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Property Info
Meno/vek Marek Maslancik/26
Location Stránske, Rajecké Teplice, Žilina, Slovensko
GPS coordinates 49° 7'46.32"North 18°42'45.34"East
Jazyky Anglicky - near native, Nemecky - passive, Chorvatsky - middle, Rusky - can read azbuka
Contact mails masleyko@gmail.com // marek.maslancik@windowslive.com
Contacts IM MSN,FB: marek.maslancik@windowslive.com // Skype: Masleyko
Interests PC, Trackmania, physics, car multimedia
At wiki since 11th april 2008

I`m contributing since April 2008 :) I live close to Žilina. I dont like to use slovak diacritics, but have to, and really hate adding slovak wikilinks :) Anyway, I`m trying to translate as much as i can from Quantum physics and Astronomy


List of articles I translated to Slovak

English article Slovak translation
Grandfather paradox sk:Paradox starého otca
Black hole information paradox sk:Informačný paradox čiernych dier 9th May 2012
Bekenstein bound sk:Bekensteinova hranica
Event horizon sk:Horizont udalostí
Black hole thermodynamics sk:Termodynamika čiernych dier
Jacob Bekenstein sk:Jacob Bekenstein
Alex Filippenko sk:Alex Filippenko
List of particles sk:Zoznam elementárnych častíc
Dirac fermion sk:Diracov fermión
Majorana fermion sk:Majoranovský fermión 9th May 2012
Particle physics sk:Fyzika častíc
Units of measurement sk:Fyzikálna jednotka
MKS system of units sk:Sústava MKS
Metre-tonne-second system of units sk:Sústava MTS
Strong interaction sk:Silná interakcia hmotných objektov
Fundamental interaction sk:Základná interakcia
Fundamental particle sk:Fundamentálna častica 27th April 2012
Fermion sk:Fermión 30th April 2012
Boson sk:Bozón 5th May 2012
Introduction to quantum mechanics sk:Úvod do kvantovej mechaniky 5th November 2012
Subatomic particle sk:Subatomárna častica 10th November 2012
Astrophysics sk:Astrofyzika 24th April 2013
Cosmology sk:Kozmológia 25th April 2013
Galaxy formation and evolution sk:Vznik a vývoj galaxií 29th April 2013
VY Canis Majoris sk:VY Canis Majoris 29th April 2013
Hubble volume sk:Hubblov objem 3rd May 2013
Multiverse sk:Multiverzum 4th May 2013
Max Tegmark sk:Max Tegmark 4th May 2013
Somnath Bharadwaj sk:Somnath Bharadwaj 4th May 2013
Richard C. Tolman sk:Richard C. Tolman 4th May 2013
Age of the universe sk:Vek vesmíru 4th May 2013
Cosmic gravitational wave background sk:Kozmické pozadie gravitačných vĺn 5th May 2013
Chronology of the universe sk:Chronológia vesmíru 5th May 2013
Big Bang nucleosynthesis sk:Nukleosyntéza (kozmológia) 10th May 2013
cosmic neutrino background sk:Kozmické neutrínové pozadie 11th May 2013
Willem de Sitter sk:Willem de Sitter 11th May 2013
Religious interpretations of the Big Bang theory sk:Náboženské interpretácie Veľkého tresku 11th May 2013
BOOMERanG experiment sk:BOOMERanG experiment 11th May 2013
timeline of cosmological theories sk:Časová os kozmologických teórií 11th May 2013
large quasar group sk:Veľká skupina kvazarov 11th May 2013
Ultimate fate of the universe sk:Konečný osud vesmíru 22nd May 2013
Lambda-CDM model sk:Lambda-CDM model 29th May 2013
Alan Guth sk:Alan Harvey Guth 29th May 2013
Reionization sk:Reionizácia 30th May 2013