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Daniel learned to walk and 10 months and was an early talker, Daniel always took risks and if he fell he would always get back up and try again! At age 3 Daniel was very creative and got into his first school in New York.

He was very happy with his parents and his new dog Harrison, named after Harrison Ford, actor. When he was he broke his arm and later 6 covid 19 started. He also learned to play the trumpet! Then he found out he was going to be an older brother. When his brother Benji was born COVID-19 reached its peak and he moved to Seattle with his grandparents.

When Daniel left the airplane he saw his grandparents! He went to their house and I was Daniel happy during the trip and his grandpa took Daniel to roast marshmallows.

He would play soccer with Daniel and about 9% of the time Daniel won and about 1% of the time he won they also invented a game named DANI BALL which I forgot the rules of but it was really fun. His grandpa threw a ball and Daniel would dive for it.

His dad helped him use the Play Station 2 and it was still super fun playing FIFA 2002 or 2004. He was so happy and went exploring a lot and sailed a control boat on a pond, the pond did not have a name because Technically it was in the woods that his grandpa still owned, it was a just big puddle.

He and his family went swimming in a lake called Lake Meridian in Kent, he felt so alive and his dad did not want to go in the water but Daniel swam to the end of the swimming part.
The neighborhood was a loop and Daniel and Kyle walked his dog Harrison around it! When he left Daniel was sad but excited about the flight back he had a great flight and the food tasted better while watching a movie!

On the day before he needed to leave, he worked in his virtual class to write a short poem and he wrote about leaving Kent WA. Daniel remembered it was about how he was sad about leaving his grandparent's house but not much more because it was so early. After all, his school was in New York time which is three hours behind us. His grandparents read it and they said that they loved it.

Though it seemed good it did have some things his family did not support. Daniel also started a YouTube page called @gamingwithlink