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User:Olafgustavsson/Guy Olivier Faure

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Guy Olivier Faure
Born 1943
Nationality French
Fields Social and political sciences
Institutions Sorbonne, Paris and Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) / Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael), The Hague
Alma mater The Sorbonne University

Guy Olivier Faure (born in 1943 in France) is currently director at the PIN/Clingendael Institute of Diplomacy, The Hague.



Guy Olivier FAURE is professor and researcher on “International Negotiation”, “Conflict Resolution”, and “Strategic Thinking and Action”, which are subjects he has introduced and taught at the Sorbonne University, Paris. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the three major international journals dealing with negotiation theory and practice: Group Decision and Negotiation (New York), International Negotiation (Washington), and Negotiation Journal (Harvard). He is a member of the Editorial Board of two major scientific book series: International Negotiation (Brill Academic Publisher); Advances in Group Decision and Negotiation (Kluwer Academic Publisher).

He is a member of the steering committee of PIN/Clingendael, The Hague, a program on international negotiation processes that link together 5000 people involved in the domain. He has extensively worked on peace issues, especially in French-German cooperation programs within the framework of the international treaty of friendship and cooperation signed in 1963 between these two countries. He has also contributed to field actions on peace making and reconciliation with NGOs in the Middle East.

His major research interests are in diplomatic negotiations, focusing on strategies and intercultural issues. For over 20 years he has been involved with Chinese business issues at the CEIBS (China- Europe International Business School, Shanghai). He has developed research on multilateral negotiations, problem resolution and problem transformation. He also is concerned with developing interdisciplinary approaches in such domains as terrorism, and engages in consulting and training activities with governments and international organizations. Among them: The United Nations; UNESCO; the European Union; the World Trade Organization (WTO).

He is referenced in the Diplomat’s Dictionary published by the United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, 1997. He has authored, co-authored and edited 16 books and over 100 articles. His works have been published in twelve different languages.


  • Negotiating to Free Hostages: A Challenge for Negotiation Support Systems, (with Shakun) in Shakun (ed.): Evolutionary Systems Design, Policy Making under Complexity. Holden-Day, Oakland, 1988, 219-246.
  • Théories de la négociation, in Messerlin & Vellas (ed.): Conflits et Négociations dans le Commerce International. Economica, Paris, 1989, 129-145.
  • The Mediator as a Third Negotiator, in Mautner-Markhof (ed.): Processes of International Negotiations. Westview Press, 1989, 415-426.
  • The Negotiation Process, (with Dupont) in Kremenyuk (ed.): International Negotiations: Analysis, Approaches, Issues. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1991, 40-57.
  • La mise en oeuvre de l'interdisciplinarité, barrières institutionnelles et intellectuelles, in Portella (ed.): Entre savoirs, l'interdisciplinarité en acte. Editions Erès, 1992, 109-116.
  • International Environmental Negotiation: Organizing Concepts and Questions,(with J. Rubin) in Sjöstedt (ed.): International Environmental Negotiation. Sage, 1993, 17-26.
  • Culture and Negotiation, (with J.Z. Rubin) Newbury Park, Calif., Sage, 1993.
  • Organization Theory, (with D. Kolb) in I.W. Zartman (ed.) International Multilateral Negotiation. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994, 113-131 .
  • Conflict Formulation: Going Beyond Culture-Bound views, in Bunker & Rubin (eds) Conflict, Cooperation, and Justice. San Francisco, Jossey- Bass, 1995, 39-57.
  • Negotiation under power asymmetry (with Klaousen), in Rubin and Zartman (eds) Power and Negotiation. Ann Arbor, Michigan University Press, 2000, 107-127.
  • La négociation: situations et problématiques (avec Mermet L., Touzard H., Dupont C.). Paris, Editions Dunod, 2000.
  • Management interculturel et négociations internationales : former à la négociation en Chine, in Demorgon J. et Lipiansky E.M., Guide de l’interculturel en formation. Paris, Editions Retz, 1999, 299-308.
  • Cultural Aspects of international Negotiation, in Berton P., Kimura H., Zartman I.W., International Negotiation: Actors, Structure/Process, End Values, St Martin’s Press, 1999.
  • Négocier avec les Occidentaux : la conception chinoise, in Demorgon J. & Gebauer G. (eds), Cultures et entreprises : du national au mondial. Paris, Anthropos, 1999.
  • Traditional Conflict Management in Africa and China, in Zartman I.W., Traditional Cures for Modern Conflicts: African Conflict Medicine, Boulder (Colorado), Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000, 153- 165.
  • Joint Ventures in China and their negotiation, in Kremenyuk and Sjöstedt (eds), International Economic Negotiation. Northampton, Mass., Edward Elgar Publishers, 2000, pp 65-98.
  • Wen Hua Yu Tan Pan (Culture and Negotiation), China Social Science Documentation Publishing House, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 2001.
  • Negotiation: the cultural dimension, in Kremenyuk (ed.): International Negotiations: Analysis, Approaches, Issues. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2002.
  • The Negotiation Process, (with Dupont) in Kremenyuk (ed.): International Negotiations: Analysis, Approaches, Issues. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2002.
  • Chinese Culture and Negotiation: Strategies for Handling Stalemates, (with Ding Y.) In Alon I. (Ed.), Chinese Culture, Organizational Behavior, and International Business Management. Westport, CT, Praeger, 2003, 85-98.
  • How People Negotiate: The Resolution of Conflicts in Different Cultures. Dordrechts, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
  • Professional culture in international negotiation (with G. Sjöstedt and W. Lang) in G. Sjöstedt (ed.), Professional Culture in International Negotiation: Bridge or Rift? Lanham, MD, USA, Lexington Books, 2003.
  • Westliche Unterhändler im Interkulturellen Feld: Die Chinesische Erfahrung, in H. Merkens, J. Demorgon, G. Gebauer: Kulturelle Barrieren im Kopf, Frankfurt am Main, Campus, 2004, 90-112.
  • Escalation and Negotiation in International Conflicts (with I.W. Zartman) (Cambridge University Press, 2005)
  • Verhandeln als Kampfspiel- Das chinesische Beispiel, in H. Kordes, H. Nicklas, B. Müller, Handbusch: Intercultureller Wandel. Frankfurt/Main, Campus, 2005.
  • La négociation : regards sur sa diversité. Paris, Publibook, 2005.
  • Guoji tanpan : wenhua yinsu (国际谈判 :文化因素) in, Guoji Tanpan (国际谈判 ), Beijing, Huaxia Publishing House, 2004, (北京: 华夏).
  • Les joint-ventures en Chine et leur négociation. In Béraud Philippe, Changeur Sophie, La Chine dans la mondialisation. Marchés et stratégies, Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2006.
  • Négociation internationale et pratique des affaires en Chine (avec Philippe Béraud et Jean-Louis Perrault). Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2007.
  • Les négociations en Chine. In Philippe Béraud, Guy Olivier Faure et Jean-Louis Perrault, Négociation internationale et pratique des affaires en Chine. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2007.
  • Culture and conflict resolution. In Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., I.W. Zartman I.W. The Sage Handbook of Conflict Resolution. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications, 2009, 506-524.
  • Negotiation and escalation of images. In K. Aggestam, Diplomacy. Stockholm, Liber, 2009.
  • Negotiated risks across cultures: joint ventures in China. In R. Avenhaus and G. Sjöstedt, Negotiated Risks: International Talks on Hazardous Issues. Berlin, Springer, 2009, 307-331.
  • Chine: une négociation de rue. In A. Colson, Entrer en négociation, mélanges en l’honneur de Christophe Dupont. Bruxelles, Larcier, de Boeck, 2011.
  • The observing sociologist. In G. Sjöstedt, Long-term Facilitation of the Climate Talks: how to Cope with Stumbling Blocks. Earthscan, 2010?
  • Escalation of images in international conflicts. In M. Galluccio and F. Aquilar, "Psychological and Political Strategies for Peace Negotiation: A Cognitive Approach." Springer, 2011.
  • Negotiating with Terrorists: Strategy, Tactics and Politics. (with I.W. Zartman). New York, Routledge, 2010.
  • Engaging Extremists: States and Terrorists Negotiating Ends and Means (with I.W. Zartman). Washington, United States Institute of Peace, 2010. Forthcoming.
  • Unfinished Business: Preventing International Negotiations from Failure (with F. Cede). Georgia University Press, 2011. Forthcoming
  • Talking to terrorists. Washington, United States Institute of Peace, 2011. (with Byman, Perry, Zartman)