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Top Reasons Why You Must Consider Electronic Cigarette


Electronic cigarette fondly called as e-cigs are designed with great care to offer the conventional look, which are filled with nicotine liquid of different flavors in them. The nicotine allows people to enjoy thick smoke while smoking as it contributes to the vapor of this e cig. The liquid nicotine is safe for health, as it does not contain any toxic materials like a tobacco cigarette. If you were thinking of switching over from the harmful tobacco cigars then the best option would be buying an ecigg as it offers many advantages. These e-cigs are powered by ego battery that makes it an exceptional choice among the rest.

It contains no Toxins or tar:


Traditional tobacco counterparts are filled with harmful toxins, tar and monoxide, which causes various chronic diseases in your body. However, you need not have any concerns regarding smoking an e-cig as it has no carbon, tar or other toxins. When you puff an e-cig, you will inhale only the vapor arising from a small amount of nicotine. This is caused by vaporizing propylene glycol, which is also called as nicotine solution. This is designed to offer you a natural smoking feel without any smoking hazards involved in it.

Reduced rate of smoking:


Unlike regular cigars where you will be smoking the full cigar stick, the e-cigarette helps you to gain a better control of your smoking habit. You can enjoy few puffs of e-cigar and put it off after sometime. This will make you to end smoking much faster without doing anything intentionally. Another amazing thing about e-cig is that it has a chip in it, which pops off itself if huge amount of nicotine is utilized within short time. Therefore, you will have control over the smoking limit.

Save lot of money:


A single cartridge is worth the investment when compared to a pack of regular cigars. You need to spend only $2 per cartridge but a good brand of tobacco cigars will cost you about $15. This means you can save more money and be assured that you have a healthy smoking habit, which will not affect your health. The e-cig kit is a one-time investment and you need to spend only for the refillable cartridge, which is not a burden on your pocket.

No more yellowish fingers:


You can now feel free from the embarrassing yellow teeth or yellow fingers, which is disgusting to look at, and would require you to do for a dental clean up regularly. However, yellow fingers are one problem that is encountered when the cigar bits grow smaller as you smoke and reaches the fingers. With electronic cigarette, there are no instances of heat affecting your fingers or the teeth being stained.

Odorless smoke:


This is yet another reason why you must buy ecigg. You can smoke anywhere anytime even in the places where smoking is banned. This means you need not take frequent breaks at your office to enjoy a puff. As there is no embarrassing odor in this e-cig, you can smoke freely without causing the disturbance to anyone.

These reasons would help you understand why e-cigs are preferable than the ordinary ones.