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I am 18 and go to East Leyden High School. Currently in the Senior Year.
I'm in to books, biking, video games, music, and poetry.
I created this site for my personal benefit so people stop asking why I am the way I am.
This is basically my "About Me" page and tells about my life so far, ambitions, and other things
that are interesting about me. If you wish to contact me, just email me at

Who Am I?


Real Name: Andrew Scott Nell
Common Name: Chip
Age: 18
POB: Franklin Park, Illinois
Brothers: Matt(20) and Jay(28)
Sisters: None
Favorite Shows: Simpsons, Futurama, Tom & Jerry
Favorite Movie: Howl's Moving Castle



When me and Matt were younger, I was in my crib. When Matt came by, he saw
that I was in a happy mood. It was then that Matt said, "Feeling chipper today?"
Ever since, I got called Chip so I now like the name so much that I made it my
nickname. I've been called Chip ever since. I always introduce myself as Chip now
because I have grown used to it.



I am currently a gamer of Franklin Park, Illinois. I play a ton of
video games. I am also a solitary practicing Wiccan. I have enough
knowledge to become a High Priest. But, I wish to join a local coven.

What I like to play:
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody
The Sims 2
The Sims

I don't play much video games
because the days are
warmer and I am outside
a little more than usual.