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User:SAMiller915/ Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

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Shiver is the first novel in the Wolves of Mercy Falls Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater. The novel follows Sam, a boy who turns into a wolf when it gets cold, and Grace, a girl who has admired the wolves in the woods behind her house for years. The next two books in the series are Linger, due to realease in July 20, 2010 and Forever, due to release in July, 2011.


On the edge of the Boundary Woods in Mercy Falls, Minnesota, lives a girl named Grace. As a child, she was stolen from her tire swing and attacked by a pack of wild wolves. As all of the beasts were ripping at her body, she noticed that one wolf, with beautiful yellow eyes, was standing back. For years after that day, he watches her from the woods, and she observes him from her yard, forming a silent bond that cannot be broken. Every winter, she sees the wolf that she begins to think of as her wolf, never aware of anything more. Then, when she's seventeen, a boy in her school named Jack is killed. Grace soon learns that "her" wolf really is Sam, a boy with a black mop top and the yellow eyes. In the summer, Sam gets to be a human in the warmth. But in the winter, he lives as a wold in the woods with his pack. It takes no time at all for them to fall in love, but their relationship is jeopardized. Sam's love for Grace leads his fight to remain human, but the oncoming winter is relentless.


Maggie Stiefvater's Website

Stiefvater, Maggie. Shiver Scholastic Press, 2009.

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