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User:Rschwieb/Requiring identity table

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Publication title Author Year Level Defines
ring as
if for
Unit? If no
warns reader?
Added by
Algebra, 3rd ed. Lang 1993 1st-year
graduate (U.S.)
Yes Yes n.a. No Joeldl
Leçons d'Algèbre moderne Lentin
1964 beginner Yes No n.a. No Joeldl
Cours de mathématiques spéciales, 2e éd Ramis
1993 Beginner Yes Yes n.a. No Joeldl
Éléments de géométrie algébrique Grothendieck
1960 For researchers No Yes Yes No Joeldl
Éléments de géométrie algébrique (2nd ed.) Grothendieck
1971 For researchers No Yes No No Joeldl
Algebraic Geometry Hartshorne 1977 2nd-year graduate (U.S.) No Yes Yes No Joeldl
The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes Mumford 1967 2nd-year graduate (U.S.) No Yes Yes No Joeldl
Algèbre locale, multiplicités, 3e éd. Serre 1975 5th-year (France) No Yes Yes No Joeldl
An Introduction to Homological Algebra Weibel 1994 1st-year graduate No Yes No No Joeldl
A First Course in Noncommutative Rings Lam 2001 graduate No Yes Yes No Fropuff
Abstract Algebra Dummit and Foote 2003 beginner/1st-year graduate Yes No No Fropuff
Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry Eisenbud 1995 graduate Yes Yes No Fropuff
Basic Algebra Nathan Jacobson 1974 et. seq. Graduate Yes Yes Yes Septentrionalis
Algebra Michael Artin 1991 Beginner Yes Yes Yes Lunch
Contemporary Abstract Algebra (6th ed.) Joseph Gallian 2006 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Topics in Algebra (2nd ed.) Israel Nathan Herstein 1975 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Abstract Algebra W.E. Deskins 1995 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
An Introduction to Abstract Algebra D.J.S. Robinson 2003 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3rd ed.) Thomas A. Whitelaw 1995 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Basic Abstract Algebra (2nd ed.) P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain, S.R. Nagpaul 1994 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
An Introduction to Algebraic Structures Joseph Landin 1989 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Introduction to Modern Abstract Algebra David Burton 1967 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
A First Course in Rings and Ideals David Burton 1970 Intermediate Yes No No Kundor
A Book of Abstract Algebra (2nd ed.) Charles Pinter 1990 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Lessons on Rings, Modules, and Multiplicities Douglas Northcott 1968 Advanced undergraduate / Early graduate Yes No* No Kundor
Introduction to Abstract Algebra Elbert Walker 1987 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Applied Abstract Algebra Rudolf Lidl, Günter Pilz 1984 Yes No No Kundor
Abstract Algebra with a Concrete Introduction John Beachy, William Blair 1990 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Modern Algebra: An Introduction (2nd ed.) John Durbin 1985 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Algebra: Abstract and Concrete Frederick Goodman 1998 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Elements of Modern Algebra Jimmie Gilbert, Linda Gilbert 1984 Beginner Yes No No Kundor
Elements of Abstract Algebra Allan Clark 1971 Yes Yes Yes Paul August
Algebra Goldhaber, Jacob K. and Ehrlich, Gertrude 1970 Yes No No Paul August
Modern Abstract Algebra Frank Ayres, Jr. 1965 Yes No selfworm
Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica Hibbard 1999 Yes No selfworm
An Introduction to Group Rings (Algebras and Applications, Volume 1) (Algebra and Applications) Milies 2002 Yes No selfworm
Groups, Rings and Group Rings (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics) Giambruno 2006 Yes No selfworm
An Introduction to Ring Theory Cohn 2000 Advanced undergraduate Yes Yes Yes Fropuff
Ring Theory Rowen 1991 Graduate Yes Yes No Fropuff
A Course in Ring Theory Passman 2004 Graduate No Yes Yes No Fropuff
Commutative Ring Theory Matsumura and Reid 1989 Graduate No Yes Yes No Fropuff
Lectures on Modules and Rings Lam 1999 Graduate No Yes Yes No Fropuff
Algebra Hungerford 1974 Graduate Yes No No Fropuff
Algebra Mac Lane and Birkhoff 1999 Graduate Yes Yes No Fropuff
Introduction to Commutative Algebra Atiyah and MacDonald 1969 Advanced undergraduate Yes Yes No Fropuff
Fundamental Structures of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Stephan Foldes 1994 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Abstract Algebra with Applications. Volume II: Rings and Fields Karlheinz Spindler 1994 Intermediate Yes No No Kundor
Learning abstract algebra with ISETL Ed Dubinsky, Uri Leron 1994 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
A First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings, Groups, and Fields Marlow Anderson, Todd Feil 2005 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Abstract Algebra (2nd ed.) Deepak Chatterjee 2005 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Introduction to Algebra Peter J. Cameron 1998 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Algebra Saunders Mac Lane, Garrett D. Birkhoff 1999 Intermediate Yes Yes No Kundor
Comprehensive Abstract Algebra Kulbhushan Parkash, Manish Goyal 2006 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Rings and Fields Graham Ellis 1992 Intermediate Yes No No Kundor
Rings, Fields, and Groups RBJT Allenby 1983 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Sets & Groups (A first course in algebra) J.A. Green 1988 Advanced undergrad/early grad No Yes No Yes Jordan Craw
Rings, Modules, and Preradicals (Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics, vol. 75) Bican, Kapka, Nemec 1982 Advanced No Yes Yes Yes Kundor
Modules and Rings John Dauns 1994 Advanced undergrad/early grad Yes (appendix) No Yes Kundor
Introduction to Rings and Modules A.J. Berrick, M.E. Keating 2000 Early graduate Yes Yes Yes Kundor
Rings and Categories of Modules (2nd ed.) Frank Anderson, Kent Fuller 1992 Graduate No Yes Yes Yes Kundor
Modern Algebra with Applications (2nd ed.) William Gilbert, W.K. Nicholson 2004 Beginners Yes Yes Yes Kundor
Applied Modern Algebra Dornhoff, Hohn 1978 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Abstract Algebra Crown, Fenrick, Valenza 1986 Advanced undergrad/early grad Yes No No Kundor
A first course in Abstract Algebra (3rd ed.) John Fraleigh 1982 Beginners Yes No No Kundor
Abstract Algebra Paul Garret 2008 Graduate Yes No No Kundor
Structures of Rings (AMS Colloquium Publications, vol. 37) Jacobson 1956 Advanced No No No No Kundor
Algebra (Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 110) Larry Grove 1983 Beginning Graduate Yes No No Kundor
Post-modern Algebra Jonathan D. Smith, Anna Romanowska 1999 Graduate Yes Both* Yes Kundor
Algebra: Rings, Modules, and Categories I Carl Faith 1973 Yes Yes No Kundor
Fields and Rings Kaplansky 1969 No No No No Kundor
Theory of RINGS Neal McCoy 1965 Advanced undergrad/early grad Yes No No Kundor

*Northcott does not include unity in the definition of ring, but notes that rings in the text should be assumed to have unity.

*Smith & Romanowska have definition 1.3.1 "'ring' or 'unital ring' or 'ring-with-1'", and definition 1.3.2 "'ring' or 'non-unital ring' or 'ring-without-1'" and instruct to "determine from context".