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User:Radova/Informational Bioscience

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Is the world around us an illusion? Is it a shadow of Plato’s world of ideas or a dream of Hindu’s Brahman? Does it exist only in the mind of the God, or is it a virtual world of some universal digital consciousness? And if reality is an illusion, then life and its physical appearance must also be an illusion?

Informational Life Science in general and Informational Bioscience aims to answer these questions. These new branches of science are based on a view that life is fundamentally informational. They define living organisms as Living Digital Systems (LIDIS). The theoretical ground for these new sciences rests on a digital physics model of reality.

Two main research areas are:

  • understanding information and computational space that constitutes life
  • creating living organisms using information as a starting point.

The new science looks at information as a source that will provide answers of origin, function of life and consciousness.


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