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Jonathan Culpeper
OccupationProfessor at Lancaster University
Known forLinguistics



Jonathan Culpeper is currently a professor at, Lancaster University, working in the field of English Language and Linguistics. His main interest is in (im)politeness, focusing on the social dynamics of interaction.

His other interests in English language include historical linguistics, cognitive stylistics and Shakespeare.

Research into (im)politeness


Culpepers main field of work is in pragmatics focusing on his personal interest of (im)politeness; focussing on the social dynamics of interaction. His interest in this field has lead him to writing and working on various articles, books and talks based on this aspect.

One of his most notable pieces of work is The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic Politeness (2017) that he worked on with fellow linguists Michael Haugh and Daniel Kadar. It explores social interaction by giving a critical outline of the field of linguistic politeness and impoliteness. They look into the use of impoliteness across certain contexts, wider developments and in various cultures.

Further work into the study of (im)politeness includes his article, Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness, which provides an outline of a framework for analysing highly confrontational interaction. It is his most cited publication to date.

Other work in this field include a monography "Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence (2011, CUP)". Furthermore, he has an impoliteness website providing more research information into the topic.

Historical Linguistics


Culpeper also has an interest in the Historical linguistics side of English, with historical pragmatics being his main focus alongside corpus methods. His work in this area includes a monograph, Early Modern English dialogues: Spoken interaction as writing. Its based on a large corpus of historical dialogues and uses this to provide an insight into spoken interaction in Early Modern English.

Further work in this area includes the textbook History of English, which looks into the history of English language to then use to explain English today.



His early interests in English Language started with cognitive stylistics; this combines insights from both linguistics and cognitive psychology. He is interested in fictional dialogue mainly focussing on play texts.

His work in this area includes Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis which he worked on with Elena Semino. The books covers various literary texts including poems, fictional and non-fictional texts and plays. Furthermore, he co-edited a collection of papers on the language of drama Studying Drama: From Text to Context. In this he uses language analysis, cognitive analysis and pragmatics to look into the language of plays.



Shakespeare is another of Culpepers interests, with his research often relating to him. He edited Stylistics and Shakespeare: Transdisciplinary Approaches. The aim of this was to what modern approaches could do for the study of Shakespeares language.



[1]Jonathan Culpeper University website

[2]Cognitive stylistics

[3]Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence

[4]The Palgrave handbook of linguistic (im)politness

[5]History of English}

[6]Early modern English dialogues


  • Culpeper. J, Selmino. E,(2002) Cognitive Stylistics:Language and Cognition in text analysis
  • Culpeper. J Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence
  • Culpeper. J (20170The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)politeness
  • Culpeper. J and Kytö. M (2010) Early Modern English Dialogues
  • Culpeper, J History of English, 3rd edition
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