome. The washroom door jams preventing Lorie from using the facilities. Rather than help her, Lance suggests Lorie use some pots from the galley if she can't hold out until Rome. At the height of Lorie's fury over his attitude, Lance relents and asks Skip to fix the door. Lather the door again jams as Lance attempts to use the facility, and Lorie delights in offering him the galley pans.

Gwen (Sister Magdeline) has prayed and prayed for guidance to no avail and admits to Reverend Mother that she must leave the order. All Gwen can think of is Greg, and wants nothing on earth so much ast he chance to be a wife and mother. Snapper, worried about Greg and Gwen has suggested that they not see each other. Gwen forestalls his objections, if not his concern by telling him of her plans. Reverend Mother receives the release papers from the Archbishop for Sister Magdeline to sign. After Sister completes the severance formalities, she will be free to leave with the money and clothes she had when she entered the Order. Gwen would like to see the children once more before she leaves, but Reverend Mother refuses.

Snapper had reason to concern himself with Gwen and Greg, but would be far more concerned about Brad if he knew that Brad had had yet another, more severe attack.

Gwen eventually does decide to stay in the Order. She feels God has finally given her the sign she had prayed for through young Ramon. Greg had brought the unconscious boy to Gwen, who calls Snapper and prays as she holds and comforts the child. Reverend Mother offers to take Ramon from Gwen, but the boy opens his eyes and says he wants to stay with Sister Magdeline. As Ramon had never spoken before, Gwen is convinced this is the sign from God to keep her vocation. Gwen tells Greg she will now take her final vows and soon be on her way to nursing school in St. Louis.

Leslie will soon be leaving for Mexico, but without Brad. Brad lets Leslie believe he must see a member of his family through more medical tests that could prove serious. He neglects to tell her that the family member is himself.

Brock has urged Jill to put aside her hatred and operate from a position of strength instead. Jill visits Katherine, who is still confused but does now know that Jill has a baby. Kay thinks Brock is the father and that Jill and Brock are still married. She begs Jill to bring her grandson to her. Jill agrees, after Kay promises to have a check waiting for the baby.

Snapper is concerned about Bill's being left alone to care for the baby. He reminds Liz that Bill is a very sick man and adds that Bill is aware of his condition and even plans to leave all usable vital organs to a donor bank. Liz confronts Bill about the matter and wonders how a decent funeral can be held with parts of him missing. He tells her he doesn't want a bunch of people staring down at him in a casket, anyway.

Lorie finds an eminent couturier displaying his designs on live models for Lance. Lance lets Lorie believe that the designs he buys are for Leslie. Lorie is furious and even demands a plane ticket home. She relents when the dresses arrive as a gift for her, from Lance and as they are having an intimate dinner in her suite, Lorie admits to wanting more from Lance than friendship.

Bored and restless because of her clerical work at Legal Aid, Chris accepts a modeling job, despite Snapper's misgivings. The session seems to go well, but Chris is upset to realize that the photographer has locked the studio door and keeps a two way mirror in the models changing room. Snapper arrives, to Chris' great relief, to take her home. At home Snapper tells her that anytime she needs him, he will be there.

Lorie and Lance Prentiss learn to like each other quite a bit during their jaunt in Europe. They spar a great deal, but by the time of their arrival in Mexico City for Leslie's concert, they each have become aware of the other's depths and sensitivities.

Leslie's music is being affected by her concern for Brad. She inadvertently learned that Mrs. Eliot is not sick after all, but she has not learned the reason why Brad was unable to accompany her to Mexico City.

Stuart and Jen are each concerned about Peggy and her involvement with Jack Curtis. Stuart is hoping that Peggy will find a way to be happy without the young man. When she comes home, she is noncommittal until she talks to Jack. When Jack convinces her that, once Joanne has lost her excess weight and regains her confidence, he will leave her; Joanne will be strong enough then and ultimately better off without him. Peggy will wait for Jack no matter how long it takes.

Brock, meanwhile, offers to arrange the work schedules to suit Joanne if she will go back to school as her husband suggested. He even offers to set up a loan to pay for her tuition and books. She decides, hesitantly, to discuss it with her husband, who, she thinks, still loves her.

Jill's baby is hurt during an emotional scene between a spiteful Jill and a drunk Katherine Chancellor. Later Jill seems to resolve to put the baby's welfare above all else in her relief when told by Snapper that the baby will be alright.

In a desperate attempt to prevent Katherine's self-destruction being laid on Jill's conscience, her father begs Kay to stop drinking and smoking, by which means he feels she is attempting a slow suicide. It may be the last thing he will ever do, but he is determined to succeed. Taking Chris' advice, Bill Foster proposes marriage to Liz. He hopes to persuade her to live with him as his wife. Liz is a very proper lady, and perhaps she feels he is a stranger; he is certainly a different man from the one who deserted her nine years ago. At the Chancellor house, and with Kay listening in, Bill tells Liz of his love and his fervent desire that they make a fresh start and begin a new life. Too stunned to answer him, Liz makes no reply. She is further rocked when Sam Powers, a former suitor, visits. Sam asks her, again, to marry him, and for the second time that day, she is unable to voice a reply. Two proposals in one day!

By dint of sheer will power, Leslie is able to sublimate her intense worry about Brad, where he is and what it is that is going on, and she plays the best music of her career. Her thrilling success is, for her, hollow without Brad. That very same night, Brad is in his hospital room. He must undergo further tests just to find out what the problem is. He is visited by Barbara, who is a former love and presently a nurse in his hospital. When Brad explains that he cannot tell Leslie of his medical worries because he is trying to protect her from all hurt, Barbara tells him that his love for Leslie is a wonderful, beautiful thing.

Peggy and Jack decide to have one wonderful, glorious night out to celebrate their plans to marry, once Joanne is strong and secure enough to take such a blow. They refer to it as their night they will always remember. They will remember it for other reasons, because Joanne overheard them in his office and immediately went home to take an overdose of pills. Brock, coming to tell her that his mother will lend her the money to return to school, arrives in time to get her to the hospital, where she is pulled back from the brink of death. It is a return she makes unwillingly.

Jack and Peggy meanwhile are at the same restaurant as Stuart and Jennifer. Peggy's father is unhappy with her because she wants to marry Jack. Later Stuart is informed of Joanne's attempted suicide and he rushes to the hospital. Joanne asks him not to let Johnny know; she wants his love, not his pity. Peggy furious at finding her parents waiting up for her, as if they did not trust her, is horrified when Stuart tells her that Joanne tried to take her own life.[4]

May 1976


Both Brock and Peggy take a hand in redirecting Joanne's life. Brock urges her to learn from this ordeal and, instead of quietly accepting defeat, to fight for her husband. He reminds Joanne that if Jack didn't feel something for her still, he would have left her outright for this other woman. Later he is surprised to learn from Chris that the other woman is Peggy, her younger sister. Peggy bluntly tells Joanne that she intends to fight for Jack herself, but that she wants it to be a fair fight. she cannot win by default, so she urges Joanne grab hold of herself and become, once again, the vibrant, assured, attractive and interesting person she once was. Only then, says Peggy, has Joanne a hope of winning back her husband's love. Joanne just might take this advice.

Leslie has realized that Brad is in Chicago. She fears that he may be resuming his ties with Barbara, the nurse he lived with in his former life when he was still in medicine. Brad is still undergoing many tests. He still does not know why he is losing his vision, or what can be done to correct it. He does know that his love for Leslie is overwhelming. He is also reliving his past with Barbara. In great torment he looks at the man he used to be: how Barbara's and his child died under Brad's hand on the operating table; he allowed her to think he was dead and how she mourned him for two years. He made a new life for himself, and a new man of himself, but how cruel and heartless he was to her.

When Barbara takes him to see their son's grave, he weeps too because he despises what he did to Barbara's life.

Even when Bill had told Liz she would be better off marrying Sam and then kissed her soundly, she was dazed, but not decided. When Katherine Chancellor, flabbergasted that Liz of all people would receive two proposals of marriage, she sees a chance of perhaps snaring Bill for herself. Katherine points out to Liz how dependable Sam would be as a husband, and how happy she would be to have all the things she always wanted. And Bill with not long to live would have his friends only. Katherine's campaign had some effect on Liz. Liz tells her that she has now made up her mind.

Liz's decision is to remarry Bill! A renewal of their vows takes place in their home, performed by the same minister who first married them. After the ceremony, Stuart and Jen come by with a token of their love and friendship: a week in Hawaii for Liz and Bill's honeymoon. The Foster's happiness is complete.

Even Katherine Chancellor comes out of herself long enough to send them flowers. She hsa lost Bill, but his daughter Jill is determined to take his place and get Katherine to stop her drinking. At first resentful and perhaps fearful, Katherine is convinced of Jill's sincerity by her avowal to stay out of Katherine's life forever, as soon as she has helped Katherine face life soberly. Jill must make a new life for herself and the baby, and she wants to do it with a clear conscience. She must make up for the wrong that she did.

Despite her protests, Joanne is taken clothes shopping by Peggy and, after a special purchase, even Joanne is convinced, she really is pretty. She is changing, and even Jack is aware of it.

Brad insists on leaving the hospital in order to be home when Leslie returns from Mexico City. At the same moment his doctor arrives to tell him his prognosis, Leslie decides to delay her departure until the next day to give Brad a chance to go home first, from whatever he was doing in Chicago.

Chris is becoming very involved at Legal Aid with the Becker's, a young couple faced with insurmountable problems. Nancy Becker collapses in a diabetic coma; Karen, their child has no one to take care of her; Ron Becker is in jail, accused of rape. It is this, the rape charge, which is unsettling for Chris in view of her past experience of being raped herself. Chris takes the little girl to Jen who will give her the best of care and attention. Nancy is being attended by Snapper at the hospital. She will be all right, but they are penniless and friendless and she begs Chris to help Ron all she can.

Against her revulsion and despite Snapper's warning that the guy who raped her also pleaded his innocence, Chris makes an effort to help Ron, at least to talk to him. Waiting for him to be brought in however she relives every agonizing moment of her own dreadful experience and by the time Ron is sitting in front of her, all she can say is that she cannot believe his cries of innocence: she has heard it all before. She has too many scars, wounds that have never healed. She cannot cope with this. Later Chris is stunned when Nancy Becker calls the Brooks to say that all the charges against Ron have been dropped. Chris at first finds it difficult to believe her instances could be so wrong, but then she is filled with remorse for condemning Ron in her mind. In an effort to atone, she offers the Beckers all the help she can manage through Legal Aid and Jen steps forward to take care of Karen while Ron looks for work.

Brad's doctor can find no cause for his continuing, indeed worsening problems of vision. Brad declines Barbara's offer to care for him. It is obvious to her that he will soon be completely sightless. He leaves for home, but Barbara begs him to tell Leslie. At home, awaiting Leslie, Brad is visited first by Lorie and then by the Maestro. They each voice their concern for Leslie, but their please that he confide in his wife go unheeded. When Leslie comes in the door, he is unable to focus properly, so he cannot rush to sweep her into his arms, as he so desperately wanted to do. He then complicates matters more by admitting he had seen Barbara (whom Leslie has found out about) but insists it was not the way Leslie thinks it was. As she presses him, he says he is due at the office. Barbara, when Leslie phones her to get at the bottom of this, keeps her word to Brad. She tells Leslie nothing. It is increasingly clear that Brad will no long be able to keep his secret. Even Stuart notices him stumble into a desk.

Peggy comes down very hard on Joanne, forcing her to wear the new dress, to make tonight the beginning of a new romance between her and her husband. Peggy even breaks a date with Jack, herself, to insure he will be with Joanne. The evening is very sweet and they dance and dine by candlelight. Jack tells Joanne how proud he is of her, how she is beginning to become her old self. While he sleeps, Joanne basks in her thoughts of the evening and impulsively touches his shoulder, saying aloud how much she loves him. He stirs, and still more than half asleep, replies that he loves her too, but he calls her Peggy. Joanne is devastated.

Lorie receives a copy of her new book, published under a pseudonym. It is entitled "In My Sister's Shadow". Lorie hopes her life will now be proof of it. While Lorie muses on the unknown depths of Lance, and how little is actually known about him, the man is question is talking to Vanessa Prentiss, his mother.

Vanessa, who covers half of her face with a veil, is indeed a figure of mystery. She is half of the business Lance says; and how surprised his many associates would be to learnt that half of the decisions are made by her. He chides her for working too hard; but work is life to her, she thrives on it. Although Lance carefully declines to say how much he cares for Leslie, he does tell Vanessa about her, and her music, her life after, just like Vanessa, emerging from a deep emotional trauma. Vanessa replies that it takes great courage to face the world when rejection by it is what one fears most. Lance is her tower of strength.

Brad can tell Leslie about his worries only in his imagination. In the cold light of day, he is unable to share his problems with his wife, under the misguided impression that he is shielding her, no matter how desperately Leslie begs for the chance to help him. He wants her to have the security of knowing she has all his love. She wonders if a child would be the answer.

The triangle formed by Jack, Joanne, and Peggy is about to be transformed into a different pattern Joanne tells Peggy that Jack made love to her the night before; what she does not tell her rival is that Jack was drunk (he remembers nothing about it) and he pretended she was Peggy.

Peggy confronts Jack with this news and then completely rocks him to his foundations when to prevent him from demanding a divorce from Joanne, she tells him of Joanne's suicide attempt. For once he is truly at a loss. He does not know what to do.[5]

June 1976

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 812 - # 816 June 14 – 18, 1976
Brad suggested to Leslie that they split up. She pressed for a reason; he gave none... Liz invited Mrs. Chancellor to dinner and arranged to invite an eligible bachelor, plumber Ralph Olson... Stuart found out about Ron Becker's prison record.[6]
# 817 - # 821 June 21 – 25, 1976
Chris came home to find Peggy cowering in a corner, a victim of rape. Peggy was hysterical; and Chris, although reliving her own rape experience, handled everything smoothly... Kay learned that Ralph was also an alcoholic... Lance convinced his mother to move to a secluded place near Genoa City; but she was jealous of Laurie.
# 822 - # 826 June 28 – July 2, 1976
Mrs. Chancellor grew more fond of plumber Ralph... Jill got a job as a manicurist... Chris suspects Ron of Peggy's rape... Joann threw Jack out, then comforted him about Peggy's tragedy.

At Chris' request Stuart decides to do what he can to help Ron Becker find a job. A routine check on the young man's background discloses the disturbing news that Ron has a record for burglary and possible rape. Stuart would be more than upset if he knew that Chris has just told Ron to deliver the table he made for her to her house, mentioning that Snapper will not be home! Brad's emotions and efforts to deceive Leslie are fast ensnaring him in a tangled web that gets more and more twisted. As he once did with Barbara, Brad is readying himself to leave or run away from this intolerable pressure he is under. Barbara, meanwhile, enlists Lorie's help. She tells Lorie about Brad's illness and his secret is about to come out. Leslie can finally take no more of Brad's refusals to tell her what is bothering him. She asks him point blank why is he shutting her out? For Brad the world has stopped revolving, but he will not allow himself to stop Leslie's world as well. He answers her by saying that it is now inescapable: he is not the same man she married and she would be much better off without him. Leslie is stunned by his announcement.

Joanne is appalled by what she has done and it takes all of Brock's spiritual strength to calm her down. He finally convinces her of her own worth by kissing her and asking her to go out with him. She is highly flattered, but she just can't go out with another man. She still loves Jack too much. Not at all proud of the part he played in driving Joanne to the brink of disaster, Jack tells her he has been selfish and inconsiderate. She replies that the suicide attempt was not an effort to hold him, she loves him too much for him to be with her, and miserable. How is it Joanne asks that we can come to this? How do we change so much in marriage that we go from lovers to strangers?

Peggy can't take it like she thought she could. Peggy realizes that a three way affair cannot continue because it will soon destroy all of them. She breaks off with Jack to his great distress. Their love cannot be right Peggy tells him not if it causes so much pain.

Lance flies Lorie home with the ulterior motive of seeing Leslie, the secret love of his life. When he expresses his desire that her world be as perfect as possible and his wish to do whatever possible in his power to make it so, Leslie reminds him she has Brad for that.

Snapper asks Brad how the tests in Chicago turned out. Brad tells him that he may be completely blind before the two months are up for new tests. He also voices his intention to leave before that happens, and his intense desire not to inflict himself, in that condition, upon Leslie. Snapper puts his finger to the true problem when he reminds Brad of his medical training and asks him if he is not perhaps running away from his own inability to face this problem.

Stuart tells Chris of Ron's prison record and the possible involvement of rape. She goes immediately to see the Beckers, to learn why they never told her the truth. Ron is out when Chris arrives, but Nancy tells her the whole story. It seems Ron met a woman in a bar and she invited him up to her place. Once there however she apparently changed her mind because she began to yell rape! Scared, Ron ran out, to be stopped by neighbours. He copped a plea on the DA's advice and thus served a term for burglary which he did not commit in order to avoid the rape charge. He feels now that he was railroaded because the woman refused to testify against him. Ron comes home still carrying the table he made for Chris. He says he went to the wrong address and some neighbors there had never heard of the Fosters, so he came home. He is relieved to have his past out in the open because Chris has been so good to them. His attitude may change, because at that moment Peggy is sobbing and crying, sprawled on Chris' front room floor. She had entered, using the spare key her sister had given her. Someone also got in first and had raped her!

Katherine is no match for her son or her housekeeper Liz. She is coerced into attending a dinner party Liz cooked up to introduce Kay to Ralph Olson, her friend. Kay is surprised that Ralph a plumber is so well spoken. He is also an alcoholic and he understands the torment she is going through. Despite her involvement and snobbery, Kay allows Ralph to drive her home. Once there, she makes a bee line for the liquor cabinet, but he dramatically gets her to see the suicide in it. They have a ginger ale, together.

Unaware of Peggy's situation, Jack goes to see Joanne at the Allegro. At first he is surprised, and then perplexed at the change in her; for Joanne has, at long last, had enough. She surprises even herself when she tells Jack to go to Peggy, if that's where he wants to be. While he tries to do just that, he is frustrated in his efforts because the Brooks want Peggy to have a chance to be alone. Joanne sits back amazed at what she has done. Brock convinces her that self respect is the most important thing, and when Jack returns to ask her if she is really sure, she is so sure that she demands he remove himself and his belongings from the apartment.

Feeling the telephone is too distant for this news, Jack goes again to the Brooks in order to tell Peggy, himself, this wonderful news. He is completely unaware of the tragedy he will have to face when he arrives.

Also unaware seemingly of the crisis the Brooks must face, are Nancy and Ron. He has found a job as a woodworder and convinced by Nancy that it is the best thing to do, he has told his new employer about his imprisonment and it didn't matter. For the moment at lest the Beckers have happy prospects for the future.

It will not last long because Chris, after being questioned by the police, realizes that she was probably the rapists intended victim. After agonizing thought, suffering the tortures o the damned during the questioning and also Peggy's distasteful, but so necessary examination at the hospital, Chris decided to take matters into her own hands. She has come to suspect Ron Becker, and once again she sets out for the Becker's apartment. This confrontation will be much more dramatic than the last one.

While Jack is on his way to Peggy filled with happy thoughts, Peggy is being comforted as much as possible by her family. Her life is changed now.

Vanessa Prentiss received her scars saving Lance in a fire. He tries to convince her she has his love as well as his gratitude.

In the cold light of sobriety, Kay admits that she is lonely. She is also beginning to realize that one must often make the first move. Only the very arrogant can demand that the world come to them all the time. So she plans a dinner party for the Fosters and Ralph Olson.

Despite her concern about Bill, who has just suffered another attack, Liz finds it slightly amusing to plan and cook a dinner at which she is an invited guest.

The Brooks are all devastated by Peggy's tragedy. Stuart tries to keep Jack away from her, but he is overruled by Jen. Peggy is embarrassed and disconcerted by Jack's visit. He tells her he will always be there, waiting, but she is not ready for thoughts of the future; she is so obsessed with her feeling of being dirty and ugly now. It may be a long time before she is ready. Convinced that Ron is the rapist, Chris will not rest until he is behind bars, where she feels he belongs. She goads and prods him into volunteering to call the police and requesting to be put into the line up for Peggy to identify her assailant. When Chris confides in Snapper her suspicions of Ron, of things he has said and looks on his face that convince her of his guilt, her husband tries to convince her that there is no hard evidence against Ron. Chris remains adamant.

Ron intends to call the police, but later in the day. It is his first day on the job, his first break in six years, and he hesitates asking for part of the day off to go into a lineup. Chris reads into the delay an admission of guilt. Later when the police call to say the lineup has been arranged, Chris manages to convince herself that Ron called because he has another ploy in his sleeve.

Despite her inclination to cancel tonite's benefit concert, Leslie will go ahead. She is thrilled because for once Brad will be at one of her concerts. While she prepares, Snapper is doing his best to convince Brad that running away now is the worst thing he can do for himself and Leslie. Lorie also talk to Brad. Although she is ignorant of his plan to leave tonight, she tells him that if he tries to do anything to hurt her sister, she will tell Leslie of his fears of blindness.

July 1976

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 827 - # 831 July 5 – 9, 1976
Brad, Lorie, and Lance attended Leslie's concert, but Brad couldn't see his wife perform; he's almost blind... At the police station, Ron introduced himself to Peggy before the lineup; she later identified Ron as her rapist.
# 832 - # 836 July 12 – 16, 1976
Brad took shelter at Lorie's apartment. Leslie found her "Dear John" letter and became hysterical. Snapper forced Jill to leave her job. Peggy was having doubts whether Ron was really the man who raped her.
# 837 - # 841 July 19 – 23, 1976
Stuart paid for Nancy's trip to her mother's funeral. Lance wanted to give Laurie an engagement ring but she secretly left town with Brad to see a doctor. Vanessa refused to entertain guests. Jack consoled Peggy but is still living with Joann.
# 842 - # 846 July 26 – 30, 1976
Joann's confidence is bolstered after a date with a guy who didn't notice her weight. Jill got a job and is smitten with boss Derek Thurston. Leslie fainted at Lance's house. Snapper examined her and told her she's pregnant. Ron was indicted but is out of jail.

All four of the Brooks daughters have a difficult time ahead of them this night, but only Peggy and Chris understand what they must face. Leslie and Lorie are very much unprepared. Peggy identifies Ron Becker as her assailant, then runs screaming out of the police station in agony. She attacks him herself, but is restrained by Stuart and Chris. Although Chris denies having any influence over Peggy in this matter, Stuart and later Jen are not convinced of the accuracy of Peggy's identification. Jen points out the circumstances of Pegy's attack and wonders how, since she never really saw his face, she could identify her attacker. Stuart mentions the fact that Ron approached Peggy before the lineup to express his condolences. She could have been highly influenced by Chris' prejudice. While Stuart and Jen express their concern for the Becker family, Chris is adamant in her belief in Ron's guilt. Nancy Becker is equally adamant about her husband's innocence, and she comes to the Brooks and begs them for their help. She knows that Chris has disliked Ron ever since she learned of his past, but she cries, he is innocent! And with his new job, they had their first chance for a normal life in six years. Stuart and Jen are at a loss for words. Guilty or innocent, Ron must be held in custody because he cannot post bond. When Leslie plays the benefit, with hermusic more wonderful than ever before because Brad is in the audience, he is praying that his sight does not fail him completely before tonight is over. He has made up his mind not to saddle Leslie with an invalid for the rest of their lives; he is going to leave without a trace. In his farewell letter to Leslie he tells her of his love, but not the real reason why he is leaving. He merely asks her to trust him this once more. His departure is stalled by Lorie, who had guessed what he has been planning. She is determined to protect Leslie and to stop Brad from completely devastating Leslie by disappearing. She is standing outside the door as he, virtually sightless, steps out. Although she feels as if she's betraying her sister, Lorie takes him to her apartment. Leslie is humming to herself as she opens Brad's letter.

A job is a job, thinks Jill as she begins her first day in the Baker Hotel barbershop as a manacurist. Just as she is being propositioned for the second time that day, Snapper arrives, grabs her hand and takes her home. She protests, but he quitely explains about compromise and says, "All you have is you. If you compromise that, you don't know who or what you are! Tearfully grateful, Jill admits she was very glad to see him there.

Peggy is having grave doubts, and is torturing herself with thoughts of what Nancy will do without her husband and Karen without her father. Although Chris urges her to put those doubts behind her, Peggy can't. She was raised to be a responsible person. She is trying very hard to live up to that. While Peggy doubts, Nancy visits Ron in jail. They are both pained by their inability to comfort each other with an embrace: it is against regulations. Ron tearfully tells Nancy to divorce him so that she, with Karen, can start a new life. He is a born loser who has just lost the only chance he ever had. It's no use, he says. Nancy, however, is more of a fighter than he is.

Even Stuart, expressing his concern about the Beckers to Chris, says that some people can never get out from under. That certainly seems to be true of the Beckers. Nancy learns on top of everything that her mother has died.

Lorie is still straddling the fence between her sister's pain and her desire to keep Brad from completely getting away by himself. When she begs Brad to change his mind and it doesn't work, she then concocts a plan which might. She has learned of a ownderful doctor in San Francisco who might be able to help Brad, but he feels it is useless to try another doctor. To force him to take this situation in hand and meet it head on instead of running away, she forces him to hear for himself wha tpain he is causing Leslie. She gets Leslie to the apartment and goads her into screaming out that her only chance of retaining her sanity is to believe that Brad will come back to her.

That does it. He will let Lorie take him to Dr. Spence. At great cost to her personal life she tells Lance she must go to San Francisco. He pensively agrees to ask her no questions, as he hold the ring he has just, impulsively, bought her. Leslie continues with the fiction that Brad is visiting his mother, who is ill. Lance wonders where Lorie is, and with whom. He pretends her mystery is intriguing, but Lorie's sudden departure has hurt him.

Lance and Vanessa are now at the summer home at Lake Geneva. When he remarks that it is an ideal place for entertaining, she is disconcerted. She has elected to live in seclusion and she regards his statement as an indictment. Does her son regard her as an encumbrance? Lance assures her he does not.

Joanne is emerging as a woman in her own right. In one afternoon she is able to accept a dinner date, and also to tell Jack that he can stay at the apartment or move; it doesn't matter anymore.

Nancy Becker, trying to use psychology, asks the Brooks to care for Karen while she goes to her mother's funeral. Stuart feels it would not be fair to Peggy. Jen then wonders how sure Peggy can be of her identification of Ron if his child's presence in the house can cast doubts on that? Although it is painful to her, Peggy must testify at a grand jury hearing that will indict Ron Becker. coming home, tormented by her doubts, she hopes that Chris will be there soon to help her.

Chris is in Denver, trying to find out exactly what happened that night six years ago; did Ron try to rape the woman or was he a victim himself, of circumstance? The woman, who has kept her past secret from her husband, will not tell Chris anything mor ethan that she did not testify against Ron because her past was not very clean; implying she was afraid to testify. Despite Chris' pleas, she will say no more.

Brock is of more immediate help. Visiting Peggy, he recited some beautiful prayers to her; the one which says that with God's help we can all face any problem, is the one that goes straight to her heart. She is able, then, to look at him and say that she now knows she cannot blame all men for her misfortune.

Jill has also been aided by Brock. With his help she is able to get a better perspective of herself plus a good job in a good beauty salon.

Lance does his best to take care of Leslie during what he thinks is merely Brad's absence, then he makes sure she sees a doctor after a fainting spell at his summer home. Later they share one dazzling, bewildering kiss and Leslie suggests they not see each other again.

Leslie has another cause for bewilderment when she learns from Snapper that she is pregnant. She wants no one else to know about it yet, but she is thrilled to have Brad's child in her.

Nancy inherits $9,000 from her mother and uses the money to arrange Ron's bail. Jeff Lawrence will defend Ron, and during their interviews the lawyer finds enough cause to petition the court to drop the charges against Ron. Because Ron introduced himself to Peggy before the lineup, and because of the influence exerted by Chris, it is possible that there is no evidence to convinct Ron of rape. Whatever doubts Peggy had in her heart about her identification of Ron as her attacker disappear when he hears of the action taken by Ron's lawyer. She is now convinced of his guilt. Chris is also convinced that Ron cleverly planned the introduction before the lineup.

Lorie and Brad return from San Francisco after a fruitless journey. There is, apparently, no known cause for his blindness. Therefore there is no treatment. Brad is more than ever determined tto stay out of Leslie's life now. He has no ready answer when Lorie, after her offer to accompany him in his flight is rejected, asks him how he expects to manage.

Jack Curtis, at loose ends because Peggy is not ready to see him, asks Joanne for a date. he is unpleasantly surprised when she turns him down because she already has a date for that night. She also has a new hairdo and a new young woman is beginning to emerge, confident and pretty. Brock has good reason to be happy for the part he played in Joanne's recovery.

August 1976

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 847 - # 851 August 2 – 6, 1976
Joann decided to start divorce proceedings. Lorie had a passioante reunion with Lance while Vanessa secretly watched. Leslie worried about her pregnancy. Kaye told Liz she intended to seduce Ralph. Chris urged Peggy to testify—and reunite with Jack.
# 852 - # 856 August 9 – 13, 1976
Nancy found evidence that implicated Ron. He convinced her he was innocent. Peggy testified against Ron. Joann told Peggy she could have Jack. Lorie tried to seduce Lance. Brad was convinced that he doesn't belong with Leslie after she completed her concert successfully.
# 857 - # 861 August 16 – 20, 1976
Jill steered Derek to Kaye. He promised to make her 10 years younger. But Ralph still turned down Kaye's proposal. Vanessa remembered the fire that scarred her—and son Lucas, who supposedly started it.
# 862 – # 866 August 23 – 27, 1976
Ron remembered the rape; yes, he did it. The trial progressed in his favor until Peggy took the stand. Brad decided to divorce Leslie. Brock and Liz consoled Kaye's depression over Ralph.
# 867 - # 871 August 30 – September 3, 1976
The jury is out in Ron’s trial. Lorie met Vanessa, who called her a tramp and swore Lorie would never win Lance. Lorie was invited to Rome with Lance; then Leslie called to say she’s on her way home.

Joanne decides to give Jack his divorce. She has had enough, but it is very difficult. She still loves him. To help Peggy, if she can, Joanne goes to the Brooks' to tell Peggy her decision. For Peggy it may have come too late, because now after her ordeal, she doubts whether she can ever have a normal relationship with a man. Poor Jack. He now seems about to be hurt in much the same way he hurt Joanne. Will Ron be remanded for trial or released with all charges dropped? At the Brooks', Peggy and Chris prepare themselves for what they know will be a difficult appearance, because Peggy must go through with re-living her horror again. It is distasteful to her, but if it results in putting her assailant behind bars, it will be worth it.

At the Beckers', the attitude is at first hopeful, because there is a chance that Ron will come home a free man, and a chance at anything is more than they have had in quite a while. Their mood of hopefulness is marred by a discovery that Nancy makes. She finds quite by accident in Ron's pocket, a piece of paper with an address written on it: the correct address of Chris Foster! Nancy is shaken, but she tries to accept Ron's theory that he wrote it after he came home that fateful night, but before Chris accused him of rape. The judge makes his ruling. The motion to suppress the identification is denied. The case will go to trial next week.

Brad tells Lorie he will go back to Leslie right away, if she seems to be cracking under the strain. Her concert will decide the issue for him. They are able to listen by telephone, and Leslie is sublimely brilliant. Lorie is relieved at her sister's strength, and Brad is more sure than ever he is doing the right thing. Snapper does not believe that Brad is right and he is determined to do what he can to bring it to an end. Lorie he is sure will have the key to finding Brad. He calls her, giving her no choice. He will come right over to talk.

The wail of a fire siren brings terror to Vanessa, even after all of this time. Fire, the cause of her disfigurement, destroyed her life, just as she was entering her prime. Fire. It forced her other son, Lucas, to leave home because he could not bear the sight of her face. Guilt forced Lucas to leave, Lance tells her. The fire was not an accident, it was arson. Lucas ran away because he could not face her every day, knowing he was the cause of her scars, and that she forfeited a good part of her life saving her other son, Lance. No matter what hopes he might harbor for a life of his own, Lance knows that Vanessa could not go on if he ever left her, too.

Because he was kind to her and offered her understanding, Kay has become very attached to Ralph Olson. No matter that he is a plumber and she is the wealthy Mrs. Chancellor. No matter that his life is lightened by bowling and his church activities and hers by fine art and delicate porcelains. No matter because she has decided to marry him. Ralph is her salvation form herself. Their dinner date one night is altered by Kay into an orchestrated evening by which, she hopes, he will be introduced to the fine things of life which she can offer him. Despite the Fosters' advice that she keep it simple, Kay goes full steam ahead and orders a catered dinner. She then proposes to him!

Ralph is attracted to her but not her lifestyle. Kay is devastated but lurking on the fringe of her life is Derek Thurston, Jill's new employer. He definitely has grand dreams of a better life, and he sees in Kay a lonely and frustrated woman, a plum ripe for the picking. A plum with too much money.

Snapper seems to accept Lorie's story that she has no idea of Brad's whereabouts. Both Lorie and Brad are relieved to learn in a phone call from The Maestro, that Leslie obviously suffering deeply, but armed with an aura of strength, has decided to accompany him on a trip to South America. At least they now know where she is, and that she seems to be facing her sad reality with the courage Brad was sure she had.

Nancy's faith in Ron is beginning to waver. In the dark of the night before the trial is to begin, she admits it to Ron. He is frantic and explains that he approached Peggy that night before the line-up because he felt sorry for her, because he kept thinking that someday it could be Karen. At that, Nancy is overcome with remorse. Of course, that explains it for her. She immediately rushes to see Peggy. She must make her see Ron's innocence so the trial can be stopped before it has begun! Peggy listens to Nancy's story and although she will give nothing away to Nancy, Peggy is affected by what she hears. Later, alone, she is haunted, in her mind's eye, by the face of her attacker. Once it is a blank, once it is a stocking covered mask, and finally it is Ron Becker's face. She manages to squash whatever subliminal doubts still linger, and the next day under the harsh and penetrating questioning of both the DA and defence attorney, she stands firm and names Ron Becker as her rapist.

Brock, with his deep faith in the ultimate good in everyone who will give room in his heart to heed God's will, tells Kay to remember that when God closes one door, he always opens another. Liz tries to tell Kay that Ralph just wasn't good enough for her, she thought so all along. The best thing she can do for Kay is what she does, she literally gives her a shoulder to cry on.

Brad appals Lorie when he announces his intention of divorcing Leslie when she returns from South America. It is the only way he can think of to set her completely free of him. He does not know what he will do if, as Lorie points out, he must meet Leslie face to face in order to ask for a divorce. Does he have the strength to be in the same room with Leslie and say he no longer loves her?

Out at his summer house, Lance asks Lorie to join him on a sudden trip to Rome. Her first answer is no. There is Brad alone in her apartment, although she cannot explain that to Lance. Later, she changes her mind and says she will go with him. When he kisses her in his joy, she is horribly startled to see the door of the mysteriously locked room slowly come ajar. Vanessa has determined to get Lorie, that cunning little tramp, out of her son's life! Lance is all she has left, and this growing attachment to the younger woman is beginning to frighten Vanessa. Could he be thinking of marrying this girl? Not if she can prevent it.

A golden opportunity presents itself when Lorie finds a chance to do some snooping and she inadvertently bring about a face to face confrontation: they are both startled, but each recovers quickly. Vanessa's attempt to buy Lorie off fails, and the duel begins! They agree on one thing; the meeting will be kept secret from Lance. They are both strong women who want the same man.

Vanessa's first strategy is to ask Lance to take her to Rome with him. She is ready, she says, to take a first, tentative step into the world. Lance tries to convince her that she and Lorie could both make the trip, get to know each other. Vanessa is not ready for that, she says. He must make a choice. Being a man of honor, loyalty, and integrity, he has no choice, duty comes before personal desires. He decided not to call Lorie, but to tell her himself that she cannot come with him after all. Lorie meanwhile is unaware that for her, the trip is off, and she wonders if she shoul leave, because Brad is back in his own apartment awaiting Leslie's return so that he can ask for a divorce. Leslie is on her way home and Lorie feels she should be handy, both Leslie and Brad are going to need somebody to lean on, unless a miracle occurs and Brad can call of his plan without feeling he is sacrificing Leslie.

Meanwhile in the courtroom both the prosecution and the defence present their cases before the jury. After Ron, despite his attorney's advice to the contrary, testifies himself, even Peggy is amazed. If she didn't' know better, she tells Liz, even she would have been taken in by his sincerity. The trial is over soon. The jury sequesters itself to deliberate the evidence and testimony. Will they find Ron Becker guilty or innocent?

September 1976

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 872 - # 876 September 6–10, 1976
Mr. Foster had a mild heart attack at Kay’s. The jury turned in a qualified verdict of not guilty. Leslie returned; Brad was prepared with his act. Sharon Ralston, Ron’s previous rape victim, arrived in Genoa City.
# 877 - # 881 September 13–17, 1976
Nancy refused to believe Sharon’s story about Ron. He decided not to leave town. Brock asked Peggy to marry him. Jill blamed Kaye for Bill’s attack. Lance bought an engagement ring for Laurie. Brad told Leslie divorce was the only answer.
# 882 - # 886 September 20–24, 1976
Chris received obscene phone calls. She and Stuart are convinced it’s Ron. Vanessa told Laurie that Lance really loved Leslie. Kaye gave Phillip’s personal belongings to Liz.
# 887 - # 891 September 27 - October 1, 1976
Lance insisted that Vanessa meet Lorie. The ladies pretended they’d never met. The family learned of Lorie’s engagement and Leslie’s divorce. Vanessa hired a detective to investigate Lorie.

No two people could be more different than Kay and Liz, but there is a very deep attachment between them. Liz expresses her concern to Bill that Kay id drinking herself to death, and Bill, not one to stand aside while someone suffers, decides to talk to Kay. Drinking heavily, Kay tries to ignore the doorbell and is helpless to prevent Bill from coming in. While he tries to explain that she could attract someone who is comfortable in her house, her world, she puffs at her cigarette with desperation. She soon has cause to feel desperate, because the smoke from her cigarette deprives Bill of oxygen and he can't breathe. Kay has the presence of mind to give him his oxygen and call Liz for help. Bill is alright, but Kay is shaken. She feels nothing but guilt despite Brock's efforts to convince her that God gave her a wonderful opportunity a chance to save the life of a friend. Meanwhile Brad is preparing for his own ordeal. Can he find the strength to do what he thinks he should do? He stiffens as he hears Leslie's key turning the lock. Lorie has picked up the gauntlet after Lance cancels their trip together because someone else is going with him. She knows who that someone is, it is Vanessa, and she could not leave now anyway because she must be there to help Leslie pick up the pieces. Vanessa meanwhile seems to have developed a high fever.

The jury announces the verdict, but not before making a statement indicating that they felt that Ron was guilty, but that the case was not sufficiently proven. Ron is acquitted. Peggy is stunned. All she can say is that somehow, someday, she will make him pay for what he did. Ron smiles. It is a low and horrifying smile. "Now how about that?" he says to himself.

Brad goes through his carefully rehearsed recital of his desire for a divorce. Leslie runs out of the apartment in a state of shock and he is drained after the effort of his ordeal. Snapper is the only one who knows both Leslie and Brad's secrets, because they each told him under the silence of doctor/patient privilege, he is unable to intervene. With one stroke he could clear up this intricate, involved problem.

Lorie, knowing Brad could not go through such a scene a second time, urges Leslie to go back to the apartment to confront Brad with the difference between his attitude now and the ltter he wrote when he first left her. Banking on this ace in the hole, the means of reuniting the lovers, Lorie awaits word. She is disappointed. Brad is able to pull it off. Leslie never suspects he is blind, and when she says there will be someone else, someday, he never suspects that the someone is his child.

Lance comes to Lorie's apartment and in spite of the lack of champagne and flowers in such a situation, he presents her with the ring he bought for her. For once, Lorie is speechless. It looks as if Lorie won round 2, because Vanessa does not stand a chance now.

When Ron comes home and begins talking about remaining in Genoa City instead of starting over again somewhere else as they had planned. Nancy has a small glimpse of a stranger when she is frightened by the violence of his refusal to leave town or explain what he means about 'unfinished business' to attend to.

Peggy is shaken by a proposal from Brock, a proposal of marriage! Peggy isn't sure if he is serious, and she does not understand Brock at all, but one thing is sure, it snapped her out of it. He holds her hand as he describes the lovely, smiling afternoon they will share.

Bill knows he doesn't have long to life and he begs Snapper to keep him out of the hospital until the last possible minute. The only thing he can do for his family now is help them avoid worry about hospital bills. Jill begins a campaign of torture to make Kay sign over the money that she feels is little Phillip's, by right.

Only Jennifer and Vanessa are obstacles to Lorie's happiness now. Lorie's discovery that she is illegitimate is something she can never forget; nor will she ever forgive her mother. So, she does not tell Jennifer her news, but goes instead to tell Stuart at the office. She is very close to the man who thinks he is her father, and he is thrilled with her engagement to Lance. Maybe now she will start to do something with her life. Stuart is not thrilled to learn that Leslie and Brad are not in Quincy and that Brad's mother in on a cruise. Lorie does not know what to say, so she remains silent.

The other thorn in Lorie's side is Vanessa. Not only does she call Lorie, upon hearing the news of the engagement, to tell her that she would die before seeing her son marry a little tramp like Lorie; she also asks Lorie to come to the house for a talk. Lorie, hoping that this is an overture toward peace, receives a very hurtful surprise. Vanessa tells her that Lance has only really loved one woman in his life, and that woman is Leslie!

Brad's plan to have Leslie divorce him has met with a snag. She has decided that she will not divorce the father of her unborn baby. If he wants a divorce, he can get it himself. What will Brad do? And how much longer can Leslie keep her pregnancy a secret?

Bill's attempt to hasten things along by smoking a cigarette is foiled by the arrival of Snapper. Later when Liz is called home because of it, she lets Bill hav eit with no holds barred. She will not allow him to walk out on her and the children a second time. She believes God will not take him for quite a while, and she makes Bill promise never to try to tamper with the will of God again.

Chris is beginning to live in fear. She has just received an obscene phone call. Is it a coincidence? Or the first of many? Has Ron begun his campaign of revenge identical with the one he carried out on Sharon six years ago? She is sure she will be Ron's next victim, but without proof there is nothing the law can do to protect her before she becomes another statistic.

At the Allegro, Lorie looks at her ring and wonders what, exactly, it means. Her musings are interrupted by the arrival of Lance. He suggests that now is a good time for him to meet her family. They are all delighted at Lorie's announcement, and she has only a few disconcerting moments when she sees the warmness that exists between Lance and Leslie.

Vanessa does her best to delay the introduction to Lorie, but Lance is insistent, even though Vanessa tries to use her condition as a means of holding Lance, reminding him of why she is scarred. To no avail although he loves his mother deeply, he will not allow her to keep him from marrying Lorie. He wants the three of them to be in accord, but he will not be blackmailed in order to satisfy Vanessa.

When the two women are face to face, they agree to pretend that this is a first meeting. Lorie does her best to offer the olive branch, knowing how the cause of Vanessa's attitude and why she wears a veil. It does little good, because Vanessa continues on her tack of diverting Lance away from Lorie by praising Leslie, who is safe because she is already married to Brad.

It only strengthens Lorie's resolve. To herself, she says that she will see to it that she and Lance are married, and within two weeks.

Stuart and Jennifer are stunned by Leslie's announcement that she and Brad are separated, though she does not know why. Stuart is determined to get to the bottom of this, and he goes to the apartment, using Leslie's key to gain entry. Incredibly, Brad manages to hide his blindness. He convinces Stuart without actually saying the words that he no longer loves Leslie, making Stuart feel nothing but revulsion for the son in law who meant so much to him.

Hoping against hope that her father will be able to find out Brad's secret reason, Leslie hears from Stuart something she doesn't want to hear. He tells her to divorce Brad, now!

When Chris receives a second obscene call, Snapper is livid. He has vowed to tear Ron Becker apart if Chris is bothered again, and Chris is worried that he might do just that when she sees the anger Snapper is harboring.

October 1976

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 892 - # 896 October 4–8, 1976
Snapper confronted Ron about the obscene phone calls to Chris. Nancy grew suspicious. Laurie vowed to tell Leslie the truth about Brad if Les and Lance became closer. Jack proposed to Peggy. Brock persuaded her to accept. Stuart learned that Laurie's not his daughter.
# 897 - # 901 October 11–15, 1976
Joann began eating when she learned about Jack and Peggy's engagement. Then Peggy said she's returning the ring. Bill collapsed and was rushed to a hospital. Stuart postponed confronting Jennifer about Laurie's paternity after he learned Jenn has developed a heart condition.
# 902 - # 906 October 18–22, 1976
Kay offered to pay for Bill's hospitalization if Jill agreed to sign a statement that Phillip wasn't the father of Jill's baby. Lance grew closer to Leslie, especially after she met Vanessa. Laurie fumed quietly. Joann's divorce became final. Ron and Nancy had it out when his phone was installed.
# 907 - # 911 October 25–29, 1976
Nancy freaked out when Ron confessed everything. She was carted away in shock. Ron lured Chris to his apartment. Bill signed a right to die document, and Jill agreed to sign Kay's affidavit.

At all costs, Lorie decides, Lance must not know of Leslie and Brad's separation. When she learns that Leslie has already told Lance, Lorie swears to herself that if they make one move toward each other, she will tell Leslie why Brad wants the divorce. Lorie has been told by Brad that her needs are not as great as Leslie's. Every time Lorie looks at her mother she realizes anew that the very basis of her identity is based on a lie: that Stuart is her real father, is a fiction maintained by Jennifer, Leslie, and Lorie. Lorie fears rejection by Stuart if he were to learn the truth and she uses Jen's visit to the apartment as an occasion to vent her wrath. Jen, heartbroken, leaves to go to the doctor for her checkup. Leslie overhears Lorie lay into their mother. She tries to convince Lorie to forgive Jen, but to no avail. As she leaves, she sees Stuart getting into the elevator. He knows! Leslie rushes to the house to talk to Stuart, to try to explain how Jen made this horrible mistake. Jennifer had left Stuart. In her confusion she turned to Bruce Henderson. They had one night together and the next morning Jen went home to Stuart. Years later when Lorie was engaged to Mark, she had her worst fears confirmed: the two lovers were half brother and sister. Horrified, Stuart remembers that Jennifer only came back to him last year because of her mastectomy. Bruce is the man she loves; their marriage is nothing but a lie, a travesty. He is utterly devastated.

Jen leaves the doctor thinking she has been given a clean bill of health. She does not know that at that moment the doctor is placing an urgent call to Stuart.

Snapper believes Nancy when she gives Ron an alibi for the time of the latest obscene phone call. Later, she is horror stricken to learn that Ron had gone out while she was in the shower. The vehemence with which he counters her accusations frightens her out of her wits.

Dr. Atwater calls Stuart to say that Jen's prognosis in her battle against cancer is very good but it is her heart that concerns him; until he can find the cause of the erratic heartbeats, she must be shielded from all stress. Jen cannot understand Stuart's almost detached air. She expected him to be as joyful as she that her checkup went so well. She has no idea of the pressure he is facing; how he must keep silent about the pain tearing his heart in two every time she says she loves him.

Peggy takes a step toward life and wears Jack's ring again. Joanne, her defences shattered, her self esteem gone, resorts to the only reaction she knows, eating. Even Brock cannot reach her. Jack comes to the apartment but she throws him out. She never had an engagement ring. Peggy attempts to save Joanne from herself, but fails, even when she says she is returning the ring.

In Denver for Leslie's concert, Lorie attempts to convince Lance that this would be a perfect place to be married, but Lance will not rush things, Vanessa for one needs more time. Lorie is increasingly concerned and not a little jealous of Lance's every solicitation for her sister.

Moments before her concert, Leslie confides to Maestro her plans and reasons for divorcing Brad. She also tells him that she is pregnant. Aghast at her predicament and the pain being endured by his lovely protégée, the Maestro resolves to intervene. He will call Brad, tell him about the baby. When the phone is not answered, he sits down to write Brad. He does not know it cannot be read by Brad because Brad is blind. While his phone rings Brad sits there beside it, tears streaming down his face. He was able to listen to Leslie's performance. The pain for him is unendurable.

Bill is unable to mask any longer his continued deterioration. At the family party to celebrate his birthday, he collapses. Rushed to the hospital, competent medical hands are able to stabilize his vital signs. Bill consents to remain in the hospital only because Snapper pretends that the fees will be written off because staff member's families are not charged. The truth can sometimes kill.

Lorie is not very pleased when Lance invites Leslie to join them in a drive out to the Lake. They plan to discuss a wedding date with Vanessa, but Lorie knows that taking her sister along is only playing into Vanessa's hands. At the lake, Leslie faints, but pretends a lack of eating is the cause, not being pregnant. While Lance and Lorie prepare her tea and toast, Vanessa comes into the room and all warmth and friendliness, introduces herself. Vanessa's attitude is in striking contrast with her warfare against Lorie. Later Vanessa manages to throw Lance and Leslie together while she pretends to a desire to show Lorie her private chambers.

Alone with her detested future daughter in law, Vanessa pointedly remarks to Lorie her astonishment that she and Leslie are sisters. Taking all she can stand, Lorie grabs the offensive and finds Vanessa's jugular vein; she accuses Vanessa of opposing Lance's marriage to anyone because she wants him for herself!

While the Foster's worry about the mounting hospital bills, Brock convinces Kay to help them. Kay cannot, it seems, give without having strings attached. She demands that Jill come to ask her herself. Jill does, and hugs Kay in gratitude, until she hears Kay's condition: Jill must sign an affidavit swearing that Phillip is not the father of her baby.

Across town Nancy comes to grips with the horrifying truth. She confesses to Chris that she unwittingly lied when she said Ron was home that night of the phone call. Chris does her best to convince Nancy that she must leave Ron immediately, for her sake and for Karen's.

Later when Ron learns that Nancy cancelled the telephone installation, he drops his mask. She is the cause for anything he may have done because she is mousy and plain, and she never gave him what he needed. She is just like his mother, bossy. He storms out of the room. Nancy, her world destroyed, crumbles onto the sofa crying out Chris help me!

There is a special closeness between Lance and Leslie that Vanessa wishes to capitalize on, and she avers that Leslie is in love with Lance although she does not realize it herself. When Lorie tells Brad of her worries, he convinces her to, in effect, give Vanessa enough rope to hang herself. In Brad's estimation, there is not a chance that Vanessa will let Lance become seriously involved with Leslie. Vanessa will show herself for the scheming person she is.

Lorie feels a little better but how she longs to talk it over with Stuart. And Stuart would like to talk things over with Lorie. He is on his way to her apartment when he is stalled by Peggy. She is now officially engaged to Jack. She wants Stuart to have a talk with Jack. He does and Jack is not happy with Stuart's attitude, nor his concern that Peggy is being rushed into a marriage she is not ready for.

Ron catches Nancy in an attempt to call Chris for help. Paralyzed with fear, Nancy collapses. Ron then lures Chris to the apartment. He dials the number of Legal Aid and hands the phone to little Karen, telling her to ask Chris to come and take care of her, that her mother and daddy have left her alone and she is afraid. Chris enters the door of the Becker's apartment and while she embraces the child, her blood runs cold when she hears Ron's voice. Ron tells Chris he will prove to her that she is wrong about him. Chris tries to keep calm in front of this madman but it may not work.

When he finds out the price that Kay demanded and received from Jill in return for her financial help, Brock is sickened by his mother's appetite for revenge. Liz is also sickened when she learns that Jill did sign the affidavit. She is further burdened when she reads the right to die declaration signed by Bill and witnessed by Snapper and Greg!

November 1976

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 912 - # 916 November 1–5, 1976
As he attempted to seduce Chris, Ron freaked out and ran away. Laurie discovered that Leslie's pregnant and that Stuart knows he's not Laurie's natural father. Kay gave Liz the confession Kay had forced Jill to sign. Peggy and Jack set the wedding date—New Year's Eve.
# 917 - # 921 November 8–12, 1976
While Laurie told Brad about Leslie's pregnancy, Lance assumed she was making hay with another man. Greg is preparing to make Snapper and Chris Karen's legal guardians. Jill and Kay had a tentative reconciliation.
# 922 - # 926 November 15–19, 1976
Greg has Chris and Snapper appointed Karen’s legal guardian. Visiting Jack’s apartment, Peggy considers making love but backs down. Vanessa tells Les that Laurie is seeing Brad on the sly. Lorie told Leslie about Brad's blindness after Les accused her of seducing Brad. Lorie learned Vanessa hired a private detective to discrecit Laurie.
# 927 - # 930 November 22–26, 1976
Bitter and hurt because Brad didn’t tell her he was blind, Les offers to give him the divorce he wanted and walks out before he can answer. In an effort to drive Laurie and Lance apart, Vanessa invites Les to stay with her while Lance and Laurie went to South America to check a lead on Lance's missing brother, Luke. Bill was about to be released when he had a relapse. As Bill lies close to death, Liz eyes his respirator and wonders if he shouldn’t be allowed to die with dignity. Snapper found Liz holding the dead Bill's respirator plug. Stuart tried to persuade Jack to postpone his wedding to Peg.
# 929 – Wednesday, November 24, 1976 - Liz pulls the plug on Bill’s life support.
# 931 - # 935 November 29 - December 3, 1976
Unable to bear Bill’s suffering, Liz pulls the respirator plug. Snapper discovers what happened, takes Liz home and warns her not to reveal how or when Bill died. A nurse discovers Bill’s body and the pulled plug. Les tells Stu and Jen that Brad is blind.

Chris tells Ron that Snapper is on his way, but Ron reads this as a feeble effort to frighten him, and he begins his assault. At that moment, Karen walks into the room and in wonderment asks him what he is doing to Chris? Brought to the edge of sanity and the realization that his child is a witness to this, Ron totally disintegrates. Stunned at the swift turn of events, Chris quietly embraces little Karen as Ron runs out into the night to wrestle alone with his demons. But Chris wonders where Nancy is? Greg realizes that Chris may be in trouble when he hears the message she left for Snapper, and races to the Beckers' hoping he is in time. He brings Chris and Karen back to the apartment. Later Snapper agrees to allow Karen to stay with them, at least until Nancy is found.

Liz comes to thank Katherine for her help. She had been angry about the affidavit, but to her, help is more important than a meaningless piece of paper. Kay is surprised at Liz's lack of anger. To Liz, it is as good as an admission that Kay knows Phillip was the father of Jill's baby. A piece of paper will not change that fact. Stunned when Liz refers to her empty treasures, Kay tacitly but surely admits to Liz what she has been unable to admit to herself. She gives Liz the affidavit and the signet ring of Phillip's for the baby. Once again the two women have weathered a crisis and their mutual affection is intact.

Stuart and Lorie have the talk that has been necessary for so long. As it dawns on her that Stuart knows of her illegitimacy, Lorie at first goes on the defensive in effect trying to disown him before he has the chance to disown her first. Their interview is long and painful, but their love for each other is stronger than before. They are able to choose each other as father and daughter. Stuart will not lose a daughter over a technicality. They both learn that paternity is much more than a matter of genes and blood tests. It is love.

Later going over Brad's bills, Lorie reads the letter the Maestro wrote to him. She wastes not a moment but calls Brad to say she is coming right over. She knows Leslie is pregnant now. Lorie goes to Brad's and tells him of her pregnancy, and he takes it hard. Lance unannounced, then arrives at her apartment. Lorie arrives home then, defeated by Brad, and is cut to the quick when she hears that Lance had been having a candlelight dinner with Leslie. She is sorely tempted to tell her sister where she had been, but draws back. Her jealousy is not quite out of control. Instead, she goes to the Allegro to drink her frustrations away. Lance later finds her there. In self defense Lorie admits she was with Brad, trying to convince him to go back to Leslie. Lance does not completely understand the problem because Lorie is sworn to secrecy about Brad's blindness, but he makes it very plain that he loves her deeply.

Meanwhile Leslie calls Brad to inform him he will shortly be served with divorce papers. She will not let Brad know how much she needs him. Brad, with tears in his eyes, says to himself that if he only knew Leslie still needed him.

Stuart is more convinced than ever that Peggy is not ready for marriage. She is unable to tell him of a single plan she has made for the New Year's Eve wedding. When he confronts Jack with his opinions of Peggy's emotional state, Jack counters that he will not postpone the wedding because he thinks that Peggy is indeed ready. Later Jack shows her his one room apartment and she is not put off by its size or its grubbiness, but by the sight of the unmade bed. They almost make love, but Peggy pulls away. Her reluctance makes Jack think.

Chris is being warned right and left against letting Karen become too great a part in her life. But until Nancy is found, Chris must take care of the little girl. At the moment Greg tells Chris she will be named temporary guardian of the child, Nancy sits in a mental ward somewhere calling for help.

When Bill learns that the hospital charges are already $3000, he tries to leave. Jill convinces Kay to come and tell Bill herself that she will pay them. They arrive to find an empty room. When Bill is returned to bed Kay holds his hand. Whether he lives or dies, Bill has at last some peace of mind.

Lorie has finally had it with Brad's plan to free Leslie and she accuses him of extreme selfishness of being afraid to face his problem and try to solve it, preferring self-pity, and she then resolves to tell Leslie the truth, regardless of the consequences. At the same time Vanessa is furthering her scheme to break Lance and Lorie apart. She shows Leslie the detective's report of Lorie's visits to Brad, boldly implying that they have resumed their affair. Leslie, extremely vulnerable, infers, as Vanessa wants her to, that here is the real explanation for Brad's insistence on a divorce. Leslie too resolves to have it out with Lorie.

The two sisters confront each other, but when Leslie is told by Lorie that Brad is blind, she does not hesitate. She rushes to his apartment. Brad is stunned to learn that Leslie knows of his blindness, and he attempts to explain why of his course of action. Leslie, instead of rushing into his arms, takes an unpredicted course. She is truly angry, because Brad robbed her of the right to plan her own future; the shape of his concern, she feels, expresses contempt for her ability to cope with life, denigrates their wedding vows. She, too, has had enough. She accepts her freedom, with the bitter hope that at least he enjoys it, because she cannot.

Lorie is now free to defend herself from the attacks of her adversary, and she does so with great relish, forcing Vanessa to concede this battle, but not the war. Vanessa is determined that if she must share her son with another woman, it will be Leslie.

Lorie and Lance, thinking that the problem between Leslie and Brad is about to be happily resolved, plan to celebrate. Their evening is cut short by an urgent phone call from Vanessa. Lucas, she says, may have been found! Lance leaves immediately.

Brock suggests that Joanne live with Katherine for a while. Kay reluctantly agrees to give it a try. The two women despite their differences in age and background, have a great deal in common. Loneliness.

Between Lorie's accusations that she is short changing Brad, who did what he did out of love for her, and Vanessa's smooth manipulation of her confused state, emphasizing at every turn Lance's unrecognized love for her, Leslie is in complete turmoil. She needs love, she needs protection, but she does not know what to do.

Vanessa's intervention in his daughter's life has disturbed Stuart greatly. The woman is trying to set sister against sister. Stuart decides to warn Brad that if there is any chance of a reconciliation, Brad had best move quickly. He tells Brad why. Brad is again surprised by a visit from Vanessa. Cunningly finding his weak spots, she urges him the idea that Leslie would return only out of loyalty, duty, and pity. What will he say to Leslie now? She is on her way over to talk to him.

Lance and Lorie, meanwhile, are returning from a fruitless trip to South America. Lance is perturbed by this elusive brother whom he has not seen in over a decade.

A true romantic, Lance suggests to Lorie that they marry on Valentine's Day. She is privately determined to marry him well before that.

Watching Bill suffer unimaginable pain is more than Liz can bear, and despite her scruples, her love for Bill surmounts everything. She hears him beg for mercy and she pulls the plug out of his respirator. Within seconds he is dead. Snapper discovers his father had died and his eyes widen when he sees Liz standing in the shadows, the wall plug on the floor. Thinking quickly, he takes her home, warning her to say nothing of what has happened. But he forgot to replug the respirator!

He is doing his best to protect his mother, and he hopes to return to the hospital before any discovery is made. He is too late. Nurse Warner finds it and, after long deliberation, makes an appointment with the hospital administrator.

Brock's eulogy celebrates the life of Bill Foster, who enriched all of their lives. He has, perhaps, stepped into a richer fuller experience and his love gives meaning to both life and death. To have less faith, hope, or love, suggests Brock, would be to fail Bill. If they mourn, it is for themselves. It helps sustain the Fosters, and Katherine, in their moments of deep sorrow.

December 1976

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 936 - # 940 December 6–10, 1976
Lorie and Lance set a wedding date for St. Valentine’s Day. Lance and Leslie had no luck locating Lucas but told Vanessa they planned to marry on Valentine's Day. Les tells Stuart she might turn to Lance for love she needs. Vanessa tells Brad it would be unfair of him to let Les return. Going to Brad, Les asks him to say he loves her. When he doesn’t, she starts to leave, but decides to stay and tells Brad she’s going to help him shape up.
# 941 - # 945 December 13–17, 1976
A nurse in the sanitarium where Nancy is hospitalised notices a newspaper sketch and thinks it may be Nancy but changes her mind. Karen calls Chris “Mommy”. Greg warns Chris even though she and Snapper are about to become permanent guardians for Karen, if Ron or Nancy return she is legally their child. The hospital administrator reports Bill’s pulled plug to the police. Jill gives Kay a note from Bill. Les tells Brad to shape up and helps him get it together. After she leaves, Brad whispers for her to “come back”. The family fretted that Peggy's not ready for marriage because of her lingering sexual fears. Snapper learned that Bill's death is being investigated. Lorie and Vanessa agreed to a truce.
# 946 - # 950 December 20–24, 1976
Determined to get Brad and Les together, Laurie hires a piano tuner to untune the piano at the Brook’s, forcing Les to practice at Brad’s. While she’s practising, a Christmas tree arrives and Les intimidates Brad into helping her trim it. As they place the first ornament, he grasps her hands and she reciprocates. Les and Vanessa call a truce. Homicide detectives question the nurse about Bill’s respirator plug. Greg feels Snapper could have called the family before Bill died and wonders if her really gave their father the best care possible. Leslie gave Brad a Braille message that said "I love you," and spent the holiday with him. Lance gave Laurie a Mercedes. Stuart invited Jack to dinner with the Brookses. Joann and Kay celebrated together.
# 951 - 955 December 27–31, 1976
Les leaves a Braille love note for Brad, then pretends to leave to see his reaction. Admitting she is still in the apartment, Les refuses to go. Brad’s defences break down when she kisses him good night and he opens himself to her love. Haunted by nightmares of Ron raping her, Peg postpones marriage to Jack, who intends to wait. Lorie gets Vanessa’s permission to call her mother Prentiss. The man who was given Bill’s eyes visits Liz. Kay admits to Jill that she witnessed the night Jill and Philip conceived little Philip. Peggy's sexual insecurities turned into nightmares and convictions that she couldn't go through with her wedding. Leslie seduced Brad and they reconciled for the New Year, as Lorie eloped with Lance.


  1. ^ "Young and the Restless Synopsis". Soap Opera Digest. April 1977.
  2. ^ "Young and the Restless Synopsis". Soap Opera Digest (May 1977).
  3. ^ "Young and the Restless Synopsis". Soap Opera Digest. June 1977.
  4. ^ "Young and the Restless Synopsis". Soap Opera Digest. July 1977.
  5. ^ "Young and the Restless Synopsis". Soap Opera Digest. August 1977.
  6. ^ Reed, Jon-Michael (21 June 1976). "Tune in Tomorrow".