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Omhu is Danish for "with great care". Omhu is a New York-based company that aims to change the way people feel about aging and disability. Founded in January 2010 by Susy Korb, Rie Nørregaard and Susan Towers, Omhu (pronounced [om-who]) is working with a design collective on a range of products that help support people's abilities as they change throughout life. Omhu's first product (the Omhu cane) was a runner-up in the Cooper-Hewitt people's design award in October 2010. Other designers working with Omhu include Tucker Viemeister, Ted Muehling and Henrik Vibskov.

With more than 65 million Americans turning 65, and a world population that is aging rapidly, the relatively recent extension in longevity is a global problematic phenomenon. More people living longer is changing aging. Increased awareness of design and broad demand for better products that meet people's needs will drive development of better looking and functioning products to meet the demands of the next generation of baby booomers and beyond. Correspondingly decreasing numbers of younger people will have to take care of these much larger (and often sicker) elderly and the demand for products and services in this sector is set to grow.



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