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User:RichardMcCoy/Books/Book of the Indiana Statehouse Public Art Collection

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Public Art at the Indiana State House


Including information about the artists and subjects

History of Indiana Statehouse
Indiana Statehouse
List of Governors of Indiana
Overview of Indiana Statehouse Public Art Collection
Indiana Statehouse Public Art Collection
List of public art at the Indiana Statehouse
Interior Works
Abraham Lincoln
Benjamin Harrison Bust, Indianapolis
Benjamin Harrison
Bust of Otis Bowen
Bust of Robert D. Orr
Bust of Stephen Neal
Calvin Fletcher
Calvin Fletcher (Indianapolis)
Colonel Richard Owen (Kinney Scholz)
Daniel Edwards
Frank O'Bannon Bust
Frank O'Bannon
George Washington Bust
George Rogers Clark (McLary)
Here I Grew Up
Indiana (Matthews)
Indiana State Stone (Sculpture)
Plaque Commemorating First Formal Religious Service, Indianapolis (Howard Petty)
Robert Dale Owen Memorial
Values of Civilization (Doyle)
Bust of Daniel W. Voorhees
Sarah T. Bolton Relief
Bust of William H. English
Matthew E. Welsh (Edwards)
Henry F. Schricker Bust
Bust of Governor Ashbel Parsons Willard
Spirit of Indiana
Untitled: Indians Reaper, Black Smith, Pioneer Family (Indiana Statehouse, exterior)
Frances Elizabeth Willard (plaque)
Wendell Willkie (engraving)
Exterior Works
Abraham Lincoln plaque (Schwarz)
Christopher Columbus (Vittori)
Coal Miner (Szaton)
Indiana Law Enforcement and Firefighter Memorial
Workers' Memorial Sculpture
Young Abe Lincoln (sculpture)
Thomas A. Hendricks (sculpture)
Oliver P. Morton and Reliefs
Belle Kinney Scholz
Christopher Columbus
George Rogers Clark
Oliver Hazard Perry Morton
Robert Dale Owen
Robert D. Orr
Otis R. Bowen
Thomas A. Hendricks
History of Indianapolis and Indiana
Governor of Indiana
Lieutenant Governor of Indiana
Indiana General Assembly
Indiana House of Representatives
Indiana Senate