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About Me
Charity, Love, and Esteem
UofEThis user is a Purple Ace.
This user was born on February 11.
ubx-nThis user communicates exclusively via userboxes.
♂This user is male.
AIM-AbleThis user understands AIM talk perfectly well, and sometimes uses it, but not excessively.
This user is a skeptic.
ft-lbThis user uses American Measurements.
du-1This user does not wish to speak or hear dumbass, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration.
fr-1Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
C-3This user is an advanced C programmer.
c++-3This user is an advanced C++ programmer.
vb-0This person does not understand Visual Basic (or understands it with considerable difficulties, or does not want to program in it).


My Userboxes



I've been and gone to Harlaxton Manor this past fall of 2007, and right now I'm trying to graduate in May '08. I may try to do some editing here and there, but I'm sooooo busy this year I doubt I'll on here that much!



My nickname is Gustav, and my real name is Matt. You can call me by either one.

I am from and currently reside in Evansville, IN. I graduated from Benjamin Bosse High School and I attend the University of Evansville. I'm majoring in Psychology with a minor in Cognitive Science. I also am a member of the Zeta Beta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon. I enjoy time with my fellow fraters, university life (minus classes, lol jk!), and editing wikipedia when I get the chance. My plans for the future are to attend graduate school in Psychology and Cognitive Science.

As you can see, I communicate mostly through userboxes, and my own concoction of sounds and letters that we like to, or at least I like to, call English......



Wikipedia Reading TKE and Greek Life in general Hacking, I'm a hacker that enjoys applying many computer science concepts to other parts of science like cognitive science, and psychology. Music is fascinating, but I listen to mostly hard rock(it probably does rot my brain.....)



From time to time I may put up rants, and I can rant pretty easily, but I'll save this spot for important rants that relate to wikipedia.....

Not Enough?


If you can't get enough of me, then drop me a comment.....

Please write below this line


If you want to make comments please use my comment page. If its something that looks good on my page I'll consider keeping it on, otherwise I'll move it to my comment page, or delete it if its offensive!